Foxconn C51XEM2AA AM2 SLI Will the Zalman 9500 Fit??


Jun 29, 2004
I going to buy this motherboard tonight.But read a couple of review that say the .
1)the first dim slot will me close to some types of Cooler..
I love the look of this one and hope it fits??

Anybody usiing one...PLease update..thanks
Any reason why you're picking that board over an Asus or Gigabyte board with passive cooling?

IIRC, one of the dimms will be blocked on the Foxconn board by the Zalman.

Good luck.
I going to use the mb in a Lian Li v1200..unless i take of the coolin pipes off the Asus wouldn't work..if I'm right about that..I haven't checked out the Gigabyte yet..I will check into that one....I like the foxconn's color..the black looks hot :D
Alot of good review on the web about foxconn to are swaying me to it..
I have this board and a Zalman 9500 - it works great - definetly does not block anything.

I highly recommend this board over the ASUS model - which seems depertly plagued with memory compatibility problems.

Everything on this board has worked great and as advertised. They even went out of the way on the accessories with rounded ide cables and RoHS SATA cables.

BTW the Foxconn board is the Nvidia Reference design. Nvidia worked with Zalman to make sure the 9500 AM2 would fit this board. The Zalman 9500 is the cooler recommended by Nvidia.
Mwarhead said:
I have this board and a Zalman 9500 - it works great - definetly does not block anything.

I highly recommend this board over the ASUS model - which seems depertly plagued with memory compatibility problems.

Everything on this board has worked great and as advertised. They even went out of the way on the accessories with rounded ide cables and RoHS SATA cables.

BTW the Foxconn board is the Nvidia Reference design. Nvidia worked with Zalman to make sure the 9500 AM2 would fit this board. The Zalman 9500 is the cooler recommended by Nvidia.

Well first thanks for the infomation..Can I see a picture..plz
And yup..I would like to know this also...(does it fit in any orientation (fan facing up/down, or left/right)?.I've looked at the board to place the Zalman..and if I'm right it fits..left to right..which is how I want it to fit....So a picture would be great for all to see..please post it here.. :cool:
I only tried it vertically. It looks to me like it would fit any way - but I will take a picture when I get my digital camera
thanks I'll be waiting to see your great work :D

P.S..ok after looking at the info that came with the cooler can mount it any way you like..
thanks allways guys for the input..I love this place :) :cool:
Here are the pictures. I snapped these quickly for you yesterday. This is still a work in progress - I havent done the cable management yet. Just been too busy testing out games on it to see what it can really do. Still sitting on my bench with the case off.

After closer look it seems like the only logial way to mount the heatsink on this board is vertically. You probably could mount it horizontally but you would block a ddr 2 slot unless it was slim ram which the corsair xms2 ram I'm running definetly isn't. The heatsink sitll fits well and works perfectly.






I should post some pictures when I am done and have it properly over clocked :D
Note, when taking photos without flash please hold off on the bawls/jolt cola/coffee for at least 6 hours beforehand. :p

Great cooler though, I love the chrome plated look and it makes me want to ditch my current 9500 for the AM2 version. :D
Mwarhead said:
Yeah I have never had steady hands - I should buy a tripod for it :D

Oh So True :D ..thanks for the pic's..your a pal :p

P.S. Mwarhead what kind of motherboard is that..I was try to look at it but your shot was up close...
Thats the Foxconn C51XEM2AA


This is what it looks like not in the case and extremely close up :D

(stolen from newegg)

Here are some clearer pictures


Haha..thats the board I going to get..I want to buy the mb and cpu together....FX 62!!
So far I bought ..2GB OCZ PC2-6400 DDR2 Platinum XTC OCZ2P800
I bought a used Evga 7800 gt for testing till i get a BFG 7950 GX2,4/WD 500GB 16mg 2RE hard Drives raid 2 5 :D
Going to be slow going for a while but..soon.. I want to make it HOT!! :D

Your system looks good..A little wire mgt and you'll be good to go