The Fallout New Vegas Thread * will contain spoilers *

Fatal bug in For the Republic 2... (spoilers of course)

This bug can be reproduced when you do Yes Man's quests, after his version of saving the president. If you then work for the NCR, they will give you the same quest of saving the president. If course, this is a bug and the game stops. It asks you to talk to Ranger Grant, but you cannot initiate ANY dialogue with him, unable to progress.

Some say use the command "setstage 00136166 100" to end the quest manually, but this is a poor workaround, as if one uses this to complete For the Republic Part 2, Legate in the end quest never appears.

Note that this is different from the Ranger Grant bug where the only thing you can say to him is "goodbye". Disabling him and re-enabling him (resetting his character) does not work for the former bug.

Any idea how we can get through this? Is it possible to "uncomplete" a completed quest in the past? I am thinking if we mark the Yes Man's quest version of saving the president to "not complete" we can then talk to Ranger Grant properly.

Obsidian, please fix this. You are highly notorious for releasing buggy games.
Okay, hardcore mode is not all that hardcore.

About halfway through the game (good karma) I got bored, so I made a save and went on a run'n'gun killing spree in The Strip. I eventually shot the way to the top of 38 and found out what his deal was, without even knowing any of the plot in between.

Kinda spoilered it for myself... but I guess the game lends itself to either play style.
>> The scorpions and the big flying things are just stopping me cold... My weapons are useless.

Explosives for the scorpions, or melee weapons if you are feeling brave, flamer for the cazadores (or just avaoid them, they are quite scary)

>> I am also getting annoyed big time by humans...They are hitting me from light years away with little 9mm pistols while on the move... I went near the prison and guys were hitting me with every shot from areas I could almost not see them. I'm talking I'm behind a rock, peek out and as soon as my toe gets around the rock, blammo!

Just wear decent armour. 10 DT for Reinf L Arm, 3 or 4 for a metal helmet, 9mm rounds bounce off you

>> this seems overly difficult to the point of being ridiculous. FO3 was definitely not this hard, specially not early on unless you wander to places you really shouldn't have gone in the first place.

If you treat it like FO3, you will die, a lot. Different opponents need different tactics
I entered a vault in which I was constantly being radiated. The NPC slowdown (yes I applied the .dll 'fix') was atrocious because there were ghouls everywhere. I have to use ifpsclamp=60, because if I don't the game stutters like mad. But if the game dips below 60 fps then everything becomes ultra slow mow, as though my character is walking beneath water.

I was being radiated, I couldn't find any key codes to get past locked doors, I was being attacked by ghouls, it was taking about a minute just to get to the end of a hallway due to the slow motion effect... it just wasn't fun at all.

I hope I saved before going in there.

Vault 34. It's a tough one but if you can get to the armoury it's well worth it because of the phat lootz. You'll want to pack some rad-x to lower radiation intake and take plenty of radaway, maybe 7-8 units total, you'll find quite a lot of both in there.

The ghouls can be tough, you'll want some good weapons and at least 1 companion, I advise Boone, give him a better weapon, I gave him the experimental weapon you can find hidden in ROBCONN.

The experimental weapon at ROBCONN is behind a door you need either 100 science to hack the terminal or 100 lockpick to pick, however if you go up 1 floor, there is a locked door (75 pick i think) you can go through and then drop back down into that room. Give that gun to Boone with loads of ammo you find about that facility and you'll make harder parts of the game like vault 34 a lot easier

If you want to get through vault 34 a bit faster i'll do a quick guide.

