Project: Vash (Trigun)

Josh2k4 said:
red Xs for me

If you're at work they may have blocked the image host that's being used, otherwise I dunno... I can see the pics fine over here atm.
SURPRISE Update!!! November 10th!

If you've been following this thread from the first page until now you can tell that I've made a lot of changes. Most of which is to the kind of hardware that I was going to up into this case.

Before: (I still have all of this)

Athlon 1.2 Ghz Processor
PC Chips Socket A mobo
Radeon 7000
Crucial 1x256 ddr266
Optiplex CD-RW Black
Arctic Cooler HS/Fan
Seagate 40Gb HD

AMD AthlonXP 2600+ Mobile
Abit Nf7-S Motherboard
G-Skill 2x256 PC4400
Radeon 7000 Vid Out(May upgrade)
Zalman 7000Cu HS/Fan
Western Digital 80Gb

So, after all these hardware changes I made I decided to take a dip into the world of water cooling. Talking with a fellow pimp who helped me in picking out the right components, and accessories that would give me a good ratio between...silence, cooling, and looks. Thanks so much for helping me out!

Recieved all the packages today a thanks goes to Danger Den for making awesome water cooling gear and since they ship really fast! Ordered on Monday and recieved it today.

~~~ Water Cooling List ~~~

Maze 4 Chipset Block
Maze 4 GPU Block

Black Ice Xtreme with 1/2" fittings

Hydor L35

-Pump Relay Switch-
CritiCool PCI Pump Relay

1/2" Tygon 10ft

4oz Zerex Racing Coolant

UV Dual CCFL kit
20X 1/2" Clamps
T- Fitting
Evercool 120mm fan
Danger Den case badge

Now without further are pictures of everything I recieved today!









OOh nice. Dano at Danger Den rocks, he will respond directly to inquiries himself!!

I built a Danger Den watercooling setup back when the Maze was the only option..

Anywho have fun with that watercooling, I know I enjoyed my setup (pelted celeron2 533mhz running at 1ghz at -2 C) but I have not gotten back into it since I took that system apart.

It may take a while to install into the case since I'm going to need to break the case back down to the bare frame and dremel again. This time its for a 120mm hole for the fan/radiator to go into.

LoL I'm not installing the GPU cooler onto the Radeon 7000. I have a friend who is willing to sell me a 9800XT for a pretty good price of $100. But it has to wait until December 2nd. That's when he's going to buy himself a new gfx card. After I recieve the card I'll be waiting until I need to fill/bleed the system which is after 6 months, and then re-install everything along with a new video card.
December 2? :( Great price though.

Are you going to dremel the motherboard tray too (for the waterblock)? What are you doing with the Zalman? I would really like to get a new cooler. ;)
LoL yes I may dremel the mobo tray too. And right now the Zalman is sitting in a box lol. Thanks for reminding me I need to take off the Zalman motherboard mounts. But anyway $100 for a 9800XT ain't bad to me so I can wait! :)
Damn that is super awesome, a few things, do you have a good guide you used on getting such incredible finishes on your side panels. Also how did you do that beautiful scripted text.

I am real excited to see how you integrate those awesome watercooling components into the case. Do you have any thoughts on how the watercooling system will mount to the case. (Im thinking of mashie's crazy doom 3 sff right now). Not all of the older pics are showing up unfortunantly, could you post some general images of the whole case from a few different perspectives?

Thanks! and great job
Thanks, and yep I do have a guide that I looked at while working on this. I used a sanding block and hand sanded everything. If you use an obrital sander I don't know how it would look but if it works it'll be MUCH easier to do :)

For the script I printed out my favorite font and masked the whole panel while the midcoat was already dry and sanded. Then used an exacto knife to cut out the lettering. Used red paint for the text and wait for it to dry again. After waiting 2 days I peeled off the masking tape very carefully. Took it outside for some clear coating and sanded down the clear coat again. Used rubbing compound and then finishing compound.

I currently can't take any pictures since I already took the case apart to the bare frame so I can dremel again tomorrow morning. It's been sprinkling outside today. But I will have pics of the case when it's finally set up! :D
