The Fallout New Vegas Thread * will contain spoilers *

I got a bit frustrated last night playing this.

I entered a vault in which I was constantly being radiated. The NPC slowdown (yes I applied the .dll 'fix') was atrocious because there were ghouls everywhere. I have to use ifpsclamp=60, because if I don't the game stutters like mad. But if the game dips below 60 fps then everything becomes ultra slow mow, as though my character is walking beneath water.

I was being radiated, I couldn't find any key codes to get past locked doors, I was being attacked by ghouls, it was taking about a minute just to get to the end of a hallway due to the slow motion effect... it just wasn't fun at all.

I hope I saved before going in there.
I only have been in one vault, but that one seemed more deep than FO3 vaults. Vegas Strip isn't big, but the insides of the casinos have a lot more stuff and areas going on than I initially thought. I'm trying to ask questions first before I do any killing in casinos, and I'm finding that approach worthwhile. Especially since I don't have gimped speechcraft.

I haven't even met up with the Romans yet, other than that first massacred town, Boone sniping randoms, and a random small encampment. Will I even care to join up with them in a future playthrough?

The strip itself is the ugliest part of the game. Outdoors, the engine is really nice. Indoors it sucks. The Vegas strip makes the game look horribly outdated.
I got a bit frustrated last night playing this.

I entered a vault in which I was constantly being radiated. The NPC slowdown (yes I applied the .dll 'fix') was atrocious because there were ghouls everywhere. I have to use ifpsclamp=60, because if I don't the game stutters like mad. But if the game dips below 60 fps then everything becomes ultra slow mow, as though my character is walking beneath water.

I was being radiated, I couldn't find any key codes to get past locked doors, I was being attacked by ghouls, it was taking about a minute just to get to the end of a hallway due to the slow motion effect... it just wasn't fun at all.

I hope I saved before going in there.

V-sync off?

The strip itself is the ugliest part of the game. Outdoors, the engine is really nice. Indoors it sucks. The Vegas strip makes the game look horribly outdated.

Yup, there's definitely areas in there that I'm hoping the mod community buffs up and helps out.
The main issue with the strip, I think, is the static, almost neon green plant life. Tone down the intensity on those textures and get them moving a little and things would look better.
>> Also it seems like I'm finding myself fighting multiple opponents more often than with FO3

Yes, finally a game that doesn't just give enemies a million HP to increase the challenge (a la Super Mutant Overlords and Albino Radscorpions), but gives them numbers. Getting rushed by half a dozen geckos can still be a challenge, even if most of them are youngsters. And Giant Radscorpion swarms are still deadly, even with ED / Boone. I need a higher DAM weapon to reliably get through their armour, the .357 rounds don't quite cut it. I need to be shooting .44 / .45 - 70, something like that

>> Many of the enemies just seem almost impossible to kill with normal weapons

Look for the red shield when you target them. If it's there, you won't do any real damage

As for the map, it's nearly the same in terms of size and numbers of locations, but the distribution os more even. In FO3, you had loads crammed into DC for the subway stations, so the widerness ones could be quite spread out. How much walking to reach the Republic of Dave...?
I didn't find the strip bad, as it's supposed to be dressed up in gaudy colors. It wouldn't be vegas otherwise. It just felt small. Fortunately the inside of the casinos felt full (

Wabe, I hate to say it, but if you're dipping below 60 FPS too often, then you should set ifpsclamp=30. That will help with the dips. On these gamebryo games, 30 FPS isn't too noticeable.

BTW, I think there is a new .dll made for nvidia. Also, I think I read somewhere that there is yet another nvidia driver patch that will smooth things out.
Yes, finally a game that doesn't just give enemies a million HP to increase the challenge (a la Super Mutant Overlords and Albino Radscorpions), but gives them numbers.

I couldn't say YES enough times to this. I've been thinking this since Morrowind. More enemies = more challenge and fun. Get rid of the hitpoint bloat! There's nothing more wild than a feral ghoul rampage. With FO3, I got the MMM mod and upped the spawn #'s. Wow, that was fun. I'm glad Obsidian has been taking notes.

As for the map, it's nearly the same in terms of size and numbers of locations, but the distribution os more even. In FO3, you had loads crammed into DC for the subway stations, so the widerness ones could be quite spread out. How much walking to reach the Republic of Dave...?

Yeah, I agree. The areas away from DC were so empty. Also, NV has more variety. The DC subway stations were pretty repetitive.
The one thing I don't like about ED-E is that he senses every emeny in a 100 mile radius. It's difficult sometimes to pick up which ones are close up and the ones that aren't even close by. What would be cool is if the red radar marks on the radar were either lighter or darker depending on the emeny's proxicimity or something along those lines the which would indicate if an emeny is close or far.

The Asuka UI mod does offer different shades of red depending on how far the enemy is.
I'm a point now where I can't seem to go anywhere... I get mad rushed by things that I just can't kill fast enough or at all.. I'm at level 8 and the places I need to go I can't go to.