There is 2 flooded sections on 2 different floors, you have to swim into them both and find corpses trapped under water, get computer codes off them and use them codes at terminals (usually 100 science to hack), from the terminals you can drain the flooded area then revisit them areas and open previously sealed doors. Eventually you'll unlock the overseers office to fight a boss ghoul and some turrets, and from there you can unlock the armoury. Make sure to go into the vault with as much carry space as possible there is a lot of loot in the armoury, if you can't carry it all then make sure to use some duplicate weapons to simply repair 1 weapon to max health, you retain value this way

The issue with the frame rate you're having Wabe is that the engine actually bases the game time off your frame rate, which is why it's capped at 60fps, any less and game time slows down and any more and it speeds up, I'm running about 80fps and everything is slightly quicker, it makes the Cazers impossible to hit since they buzz around the place really fast. The stuttering is a problem, but as far as getting irradiated in vault 34, that rate should also be slower, so if you're redoing that area to get through with less exposure I wouldn't bother, unless you got entirely lost first time.

I'm a point now where I can't seem to go anywhere... I get mad rushed by things that I just can't kill fast enough or at all.. I'm at level 8 and the places I need to go I can't go to.

Unlike a lot of recent games the enemies don't level with you (near as I can tell) so there are some areas that are more dangerous at the start, the deathclaws for example will tear you a new one, despite them being quite close to the start area. Sticking to the road helps and doing missions in order you get them also helps. You want to get a companion as early as possible, ED-E can be fixed up in Primm early on.

The scorpions and the big flying things are just stopping me cold... My weapons are useless.

You'll have to avoid these areas until you have some more fire power and better armour. Always make sure to top up your armour strength by repairing from fallen enemies armour if it matches, the DT of the armour goes down when it takes damage and up when you repair it, some NPCs will fully repair it for you, but it costs a lot.

I am also getting annoyed big time by humans...They are hitting me from light years away with little 9mm pistols while on the move... I went near the prison and guys were hitting me with every shot from areas I could almost not see them. I'm talking I'm behind a rock, peek out and as soon as my toe gets around the rock, blammo!

You want to avoid long distance confrontations with humans, unless you're kitted out for it, if you want to fight long range make sure you're packing a rifle or sniper rifle and you need good gun skill.
Veronika is a pretty awsome ally she will punch thru about anything.. to bad she is a lesbo..

anyone else notice the massively gay overtones to the game i mean atleast 2 of the 6 or so companions are gay lots of chars in game make comments about being gay etc etc feels overly represented..
Veronika is a pretty awsome ally she will punch thru about anything.. to bad she is a lesbo..

anyone else notice the massively gay overtones to the game i mean atleast 2 of the 6 or so companions are gay lots of chars in game make comments about being gay etc etc feels overly represented..

There is supposed to be 1/10th of the population who are. So out of the worlds population thats too few. It seems more that people don't care either way kind of thing.
About radscorpions: they are heavily armored so unless you have ED-E with you, avoid them until you get some AP ammo.

And avoid Cazadores until you get a decent flamethrower or automatic weapon.
>> About radscorpions: they are heavily armored so unless you have ED-E with you, avoid them until you get some AP ammo.

Actually, avoid them until you get heavy calibre ammo. 5.56mm AP doesn't really touch them (partial exception if you have a crit heavy character, and Ratslayer), nor is 9mm / 10mm, even .357 AP ammo isn't terribly good, unless you have an excellent weapon to fire it from. I favour explosives early on, until I can get a decent stock of something bigger together

>> And avoid Cazadores until you get a decent flamethrower or automatic weapon.

Hell, yes. The Assault Carbine is going to be a rude shock for them though. With extended mags, you get a 30 shot burst, almost no muzzle sway / climb, and a decent punch from every round, it will be slaughter :)
There is supposed to be 1/10th of the population who are. So out of the worlds population thats too few. It seems more that people don't care either way kind of thing.

A completely made up on the spot farce statistic brought to you by the gay community.
In any case, my guess was that the over the top number of gay references was because a gay with some pull was on the scripting team, or it was just simple pandering.

Meh, aside from mild annoyance, it hardly matters. It's not like you have to engage in buttsecks to complete endgame or anything.
Yeah, about the FPS cap, the Stutter remover mod would only slow the game at a "minimum FPS" setting. The default was 10. Too bad you have to have your .exe unencrypted in order to run it right now. But that won't matter once NV script extender works. Which it sounds like, they aren't too far from releasing a beta.

