The Fallout New Vegas Thread * will contain spoilers *

I just beat the game going the NCR route. The ending was pretty fun with lots of gun fights. I think the next round i'm going to make a melee guy and join the brotherhood of steel.
Anyone got any mods that lets you use campfire skills at a stove/oven? I'm tired of not having one near my Lucky 38 suite.
Ooh, I just got burned.

An hour of playing without doing a save, then suddenly... Fallout New Vegas has stopped working. And somewhere during that hour I got my hands on a carbine rifle that was worth 4000 caps! Finally VATS was working from range.


Yup. I wouldn't know what it was like to play a modern Fallout game, going back to the early days of Fallout 3, without this happening at some point.
What I did was follow the road anti-clockwise around from the bottom town early on in the quest, but stray from the path and explore the settlements around Novac and the bottom/right corner of the map. Got a lot of cave exploring done, some nice gear and side jerbs pickdup.

Never really had any issue with difficulty on normal hardcore, so either this is a good route to take or I just got lucky with my build.

Counter clockwise was the way to go for me. Just now getting to deathclaws at level 14 or so and they're stil lhard. haha
At first I went clockwise, until I ram into the quarry people who told me about the death claws, so I was like fuck that, and turned around and went the other way. At least they warned me instead of letting me wander face first into the matriarch...
I no longer know what I'm doing or why.

Benny has fled from Vegas to Caesar's camp with the chip. I'm supposed to get it from him - but why? I'm not really following this. I mean, I don't really feel motivated to do this. The stakes just just don't feel high to me.

Obsidian should have made the main quest reward driven, so that you'd constantly be striving towards a known goal.

The wild goose chase aspect of this is growing thin.
Just finished vault 34 ... and now I am armed to the teeth. That armory was stocked.
>> I'm supposed to get it from him - but why?
>> I don't really feel motivated to do this.

So, the fact that he shot you in the face for it doesn't pique your interest, just a little? You're not even annoyed at him for leaving you in a shallow grave?
I no longer know what I'm doing or why.

Benny has fled from Vegas to Caesar's camp with the chip. I'm supposed to get it from him - but why? I'm not really following this. I mean, I don't really feel motivated to do this. The stakes just just don't feel high to me.

Obsidian should have made the main quest reward driven, so that you'd constantly be striving towards a known goal.

The wild goose chase aspect of this is growing thin.

The chase is basically done although you could have dealt with him in some manner before he ever had a chance to flee to the Legion.

>> I'm supposed to get it from him - but why?
>> I don't really feel motivated to do this.

So, the fact that he shot you in the face for it doesn't pique your interest, just a little? You're not even annoyed at him for leaving you in a shallow grave?

^^ That and the chip is the key to the entire game, the fate of all of New Vegas at least, and your character's destiny with a surprising number of choices, too.

Nah, the stakes aren't high enough. ;)
>> I'm supposed to get it from him - but why?
>> I don't really feel motivated to do this.

So, the fact that he shot you in the face for it doesn't pique your interest, just a little? You're not even annoyed at him for leaving you in a shallow grave?

I'm beginning to think that Wabe doesn't actually read any of the dialogue in the game, based on how he doesn't understand most motivations behind the characters or quests. And you don't have to get the Platinum Chip if you don't want to.

After beating this game, it really is what FO3 should have been. In fact, FO3 just seems like a lame spin-off title now with barely any relation to the series or continuity. Hopefully Obsidian helms Fallout 4, but that is incredibly unlikely.
I'm beginning to think that Wabe doesn't actually read any of the dialogue in the game, based on how he doesn't understand most motivations behind the characters or quests.

The writing and dialogue are excellent in this game and I, for one, would have a very hard time coming away feeling dissatisfied on these fronts. If you're skipping a lot of dialogue you're missing out huge in this game.

And you don't have to get the Platinum Chip if you don't want to.


After beating this game, it really is what FO3 should have been. In fact, FO3 just seems like a lame spin-off title now with barely any relation to the series or continuity. Hopefully Obsidian helms Fallout 4, but that is incredibly unlikely.

My biggest hope is that this is finally the last outing for the Gamebryo engine for any game. It just damned well needs to be.
My biggest hope is that this is finally the last outing for the Gamebryo engine for any game. It just damned well needs to be.

Pretty sure Bethesda said at one point that TES5 would be using an in-house engine.
I'm a bit stalled at level 11... taking my time, just sort of wandering around. I really don't like those legion guys. I slaughter them with extreme prejudice whenever I see them. I'll probably go see about the Crimson Caravan jobs before joining the NCR.