The scorpions and the big flying things are just stopping me cold... My weapons are useless.

I am also getting annoyed big time by humans...They are hitting me from light years away with little 9mm pistols while on the move... I went near the prison and guys were hitting me with every shot from areas I could almost not see them. I'm talking I'm behind a rock, peek out and as soon as my toe gets around the rock, blammo!

this seems overly difficult to the point of being ridiculous. FO3 was definitely not this hard, specially not early on unless you wander to places you really shouldn't have gone in the first place.
I'm a point now where I can't seem to go anywhere... I get mad rushed by things that I just can't kill fast enough or at all.. I'm at level 8 and the places I need to go I can't go to.

The scorpions and the big flying things are just stopping me cold... My weapons are useless.

I am also getting annoyed big time by humans...They are hitting me from light years away with little 9mm pistols while on the move... I went near the prison and guys were hitting me with every shot from areas I could almost not see them. I'm talking I'm behind a rock, peek out and as soon as my toe gets around the rock, blammo!

this seems overly difficult to the point of being ridiculous. FO3 was definitely not this hard, specially not early on unless you wander to places you really shouldn't have gone in the first place.

Have you tried turning down the difficulty? (that's what it's for)
I'm a point now where I can't seem to go anywhere... I get mad rushed by things that I just can't kill fast enough or at all.. I'm at level 8 and the places I need to go I can't go to.

The scorpions and the big flying things are just stopping me cold... My weapons are useless.

I am also getting annoyed big time by humans...They are hitting me from light years away with little 9mm pistols while on the move... I went near the prison and guys were hitting me with every shot from areas I could almost not see them. I'm talking I'm behind a rock, peek out and as soon as my toe gets around the rock, blammo!

this seems overly difficult to the point of being ridiculous. FO3 was definitely not this hard, specially not early on unless you wander to places you really shouldn't have gone in the first place.

If you stick to the roads you should be relatively safe. Going off the beaten path reveals new places to explore but tougher enemies.

As for the prison, you can disguise yourself as a powder ganger by wearing one of their outfits.
Setting ifpsclamp to 30 or even 50 makes my character run around at blinding speed, like a cartoon on fast forward, and that's even worse than the slow mo effect.

I have a better idea. Obsidian needs to fix what is clearly an issue being experienced by a massive number of people.

This NPC issue simply wasn't present in Fallout 3. This is Obsidian's doing, and they need to undo it, pronto. I mean what is it with this developer. They take things that work, and break them. At least they're consistent.
No need to mess with the difficulty bar. Repair ED-E and you get a good spotter. Also, be aware of your surroundings and where you are going. Some places are worse than others. And you definitely need to get a gun better than the pea shooter (varmint rifle) you start with in the tutorial. Though it still works well for sniping for a good while.
There's a named .357 called Lucky at Primm. You need 75 lockpicking, it's in the Bison Hotel. I'm Level 16 and I still use it.
Setting ifpsclamp to 30 or even 50 makes my character run around at blinding speed, like a cartoon on fast forward, and that's even worse than the slow mo effect.

I have a better idea. Obsidian needs to fix what is clearly an issue being experienced by a massive number of people.

This NPC issue simply wasn't present in Fallout 3. This is Obsidian's doing, and they need to undo it, pronto. I mean what is it with this developer. They take things that work, and break them. At least they're consistent.

It's definitely not a new problem. My computer suffers from it bad in Oblivion (even without mods!), but it has no problem with New Vegas.
Setting ifpsclamp to 30 or even 50 makes my character run around at blinding speed, like a cartoon on fast forward, and that's even worse than the slow mo effect.

I have a better idea. Obsidian needs to fix what is clearly an issue being experienced by a massive number of people.

This NPC issue simply wasn't present in Fallout 3. This is Obsidian's doing, and they need to undo it, pronto. I mean what is it with this developer. They take things that work, and break them. At least they're consistent.

It does need to be fixed. The game has only been out about 10 days.

Let's all take a little solace in that if nothing else. We've already seen two patches of some sort or another which is WAY better than it was in the early days of the original Fallout 3.

Yes, we know it got put out for a deadline and probably could have stood another month or so of some QC but welcome to modern day videogaming, where you know you can put something out and try and play catchup later thanks to the Internet and downloading patches and such.

Do I like that? No. Is that reality? Unfortunately, yes. It is what it is.
How do you get your companions to use weapons you give them? I tried giving Rose a rifle and she wouldn't use anything but that darn shotgun she started with.
How do you get your companions to use weapons you give them? I tried giving Rose a rifle and she wouldn't use anything but that darn shotgun she started with.

Best guess: Will they pick the "Strongest" weapon? Is the shottie in better condition and/or stronger than the rifle?

I usually just give them exactly what I want them to use and strip off anything else, if all else fails.
They use the best weapon available, and their fighting style dictates what they're most effective with. I've given Rose Lucky since I got my .45-70 gear and she's taken to using it over her shotgun. It seems to use the default .357 world texture though.
It's easy to kill things with the new bullet types they provide, AP for armored and HP for regulars. Just invest money in better bullets.