A completely made up on the spot farce statistic brought to you by the gay community.
In any case, my guess was that the over the top number of gay references was because a gay with some pull was on the scripting team, or it was just simple pandering.

Meh, aside from mild annoyance, it hardly matters. It's not like you have to engage in buttsecks to complete endgame or anything.

Gays will complain if there isn't gay sex in games now. There was one lesbian person in "Meet the devs" thread on the official forums with strong opinions on the subject. I think it was the producer if I'm not mistaken.
You want to avoid long distance confrontations with humans, unless you're kitted out for it, if you want to fight long range make sure you're packing a rifle or sniper rifle and you need good gun skill.

my issue is that they just have magical shooting abilities with any weapon at any range...

Also, is it me or to the mods that make you run faster also make everything else move faster?
my issue is that they just have magical shooting abilities with any weapon at any range...

Also, is it me or to the mods that make you run faster also make everything else move faster?

Yeah, the current mods are like that. I find it better to mod a perk, so that you're unique. That's what I did. It's extremely easy to change it. I can step you through the GECK if you want.

But there's one character who will give you free repairs to 100% if you're playing as a gay male.

lol. That's kind of pathetic.
Gays will complain if there isn't gay sex in games now. There was one lesbian person in "Meet the devs" thread on the official forums with strong opinions on the subject. I think it was the producer if I'm not mistaken.

You had to know this kind of territory was going to get covered pretty fast.

Somehow my videogaming experience will still feel fulfilled and complete without me having any of this kind of crap in it.

Moving on...
But there's one character who will give you free repairs to 100% if you're playing as a gay male.

LOL. So your imaginary character has to have imaginary gay sex to repair your imaginary stuff. Is there a speech check to lie about it, or is it 'blow me and I'll fix your T51b to 100%'? Perhaps I can convince Boone to take one for the team.
LOL. So your imaginary character has to have imaginary gay sex to repair your imaginary stuff. Is there a speech check to lie about it, or is it 'blow me and I'll fix your T51b to 100%'? Perhaps I can convince Boone to take one for the team.

I'm a little frustrated. there's just so damn much to do in this game. And it kinda sucks that it's nearly impossible to do it all in one playthrough. I'm too worried about doing certain quests because of factions.

gah. I think i need to bite the bullet and just go do the main quest, then start a new game.

Especially swince I believe I'm at a point where most of my requests require certain factions, and areas that I'm pretty sure are vital to the main story line. (khans, BoS, and the Strip stuff). I'm trying to stay loyal to the NCR. The game makes it really hard to do though lol. mmm Archimedes.
I'm a little frustrated. there's just so damn much to do in this game. And it kinda sucks that it's nearly impossible to do it all in one playthrough. I'm too worried about doing certain quests because of factions.

gah. I think i need to bite the bullet and just go do the main quest, then start a new game.

Man, that's just the way it is with these things. And it's not a bad thing, either. I wish we had more games, quite frankly, where there was "too much to do." :)

Especially swince I believe I'm at a point where most of my requests require certain factions, and areas that I'm pretty sure are vital to the main story line. (khans, BoS, and the Strip stuff). I'm trying to stay loyal to the NCR. The game makes it really hard to do though lol. mmm Archimedes.

Yeah, but there were certain faction that were just so despicable even for my gray character (like the Legion) that I just wholesale went to war against them after a point. And I enjoyed it. :D

You had to know this kind of territory was going to get covered pretty fast.

Somehow my videogaming experience will still feel fulfilled and complete without me having any of this kind of crap in it.

Moving on...

Wow yeah... and the scarier part is what the mod maker says he won't do in the description. Sounds like people have been requesting some pretty nasty stuff.

I'm a little frustrated. there's just so damn much to do in this game. And it kinda sucks that it's nearly impossible to do it all in one playthrough. I'm too worried about doing certain quests because of factions.

gah. I think i need to bite the bullet and just go do the main quest, then start a new game.