I have wasted about two hours trying to find the REPCONN facility which is on my map. I seem to be going in circles around it, can never seem to find it...
Just finished vault 34 ... and now I am armed to the teeth. That armory was stocked.

I must have done something wrong with this one, I keep hearing it was packed full of goodies but all I saw in there was lots of 34 security gear, the All American which is awful and about 30 10mm pistols and frag grenades.
They're more likely to use the idTech5 engine. Rage engine is sweet but I think it's for GTA IV only pretty much.

You're confusing the iD game Rage which uses idTech 5 with Rockstar's R.A.G.E. (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine)

In other news, I went back to Fallout 3 and basically did everything. Now trying to escape Raven Rock, the game crashes every single time I exit the base nomatter what I do (even removing all mods, putting the game back to stock, trying ever console trick, etc.). This is after slaving through tons of bugs inside the Jefferson Memorial and Vault 87 and inside Raven Rock itself where the game will slow down, the controls would cut it, the game would randomly freeze, etc.

I've had it with Gamebyro and Fallout on this engine. It's just not worth the pain. I think I'll pass on Vegas. It would be weird anyway, to go back to being a weak character when in Fallout 3, proper management of skills and learning pretty much meant that I had 100 skill points in almost everything.
I must have done something wrong with this one, I keep hearing it was packed full of goodies but all I saw in there was lots of 34 security gear, the All American which is awful and about 30 10mm pistols and frag grenades.

The All American is awful? It fits in perfectly between my Riot Shotgun and Anti-Material Rifle. Though I don't use it as often as those two, it certainly does have its uses when taking on multiple targets at medium range. Definitely prefer it over the Assault Carbine. The armory was also loaded with several big guns and sniper rifles too, great if you have Jury Rigging.

You're confusing the iD game Rage which uses idTech 5 with Rockstar's R.A.G.E. (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine)

In other news, I went back to Fallout 3 and basically did everything. Now trying to escape Raven Rock, the game crashes every single time I exit the base nomatter what I do (even removing all mods, putting the game back to stock, trying ever console trick, etc.). This is after slaving through tons of bugs inside the Jefferson Memorial and Vault 87 and inside Raven Rock itself where the game will slow down, the controls would cut it, the game would randomly freeze, etc.

I've had it with Gamebyro and Fallout on this engine. It's just not worth the pain. I think I'll pass on Vegas. It would be weird anyway, to go back to being a weak character when in Fallout 3, proper management of skills and learning pretty much meant that I had 100 skill points in almost everything.

Yeah, the Gamebryo engine is a steaming pile of shit. New Vegas is going to be the last Fallout game I buy on day one by Bethesda if they continue to use this engine. It's hideous, terribly unstable and they don't seem to be attempting to improve it at all.
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>> the All American which is awful

How so? Marksman carbines are pretty good, and this is an uprated one, what's not to love? There's also a couple of grenade launchers, a minigun, a riot shotgun, even a pulse gun, which is just awesome. What exactly were you hoping for then?
I no longer know what I'm doing or why.

Benny has fled from Vegas to Caesar's camp with the chip. I'm supposed to get it from him - but why? I'm not really following this. I mean, I don't really feel motivated to do this. The stakes just just don't feel high to me.

Obsidian should have made the main quest reward driven, so that you'd constantly be striving towards a known goal. Do you even know what the platinum chip does yet?

The wild goose chase aspect of this is growing thin.

Wow, my game is totally different. Benny didn't have a chance when I first made it to new vegas. Obsidian really did add some variety.

I'm beginning to think that Wabe doesn't actually read any of the dialogue in the game, based on how he doesn't understand most motivations behind the characters or quests. And you don't have to get the Platinum Chip if you don't want to.

As far as I recall, Wabe chose to go in this without role play. 1 or 2 charisma and mow down the whole casino population upon entry. Unless he's role playing a psycho character. ;)

Man, if you don't kill everyone off, it's real easy to see how Obsidian is superior to most game devs in writing quality.

You're confusing the iD game Rage which uses idTech 5 with Rockstar's R.A.G.E. (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine)

In other news, I went back to Fallout 3 and basically did everything. Now trying to escape Raven Rock, the game crashes every single time I exit the base nomatter what I do (even removing all mods, putting the game back to stock, trying ever console trick, etc.). This is after slaving through tons of bugs inside the Jefferson Memorial and Vault 87 and inside Raven Rock itself where the game will slow down, the controls would cut it, the game would randomly freeze, etc.