How *dare* you use Linear's guide without posting this on Pheaton! I'm ashamed of you!

lol, j/k. That painting guide really is awesome, aint it? Now if only the weather in my area would allow me to paint >.>
Be aware that them shell caseings are going to tarnish eventually. If you don't coat them or something you'll have to polish, and that's just no fun. But just letting them be tarnished might work for you too.
I'm not really sure actually, but there's probably something. Don't let it scare you away from the casings, just don't be suprised when it happens. Where exactly were you going to put these things? You might maybe be able to get some bullets without powder, from a gunshow or more likely an army/navy surplus store. I remember I saw one place with inert grenades even. The internet even? why have just a casing when you could have the whole thing.
I was going to place them on the bottom of the case as if they were just fired :) but maybe you're right tarnished ones would be fine. My case is too clean looking anyway lol.
Trigun?? Can it be done or No?

Ran into some snags...I've dremeled out the 120mm fan hole but I forgot I don't have a drill. So I'll need to wait until I get one.

Oh and I just found out my GPU block doesn't fit on my 9800 AIW, which I've had for a year already so I need to get another gfx card in the 9500 to X800 range. I have $0 so...lets hope this isn't the demise of the whole project!!! Someone help a girl out!!! :(

This week I've ordered some accessories from and Red UV dye from D-tek. :)

Kakyoin has been nice enough to donate some LC .45 shell casings so I should recieve them soon.

Today I'll be working on dremeling the foundation of the fan grills. So I'll see you guys in a little bit! :D
Sucks to hear that, I would donate but I have NV stuff mostly (lowerend ATI cards like 9200 and such). :(
Yep, really tough. Need to get this done / finished and outta here! ;) But...I can work on other things to pass the time. Other than that I gotta pack to get moving.
what prevents it from fitting? could you (maybe) dremel it to fit? (card or block... i'd recommend block though)

that sucks though... i think dtek may make a AIW capable block... if not... ati silencer?

good luck.
yeah, i'd look around for a block compatible with AIW...good luck this....this mod (and ur etching skills, for that matter) are AMAZING
yeah, i saw that looks nice, but if i could see a pic of the inside, it might stray my thoughts of it
I just got contacted by a friend of mine. I may be able to get a 9800 Pro. :D Everyone pray tonight that I do!!!! Thanks! :D
Thanks! I just found out I won some ram this morning. So my old 2x512 is up forsale. Hopefully I can get a new card! :D
talk about perfect timing (no pun intended :p)....and luck? lol

that's awesome though...keep us updated
BTW, the shells will be going out tomorrow. :p

I included some 38 specials as well, since I cant use em.
WoW nice mob i read the hole thread and all i got to say is keep up the good work and great mob
I havn't read all 12 pages of replys, but why exactly would a waterblock not fitting on a video card make you scrap the whole project? It would still opperate fine with stock cooling, and that would be one less heat load in the water loop.

Nothing ever realy goes to exactly plan in modding, you gotta be able to work with what you've got.
sweet...its a nice card...its aging, but its still good...i think my CPU is lacking now...i was playing UT2004 with like 7 bots 1280x1024 everything high, and it was at like 10-20fps :eek:

well, good luck with all this!
Update Nov. 22nd! Water is Cool!

I finally got down to assembling the water cooling setup! Thanks goes to a friend who lended me his 9800 Pro! :)

Most of all thanks goes to Danger Den for having the "coolest" water blocks! They look so cool and I love the lucite tops since you can see the water flowing through them.

Had to AS5 the CPU, GPU, and NorthBridge. After that came the blocks, then the tygon. Oh and lets not forget Zerex + Distilled water!

"Watercooling is so easy even Jess can do it!" ;)

There were a few leaks, but nothing some hose clamps and zip-ties couldn't handle. Looks and runs great now. Just letting it run for 24 hours.

Next I'll need my order to arrive finally, and the Vantec 520W PSU so I can sleeve it. Then I should be able to get Vash up and running 100%

Took a picture of the case about 85% assembled.