The Lian Li Gallery

hey, i can take some pics for you if you want as to how i have it. mine are running fine. you might need to take off the pci slot covers that are in-between the cards.... and yea definately re-apply teh chipset cooler AS5

i never thought that the v1000 wa bad for sli, just try switching some case fan directions, moving some around etc
Endurance Man said:
Why do you need 3 cd/dvd roms?

i never said i need 3 optical drives :) the top one is used strictly for playback (DVD or CD) while the bottom 2 are Plextor burners. the Plextor DVD burner will be replaced soon with a faster Plextor.
Soon to be replaced with a V2000

Wondering if anyone has a pic of the front of a v1000 with blue lights in it...I want to see how even people are able to get the glow between the right and left side...



You're welcome, if you need some tips; im here to help

Edit: Dont worry about the rat's nest inside...ive fixed that.
Hey thanks alot! If you have more pics PM me and I'd love to take a closer look at how you set everything up but it looks pretty sweet
hey guys

im about to make my first Lian-Li purchase. I have decided on going with a v1000b Plus II to replace my Thermaltake Tsunami. The rest of the components are in the sig.

does anybody have a template as to where the most general cuts are to be made in that case? i tried going thru the thread to see what other people have done and only found the 1000b and not any 1000b plus II's.

so owners of the plus ii where did u cut into the case to hide ur wires.....and help is appreciated!
As it's been stated before, the major internals in the V1000 didn't change with the coming of the Plus 2 case. The only notable difference is the change from the rear blower style exhaust fan that exhausted heat to the rear of the case to the side exhaust on a bracket with a mesh area in the panel. That's it. So if you have found good places to cut a V1000 Plus for routing they should apply to a Plus 2.
Levell0rd said:
As it's been stated before, the major internals in the V1000 didn't change with the coming of the Plus 2 case. The only notable difference is the change from the rear blower style exhaust fan that exhausted heat to the rear of the case to the side exhaust on a bracket with a mesh area in the panel. That's it. So if you have found good places to cut a V1000 Plus for routing they should apply to a Plus 2.

didnt see any plus cases in the thread....just the regular v1000b's

haha...seems that we are replying to each other in different u find the v1000 to be a little small? do you think the components in my sig would fit in the case ok? (i think so - no SLI, floppy and only 1 optical)
alkoholik said:
didnt see any plus cases in the thread....just the regular v1000b's

haha...seems that we are replying to each other in different u find the v1000 to be a little small? do you think the components in my sig would fit in the case ok? (i think so - no SLI, floppy and only 1 optical)

my case is a plus edition, i just dont use any of its parts, look at ANY v1000 case to see where to cut, in the last 3 or 4 pages tehre are some great pics of the mosted needed cut on these cases
vsboxerboy said:
check out this thread:

I just got the case a little while ago and made my first effort at wire managemt. I'll post some pics when I get my cnps7000 in today :D but my management is nowhere like thisisglen but in my defense I do have 5HDDs in there but it looks pretty good to me.

excellent....thanks! that was exactly what I was looking for.
Joined the LL club today. Although I think the case looks a bit mundane I'm very impressed with the quietness and level of cooling running 2 Yate Loon 120s in the case and a Nexus on my Scythe Ninja. Motherboard and video card are passive.


S_T do your drives get hot? How did u fit them in bay area? Looks nice and celan!!!

Looks like the 7b plus
Stellar said:
Joined the LL club today. Although I think the case looks a bit mundane I'm very impressed with the quietness and level of cooling running 2 Yate Loon 120s in the case and a Nexus on my Scythe Ninja. Motherboard and video card are passive.



how do the yate loons compare to the stock fans that came with your PC-7? i'm running the stock ones still but have them on a fan controller, have been looking for good quiet 120mm fans. right now they are on the lowest setting (5v) and there is still a hum.

btw killer case, wish i gotten the PLUS II
I immediately swapped them out so I couldn't tell you how the stock fans compare. I know they run about ~1500RPM as opposed to the Yate Loon ~1300RPM.

The Yate Loons are very quiet at 12v, at 7v they are practically inaudible. I run them at full because even with all three at full the rig is overall so quiet that the second I put on my HD485's I can no longer here it at all (not listening to music).




^ This is the laser etch I got done for $100 (side window included) from The girl is from the MMO RF Online, cora. :D
^ This is the laser etch I got done for $100 (side window included) from The girl is from the MMO RF Online, cora. :D

not bad!

looks cool as hell!

I gotta get around to posting my LL soon. Just need to finish the damn thing.
You got any more pics of that Hard911? That looks to be VERY close to what I plan to do when I get my hands on a V2000. I was thinking a tri-rad on top and a double on bottem so I didnt have to whack the hard drive bays, it just remove the far one. I was also thinking of putting it over the PSU as to blow air over the mb components a bit. For the most part though, that matches what I want to do. I'd be interested in seeing some more pics if you have them.
nobi125 said:
To keep the hard drives nice and toasty?

My raptors are cool to touch so you can tell how well air cycling in my case, blowing in is better to suck it out since you have cool air from outside blow into your radiator also your case, you will have better results in term of performance and airflow inside your case
Hard911 said:
My raptors are cool to touch so you can tell how well air cycling in my case, blowing in is better to suck it out since you have cool air from outside blow into your radiator also your case, you will have better results in term of performance and airflow inside your case

nobi125 said:
To keep the hard drives nice and toasty?

belive me the AIR comming out of the RAD is barely higher in temps, and with a RaD tht big, im sure is tops 1-2f higher in temp that the room temp. Way cooler than the raptors and plenty cool to keep those drives cool and the rest of the case...
aiya said:
how do the yate loons compare to the stock fans that came with your PC-7? i'm running the stock ones still but have them on a fan controller, have been looking for good quiet 120mm fans. right now they are on the lowest setting (5v) and there is still a hum.

btw killer case, wish i gotten the PLUS II

The Yate Loons and the Nexus Real Silent Case fans are about the same from what I hear. I use qFan on the mobo and my front and CPU fan usually spin around 600-800RPM. Very quiet.
Very nice etch Jester...looks sweet.

Hard911...I like the "coolermaster esque" window there, looks pretty good.
hard911 .. looks awesome .. any pics of where u routed the cables .. etc .. looks very clean .. with a triple and a double rad .. are u planning on going sli ? and cooling the nb as well ?
aburgard said:
The Yate Loons and the Nexus Real Silent Case fans are about the same from what I hear. I use qFan on the mobo and my front and CPU fan usually spin around 600-800RPM. Very quiet.

They are the same fan, the Nexus just spins at a lower RPM from the factory.
rysher said:
u have a 120mm radiator on top or a 240 radiator. thanks.

Its a 240. Here's some more pics. Excuse the noobish cutting job, it was my first go at holes :). THey are old pics, and some of the components have changed, but its the same case.