NPCs will use whatever is the better weapon, not sure on the specifics but it could be DPS based, their specialty might also factor in it. That would mean Rose would preferably use a shotgun or a weapon with greater DPS than the one she is already using. Staying away from other weapon types.

I have Boone using an Anti-Materiel Rifle... and it's pretty much disgusting. But most of the time i leave him to use a silenced Sniper Rifle.
No need to mess with the difficulty bar. Repair ED-E and you get a good spotter. Also, be aware of your surroundings and where you are going. Some places are worse than others. And you definitely need to get a gun better than the pea shooter (varmint rifle) you start with in the tutorial. Though it still works well for sniping for a good while.

Well sure, if you don't want to turn the difficulty town, then become a better player. Some people however are really whiny and don't think they they should have to grow their skills some threw experience/trying new things.
Well sure, if you don't want to turn the difficulty town, then become a better player. Some people however are really whiny and don't think they they should have to grow their skills some threw experience/trying new things.

Also, people seem to think that this should be exactly like Fallout 3 difficulty wise (piss-easy).

Just finished Vault 11. That was a pretty amazing experience.
Anyone else have problems with your companions randomly disappearing or losing their weapons? I gave Veronica a Super Sledge, but it's now gone. I also had ED-E and Veronica just randomly disappear. I backtracked like crazy thinking they were stuck somewhere, but to no avail...had to reload. The strange thing is I still retained their perks.

Oh and the Anti-Material rifle is freakn' boss. One shot almost everything, including Deathclaws, without any specialty ammunition. Never thought of putting it on Boone, I'm going to give that a try. :D
Noticed a strange bug....hydration was working backwards (drinking added to your #, making you more dehydrated). Toggling hardcore on/off fixed it.
Anyone else have problems with your companions randomly disappearing or losing their weapons? I gave Veronica a Super Sledge, but it's now gone. I also had ED-E and Veronica just randomly disappear. I backtracked like crazy thinking they were stuck somewhere, but to no avail...had to reload. The strange thing is I still retained their perks.

I've had that happen, too, a couple of times.

Oh and the Anti-Material rifle is freakn' boss. One shot almost everything, including Deathclaws, without any specialty ammunition. Never thought of putting it on Boone, I'm going to give that a try. :D

Sounds like a recipie for some more mass scale ass kickin's. :D
Anyone else have problems with your companions randomly disappearing or losing their weapons? I gave Veronica a Super Sledge, but it's now gone.

If the weapon becomes so damaged as to become unusable, then they drop it, and say something to that effect. I had Boone drop the Anti-Materiel rifle, and say something, and I was like "WTF?" then I picked it up and it had 0 health. Repaired it and gave it back, no biggie.
Anyone else beat it? Anyone else think that Obsidian should know better than to just end the game? Wasn't that one of the biggest complaints of the last one, that to continue playing you had to use a save file from before your finish?
Anyone else beat it? Anyone else think that Obsidian should know better than to just end the game? Wasn't that one of the biggest complaints of the last one, that to continue playing you had to use a save file from before your finish?

There could be future D.L.C that lets you do that.
Well I'm seriously stuck on the "still in the dark" mission.

I got two holotapes and the 3rd one is impossible.
It should be in the radiation crater next to black mountain.
All that's there is 3 skeletons (there should be 3 BoS members).
I'm totally stumped :/

edit: How do you add spoiler tags?
edit 2: thnx
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Go east out of Hidden Valley, and the crater is right after a vehicle. They should be there. It's also right before the valley goes north. I've never seen them not be there.

Sorry if this isn't helpful.
No not there.

Unless I'm doing it wrong!?
I'm right on top of the map marker.

Anyone else beat it? Anyone else think that Obsidian should know better than to just end the game? Wasn't that one of the biggest complaints of the last one, that to continue playing you had to use a save file from before your finish?

I haven't beaten it yet but I've been hearing about this.

I'm amazed they repeated this mistake from the first game but they want you to be all eager to pony up the cash for that first DLC. ;)
At least the factions mean a little more this time around. You pretty much had good and evil in Fo3.

This time around we have evil, less evil, and indifferent. ;)

Faction interaction was something you had to dig a little for in Fo3. And even then it was really just a matter of karma and doing a few side quests for a special weapon or armor. The factions themselves had almost nothing to do with endgame.

New Vegas feels more like Morrowind than Fo3 did.
Anyone else beat it? Anyone else think that Obsidian should know better than to just end the game? Wasn't that one of the biggest complaints of the last one, that to continue playing you had to use a save file from before your finish?

Really? I mean the game even gives a warning message that says continuing is the end of the road.
Plus you could just, you know, do all the sidequests before finishing the game.

I never understood that complaint.
Has anyone figure out how to use the VR simulators in Nellis? Or is it just not possible at all.