I've had it with Gamebyro and Fallout on this engine. It's just not worth the pain. I think I'll pass on Vegas. It would be weird anyway, to go back to being a weak character when in Fallout 3, proper management of skills and learning pretty much meant that I had 100 skill points in almost everything.

which console trick? Did you use "COC" ?
I've had it with Gamebyro and Fallout on this engine. It's just not worth the pain. I think I'll pass on Vegas. It would be weird anyway, to go back to being a weak character when in Fallout 3, proper management of skills and learning pretty much meant that I had 100 skill points in almost everything.

Man, you're missing out. Not only is New Vegas superior to Fallout 3 in every single area, but it's one of the better RPG's I've played in years.

Parmenides said:
Man, if you don't kill everyone off, it's real easy to see how Obsidian is superior to most game devs in writing quality.

Most people won't notice this, however, considering how the Bethesda forums is full of complaints like "It's an inferior Fallout game because there's not enough loot or dungeons".

Loot and dungeons. This is what Todd Howard has done to the franchise.
New Vegas is indeed more fun than Fallout 3, but Gamebyro IS a piece of steaming semen, with lots of bugs. It also looks horrible even at the highest settings, textures are diarrhea blurry, animations are boner-stiff.

But the writing is good. And it's fun. Despite its repeated hits with the ugly stick and buggy stick.
Perhaps it's odd, but I've not had a single crash with this game at this point. Anyone else?
Perhaps it's odd, but I've not had a single crash with this game at this point. Anyone else?

Only on the game loader. Not the actual game. It does occasionally minimize for no reason (without anything going on on the desktop). The game loader randomly crashes a few times before I can load it, but I am using mods. The game missions however and the game itself is rather buggy. Like the time I was stuck looking up using a computer...and couldn't exit.
Yeah, the Gamebryo engine is a steaming pile of shit. New Vegas is going to be the last Fallout game I buy on day one by Bethesda if they continue to use this engine. It's hideous, terribly unstable and they don't seem to be attempting to improve it at all.

They did buy ID. And the ID tech 5 engine does look good. Would make sense to use that.
Most people won't notice this, however, considering how the Bethesda forums is full of complaints like "It's an inferior Fallout game because there's not enough loot or dungeons".

Loot and dungeons. This is what Todd Howard has done to the franchise.

That is a shame. They want more generic dungeons without thought. They need to go back to Diablo if they want loot and dungeons. I hope the bethseda doesn't get the "overal message" that the population wants a dumbed down dungeon crawl. I loved Oblivion and FO3 too, but Obsidian is really hitting thing right.

Man, I hope Bethseda and Obsidian work together again. Since TESV won't happen until the next gen console (I really don't know that), maybe they can get Obsidian to do TES: Skyrim or something. Actually, knowing Obsidian, it'd probably be TES: Blackmarsh. I'd even take the current version of the Gamebryo engine (and that says something).

Perhaps it's odd, but I've not had a single crash with this game at this point. Anyone else?

I've had about maybe 5 total. Compared to Morrowind, Oblivion, and FO3. That's extremely good for me.
>> the All American which is awful

How so? Marksman carbines are pretty good, and this is an uprated one, what's not to love? There's also a couple of grenade launchers, a minigun, a riot shotgun, even a pulse gun, which is just awesome. What exactly were you hoping for then?

I didn't find any of those. I checked all my companions since they can apparently vacuum good stuff up, and Veronica had the special minigun. All that I found in 34 (and I did find the armoury) was 10mm stuff and the riot shotgun.

I was underwhelmed with the All American because it just wasn't nearly as good as anything else I had about ten levels before. By the time I found it I had 100 in guns and it still didn't come close to This Machine, the Cowboy Rifle or Brush Gun or even some of the pistols like Lucky. The round just doesn't have the stopping power compared to other just as common ammunition. I didn't even find it to be that accurate. Fired carefully at glowing ones it would take over ten round to drop one, compared to a single round from anything else.
Here's some insider knowledge!

Originally, Obsidian intended for you to be able to play after beating the game, but due to the space constraints on a DVD9, well, they just couldn't fit another 20,000 or so lines of people reacting to what you did throughout the game.
Here's some insider knowledge!

