Socket AM2 Club!

Atually sold the 3000 and bought an 4000 x2 and looks like I might sell this and go back to a 3000! lol
Could i join the Socket AM2 Club.
Specs in sig

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+



thanks alot
I updated the list and add the currently available 65nm Processors.
Can I join? ,I just got my AM2 system running(my first ever build:D )currently testing my oc idk if il be able to find the reciept but I could probably post a cpu-z screenshot.
can anybody do close to 500mhz at 1T?


My ram is ddr2 667 and I cant get 1t when under stock clocks with my ram(probably incorrect timings) do you know why this might be happening(I havent looked what the command rate is for stock speed on the ram)is there any real world performancegain from running 1t?
Anyone know what could be hindering my overclock? im mega stable at 2.5 but at 2.6 I get lock ups I dont think its a voltage issue because it is set at 1.450 vcore in bios and cpu-z reports it as1.45-1.480 so I think its getting enough voltage also my temps at full load are around 45c when using coretemp as my temp reader, the only settings in the ios ive touched are:fsb voltage and set the ram at a lower speed for more headroom when overclocking,oh and also changed the ht link thing to a lower one(it runs stock at 1000mhz and now its running at 750mhz.

ok, il try it, im thinking the northbridge might be getting a little bit hot and making my overclock less stable, by lowering the ht link will the northbridge run cooler?
Im down as i have 3 AM2 powered rigs. To bad my new SFF rig im building will be using a 939 :( . Sign me up

AMD 5200+, 4200+ & 4200+
AM2 question about the upcoming AMD Quadcore (agena?):

Is the current AM2 socket going to be ok for these things? I read something about a socket AM2+ but AM2 would just need a firware update? Can anyone clear this up for me?
the quads are supposed to drop right into the AM2 socket according to AMD from all their releases I've heard. I would assume a simple BIOS update would do the trick. The AM2+ are for DDR3 memory, are they not? Kinda confusing.
Hmm, wasn't added.

Heres the pictures for proof of my Athlon 64 3500+ AM2



The motherboard and heatsink alone are proof enough :D

-edit- Pictures taken before cable management.
That reminds me, I don't remember if I ever upped my pic.
I've got some more under the TT section of case modding.
the quads are supposed to drop right into the AM2 socket according to AMD from all their releases I've heard. I would assume a simple BIOS update would do the trick. The AM2+ are for DDR3 memory, are they not? Kinda confusing.

It will drop right in ( with a bios update)
you will not be able to use ddr3 on your dd2 motherboard
There probably wont be much difference.
I added the 6000+, they finally had a retail version on the egg.
That's air. Arctic Cooler 64 Pro.

I think my mobo is limiting me.. same as the memory.

I'm not sure where to go after this. I need some hardcore advice
for the more seasoned oc'rs.

I was happy when i hit my 1 ghz overclock on air
That's air. Arctic Cooler 64 Pro.

I think my mobo is limiting me.. same as the memory.

I'm not sure where to go after this. I need some hardcore advice
for the more seasoned oc'rs.

I was happy when i hit my 1 ghz overclock on air

Run a divider on your memory and see if it's a Mobo limit. Also drop your multi and try, if you still can't raise it it may be a HT limit which may be your CPU not mobo.
Run a divider on your memory and see if it's a Mobo limit. Also drop your multi and try, if you still can't raise it it may be a HT limit which may be your CPU not mobo.

Is it safe to have HT run at 1100 ? mine does that stable.

I think i may have hit the FSB limit on my mobo at around 300.

I havent tried dropping the mult.
Can you do that with the brisbanes? If so.. I won't be on the forums for the
next 30 mins lol playing with my settings.

I dropped the timings on my ram real low and also set the divider really low as well for testing purposes.
Actually when it was running at 2.9 ghz.. I think my ram was going at 454 mhz or higher (DDR2)
timings were loose
I know that for a fact, i've been trying to read about HT, and what works and what doesn't.. Im just lost a lot of people seem to be afraid to push the HTT past 1000 mhz

there are no performance gains, and it usually tops out around 1100mhz to 1300mhz. you can find out where your limit is if you want, but it's seriously not worth the effort. it's easiest to just keep it below stock where you know it's stable :D
I would like to change my membership and update it to the 3.1 ghz club
I have to run my Mem Divider at DDR400 - Which only puts the ram at 600 mhz or a lil higher

If I run at the 533 divider I max my memory out at 3.027 gigahertz *can go a lil higher havent tweaked it yet*

to get these results

I would like to change my membership and update it to the 3.1 ghz club
I have to run my Mem Divider at DDR400 - Which only puts the ram at 600 mhz or a lil higher

If I run at the 533 divider I max my memory out at 3.027 gigahertz *can go a lil higher havent tweaked it yet*

to get these results

Membership is done by chip, not speed.

Memberlist updated.