Especially swince I believe I'm at a point where most of my requests require certain factions, and areas that I'm pretty sure are vital to the main story line. (khans, BoS, and the Strip stuff). I'm trying to stay loyal to the NCR. The game makes it really hard to do though lol. mmm Archimedes.

Yeah, I hate that feeling. I feel paralyzed too. I don't want to burn any bridges. And yet, I'm glad Obsidian is giving so many options.

So, for anyone who has played farther, is it a matter of me choosing to ally with one of those 3 factions?
I picked up the Anti-Material rifle from the GunRunners and WOW even though I am short on the STR requirement so it moves abit I still massacure stuff with it. Hard part is getting enough cases to make ammo. Is there anywhere that has a large stock of the ammo for it?
I picked up the Anti-Material rifle from the GunRunners and WOW even though I am short on the STR requirement so it moves abit I still massacure stuff with it. Hard part is getting enough cases to make ammo. Is there anywhere that has a large stock of the ammo for it?

It's too bad the Gun Runners weren't more fully developed. I see at least one mod trying to address that but does anyone else feel that way besides me?

And it seemed almost impossible for me to have a "peaceful" relationship with them. Did anyone pull that off?

Wow yeah... and the scarier part is what the mod maker says he won't do in the description. Sounds like people have been requesting some pretty nasty stuff.

Indeed. It speaks for itself.

Yeah, I hate that feeling. I feel paralyzed too. I don't want to burn any bridges. And yet, I'm glad Obsidian is giving so many options.

So, for anyone who has played farther, is it a matter of me choosing to ally with one of those 3 factions?

I've gotten far enough that, you're going to be making some tough choices. What I really commend Obsidian on here is that there is no "clean, lilly white, super good guy" side or way to go here.

I've already had times where I've either had to stop playing outright, think about it ,and fiddle with saves and see how I feel with different choices and STILL not be resolute on the matter.

Anyone who has run into Mr. House or Yes Man knows right away what I'm talking about.

I can tell there's NO way I'm going to end up being 100 percent satisfied with my choices no matter what I do and I think that's outstanding. There's no clean, easy answers here.

I really can't get over how much better and more sophisticated the writing and storytelling is in this. I know purists have their notions of what a "real RPG" is and I don't have a problem calling this a "hybrid" but for my money, this thing is also a lot more of a real RPG than Fallout 3 was, and I love Fallout 3 don't get me wrong.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome that they are doing what they are doing.

Below is mildly spoilery, but not so if you already met the Yes Man
Yeah, after talking to Yes Man, choices are tough. Though it appears I can still get some milage off of going along with Mr. House for a little while, even if I end up turning on him. It seems like giving him the chip won't hurt my options, but I'm not for sure. Really edgy stuff nevertheless ... so much so that I started over with a new character.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome that they are doing what they are doing.

Below is mildly spoilery, but not so if you already met the Yes Man
Yeah, after talking to Yes Man, choices are tough. Though it appears I can still get some milage off of going along with Mr. House for a little while, even if I end up turning on him. It seems like giving him the chip won't hurt my options, but I'm not for sure. Really edgy stuff nevertheless ... so much so that I started over with a new character.

That's awesome stuff.

There was a quick choice in dialog with yes man where YOU basically could become the new power and I think I missed it. I'll have to go back and see if I can still do it because I know I'd make a much better supreme force than Mr. House. ;) It's interesting that the NCR threatens to go foul on you pretty fast the more you start going along with yes man.
I upgraded the securitron's and plan to over throw Mr.House and take over myself. I have no use for the legion - slavery just isn't something I want to help promote. The NCR is buracratic but at least somewhat rationale and I just found the Brotherhood guys so we will see what they got going on before I decide. Sometimes I think the benevolent Dictator tops both.
I upgraded the securitron's and plan to over throw Mr.House and take over myself. I have no use for the legion - slavery just isn't something I want to help promote. The NCR is buracratic but at least somewhat rationale and I just found the Brotherhood guys so we will see what they got going on before I decide. Sometimes I think the benevolent Dictator tops both.