Originally, Obsidian intended for you to be able to play after beating the game, but due to the space constraints on a DVD9, well, they just couldn't fit another 20,000 or so lines of people reacting to what you did throughout the game.

This doesn't really make sense, because the current game's dialogue system is broken and it's just a job done sloppy. It's not consistent with your actions and such.

Lazy designers.
Here's some insider knowledge!

Originally, Obsidian intended for you to be able to play after beating the game, but due to the space constraints on a DVD9, well, they just couldn't fit another 20,000 or so lines of people reacting to what you did throughout the game.

Is that for the xbox?

But the HDD install space is like 7gb (with mods) and a DVD9 is 8.4GB so that looks a little suspect (unless i've missed something, especially as it's a steam game, DVDs are cheap for the PC [no ms dvd tax]and the PS3 uses 25gb minimum Blu rays) I call lazy shenanigans!!!
Well you have to remember there are multiple ways to complete the game, and there are tons of NPC's in all with spoken dialogue. There's supposed to be some post-game NPC dialogue in the GECK.

And yes, I'm talking about space issues on the Xbox 360.
Did loads this weekend, unlocking the entire map is insane, I'm level 30 now with 100 skill in about 5-6 different things and I'm sweet talking, hacking and shooting my way through enemies, got my power armour and gauss rifle (god I miss that from Fallout2)

I've done most of the freeside quests and I'd say about 70% of the quests outside of new vegas, but I have yet to really fully explore the strip or go anywhere near the dam. I have so much done though, everything south of vegas is done, the Khans are no longer aligned with the Legion, Nelis air force base is all completed. Brotherhood of Steel quests are all done. Camp Mcarren is sorted. ED-E and Boone quests lines there is so much to do in this game it's not even funny...

They've made a really solid game, it's got its fare share of bugs, once you've worked through some fixes it's bearable, getting crossfire working was my main one, altough I get period slow down still which is resolved by alt tabbing then tabbing back...strange.

I hope Obsidian are in charge of whatever future Fallout titles await us, it's a shame they're not in charge of the Fallout MMO
This doesn't really make sense, because the current game's dialogue system is broken and it's just a job done sloppy. It's not consistent with your actions and such.

Lazy designers.

I've found it to be very consistent, had the outcome of no small number of quests dictated by the path I took in earlier, related quests and my standing with certain factions/individuals.
There are some key events in the game that cause NPCs to also talk about various different things to make the world feel a bit more coherent, for example if you let the monorail get blown up, most of the NPCs around New Vegas will natter about it, and a few days later they will start nattering about it being fixed, which I though was neat.

People also treat you differently depending on faction status, when you're liked they will be much more upbeat and positive towards you, and even bring you stuff, the Brotherhood of Steel leave me energy cells in a crate in their base, the Kings gang in Freeside bring me caps and other little gifts from time to time, god bless the kings.
I didn't find any of those. I checked all my companions since they can apparently vacuum good stuff up, and Veronica had the special minigun. All that I found in 34 (and I did find the armoury) was 10mm stuff and the riot shotgun.

I was underwhelmed with the All American because it just wasn't nearly as good as anything else I had about ten levels before. By the time I found it I had 100 in guns and it still didn't come close to This Machine, the Cowboy Rifle or Brush Gun or even some of the pistols like Lucky. The round just doesn't have the stopping power compared to other just as common ammunition. I didn't even find it to be that accurate. Fired carefully at glowing ones it would take over ten round to drop one, compared to a single round from anything else.

Hmmm, odd that you didn't find any more interesting stuff in there. Odder still that you found the All American lacking in power, it's got nearly the same DAM as a Cowboy Repeater, and massively better ROF, and a proper scope.

It can't match a .44 / .45 - 70 chambered weapon for raw power (especially This Machine), granted, but for shooting up critters and lightly armoured humans, I find it hard to beat. I'll even take on baby Deathclaws with it (not the bigger ones, though. They get a .50 Match Load to the face :D). I do try hard not to buy much, if any, "standard" ammo from vendors though, so I'm reliant on finding or reloading larger calibres, which makes me slightly wary of blazing away with the bigger guns, especially as I typically have my human companion loaded up with one, and they can really blow through ammo. On the other hand, I'm normally swimming in 5.56mm, so I don't mind blowing through 2 or 3 clips of that at range
Keep tabs on your NPCs guys. I noticed Boone had casually discarded both the Prototype Gauss weapon and Knock-Knock in combat (on separate occasions).