Retail Edge 2007!

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not a bad Idea now that you brought it up. Lets see what yall got after yall build 'em.
What ya'll think?
Yea sorry i'm just really impatient staring at a fully assembled rig just waiting for a processor and os also the return policies on my ram and harddrive are about to expire so i want to make sure those work before it does...any ideas how w/o a processor or another computer to test them in. I could just return and repurchace them i guess...

I'm in the same boat bro..
Anyone actually get the pack yet to try this out?

Or has anyone gotten the pack yet at all?

Still pending over here. :(
Does anybody know how to cancel if you are already registered for a package. I have registered for Q6600 because I didn't have enough chips for Q6700 but now I want to wait till December for new challenges to gain enough chips to get the Q6700 package. So how do I cancel registration? And is there any chance that I can get my hands on Q6700 after I have enough chips in December or would it be too late and sold out by then?
You will probably have to call the Intel Shop and see if they will let you do that.

On a side note, is anyone aware of any other retail training sites like the intel one that offer good swag like Retail Edge? I already know about the following

Microsoft Expertzone
Retail Access (they occasionally do an AMD Employee Purchase)
Windows Mobile Training
HP Infolab

Anyone know of any others?
Yeah I found that site, I was just saying at first Google Search for 'SetFSB' was only turning up version 1.7 stuff. Then I found that site by adding ABO to the search.

My Bad, I was searching for the wrong thing, SoftFSb. Hah.
If you look at the live events page, look for one of the events listed on the 18th. The rep says if they have the Quad then, they will hand it out otherwise it will be a Duo.

Now I know that means they don't know if they will have it, but if they knew it was not possible, would they just out right lie and say they might?

Point is, maybe by Monday with fingers crossed it will ship. That will be 2 weeks after the order date which is exactly how long to the day it took them last year to ship from the order date.

the Bundle Purchase info on the link for the E6700 changed. Delivery 4-6 weeks if you order now!

With them pushing Crysis and Quad in the training, you would have though they would have tried to get this in our hands a little sooner.
Anyone still waiting for code after faxing? I faxed 2 weeks ago, still waiting..
I'll be damned if this shows up a month from now...

if you are pmsing, take offense to this.

you sound jst like the whiney guys from retail edge 2006

If you have such an issue with the program. go start your own processor program and retail sales program and let us know how it goes!

its not that easy for intel to run this program. the manpower required on something they are losing money on.

If you want to complain, bitch at the guys who are stepping in line in front of you just so they can turn around and sell it on ebay (which is not the programs inded use and a violation of the TOS)
if you are pmsing, take offense to this.

you sound jst like the whiney guys from retail edge 2006

If you're PMSing, take offense.

I don't really care, it was an idle bump. Not like any of my other parts are going to show up too much earlier than the proc bundle.
Hey, after the month of december, I will have like 11, 600 chips...does anyone ahve any live event codes or tips on how to get extra points?? Im sooooo close to the 6700...its going to be a shame if i have to get the 6600 =/
Quick question, does the OS either package come with have the option of ordering the 64-bit version through MS like the retail versions on the market do? Thanks!
Quick question, does the OS either package come with have the option of ordering the 64-bit version through MS like the retail versions on the market do? Thanks!

It actually comes with both versions so you dont have to worry about ordering anything...there should be a link earlier in the thread about the package.
I ordered on the 5th the Q6700 bundle and have yet to have it shipped. :-(

My manager had already received his. (He ordered the Q6600 version)

Also the website lists that it includes the 64bit version of home premium.
Anyone still waiting for be verified?
Q6700 paired with X48 would be nice..
4-6 weeks wait might not be so bad, the 800 55nm GTS refreshes should be here in 2-3 weeks.. Little more $$ than GT, but more faster video card!
I hope that they start shipping this week as I have my motherboard, ram, and heatsink sitting here and all I am waiting for is the CPU. I already have my video card(8800GTS 320) in my current system(Opteron 165) and won't be installing Vista until I have to.
what are the chances i can still get the Q6700 combo if I order the very first second in december? I mean if it gets backordered thats ok as long as I can get it
For anyone still waiting to be verified

It took me about 2 weeks to get verified, but I did get the email eventually, im assuming they have to call each employer.

Don't worry too much about it, if you have faxed it in, you will get verified.
ordered q6700 pkg on the 8th, dont think it'll arrive till after holidays:eek: same thing happened to me last year...
will the vista premium come in a retail box or like last year's paper sleeve again?
Meh, Who needs Thanksgiving. I think all of us would agree that RetailEdge is WAYYYYY more important lol. We Can all Hope for the best though :confused:
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