^^ I'm considering doing that myself if I still can.
Yeah, it appears that's a fourth option, and I'm thinking about doing the same thing you both mentioned.... yet I have a feeling that a lot of things will be turned upside down before the game ends. Man, makes me want to look at some guide to lay out my options, but I must resist.

edit.... Greatone123, didn't see your post until I posted.... sounds like I'll try that since you were happy.
Faction system is cool. I'm about 80 hours in - holy shit - and I have a rating of "very good messiah" despite just doing what I please. Friendly with the Brotherhood, NCR, Khans, White Gloves and whatever else even though they're all seemingly originally contesting each other. Not a case of allying yourself with one or two, but is apparently possible to unite or at leaste soothe relations between various factions depending on how you play.
Faction system is cool. I'm about 80 hours in - holy shit - and I have a rating of "very good messiah" despite just doing what I please. Friendly with the Brotherhood, NCR, Khans, White Gloves and whatever else even though they're all seemingly originally contesting each other. Not a case of allying yourself with one or two, but is apparently possible to unite or at leaste soothe relations between various factions depending on how you play.

I'm in good standing with all of them except for the Legion which I basically declared open war on and wiped a good chunk of them out. It is possible.

The Omerta and White Gloves also displeased me and I decided the Earth needed less of them. Or none at all. ;)
I'm a little frustrated. there's just so damn much to do in this game. And it kinda sucks that it's nearly impossible to do it all in one playthrough. I'm too worried about doing certain quests because of factions.

gah. I think i need to bite the bullet and just go do the main quest, then start a new game.

Especially swince I believe I'm at a point where most of my requests require certain factions, and areas that I'm pretty sure are vital to the main story line. (khans, BoS, and the Strip stuff). I'm trying to stay loyal to the NCR. The game makes it really hard to do though lol. mmm Archimedes.

Why complain about the stuff that makes the game much better than Fallout 3? One of my least favorite things about Oblivion was that you could do everything in one playthrough and it had very little effect on the actual gameworld.
I'm having a little trouble getting started. I've cleared everything in the first town and just finished the "who should be sheriff" quest in Pimm after clearing out the prison. Problem is, now even though I'm at level 7, too many side quests seem to be too strong for me. Deathclaws kill me instantly, I can't get to the town to repair my robot companion because mutants are too strong, giant scorpions are too strong...etc.
Is it wise to continue with the main plot or am I going to screw myself?
I'm having a little trouble getting started. I've cleared everything in the first town and just finished the "who should be sheriff" quest in Pimm after clearing out the prison. Problem is, now even though I'm at level 7, too many side quests seem to be too strong for me. Deathclaws kill me instantly, I can't get to the town to repair my robot companion because mutants are too strong, giant scorpions are too strong...etc.
Is it wise to continue with the main plot or am I going to screw myself?

Take a break from the main plot. ;)
there are tons of options. I went with me ruling all. I had to tell mr yes how I felt about each faction on his list so that could change things. Also even after that I had more then one way to handle things. I could destroy them all or I could go with a less violent way and they'll lose interest

I see paths as: legion, ncr, house, mr yes, at one point I even got benny to agree to work together and did some quests for him until I shot him at least.

I personally wish there were more brotherhood of steel involvement
I keep reading that RAD scorpions are too strong but i don't quite understand that.....I'm level 4 and they're easy peasy. Equip Flame thrower, hit them twice, run and wait and they're dead.
I keep reading that RAD scorpions are too strong but i don't quite understand that.....I'm level 4 and they're easy peasy. Equip Flame thrower, hit them twice, run and wait and they're dead.

Lol, well done, you've apparently grapsed that combat works differenrly, and you can't just expect your lame ass FO3 strategies to work exactly the same way in a different game ;) A lot of people have yet to realise that armour and weapons are different now, it seems.
Well there are more then 1 type of scorpion, going against a giant rad scorpion at 4 might not be as easy...