Project: Vash (Trigun)

nice!!! :cool: how'd you do that rusty old banged up effect on the sides? That looks really kewl and great sleeving job!
Just a rivot gun gives it a "industrial look" and its all hand painted. Your sleeving came out nicely too. I picked up a kit from work for like $10 and Viola!
Update Oct. 25th!

I've mostly healed from my cut and I finished the PSU today :) woohooo! And after using the power supply tester it still works! That's the best thing about it lol. Here you can see that the p4 and 20pin ATX are shorter.


And I painted the new I/O shield for the Nf7-s so that it will blend in when you look at the back of the case, and the PCI cover that was on the case...I painted the interior but not the exterior of it. And then I have a package of black adonized aluminum thumb screws picked up from Fry's.


Right now I'm going to be working on my website so...stay tuned!
what did you test your powersupply with. I would like to test mine before i toss in the a64 w/it... Considering i just sleeved it and it was the first time i ever did.
be careful with confirmed "testing" a power supply tester will only "test" to turn it on. By signaling the green wire...with multiple or single black (ground) wires...if the other wires are not plugged back were they will smoke your parts. Best thing to do is to get the book that came with that power supply and MAKE sure it is correct...or get a multimeter and the book and test the voltage read outs from each pin.
all black ground's are the same right? so as long as i have the red and yellow in the right places the rest doesnt matter? correct.... sorry for the threadcrap jess. :D
good job on the sleeving, i would sleeve my 20 pin, but i dont wanna mess up my 550W antec true power :rolleyes: The paint is looking good as well. It is good to see you haven't forgot about your vash project while working on yoru etching how-to. BTW when will that be done? :p

edit : Kinda off subject, but when are you going to finish your doom case gclg2000???... looks soo good so far, but it seems like it has been a while since there has been an update :(
Yeah man i know...i've just been busy with school. Imma get around to it soon hopefully. I just need to finish the panels, paint them, and my vertebral spin on the side, get a new water pump and finish the res, little expanded metal and bondo the list goes on.
gclg2000 said:
I just need to finish the panels, paint them, and my vertebral spin on the side....
:eek: Can't wait for the update.

Hows the work going Jess (web site/mod/etch guide)?
Worked on website but it is being a PITA since it's not uploading correctly. I bought lexan yesterday and if anyone is planning on working with's very tough to snap you need to cut it at least half way through and it will bend very far before it snaps. But just letting you guys know that I'm working lol
Update: November 2nd

Just got a new keyboard and mouse set. Logitech MX Duo for the project!

Waiting on the AMD Athlon XP 2600 Mobile from Newegg, it should be in this afternoon! Hooray hehe.

Got bored so I waxed the side panel and took a picture. As you can see the plexiglass was taken off the TRIGUN window because I found out it was so thick that it prevented the panel from sliding onto the case correctly so I've fixed that problem and it's working great now!

Dam that's shinny! Very nice. Are you going to paint the keyboard/mouse or anything special? Or just showing them?

Seeing that just makes me more impatient about my computer, i can't wait until this weekend so i can do the next step on my case.
corran_horn314 said:
Dam that's shinny! Very nice. Are you going to paint the keyboard/mouse or anything special? Or just showing them?

Seeing that just makes me more impatient about my computer, i can't wait until this weekend so i can do the next step on my case.

Thanks! LoL it's super shiny.

Right now I am leaving the keyboard and mouse alone since it blends in more with the living room. The speakers are silver and the tv is too. Even though it'd be cool to match the case, I want it to match the living room more :D
Update November 3rd!!!

Yay I just got my processor in for the project and now all I'm waiting to get is a hard drive from a friend of mine.

AMD AthlonXP 2600+ Mobile


A Close up of the steppings on it...hopefully its a good one!
The IQYHA stepping is suppose to be very good or atleast that's what I'm told. I have a 35w Mobile 2400+ of that stepping clocked at 2.4 with a really crappy cooler, going watercooling soon anyways so I hope to get more out of it then. :D
CrimandEvil said:
The IQYHA stepping is suppose to be very good or atleast that's what I'm told. I have a 35w Mobile 2400+ of that stepping clocked at 2.4 with a really crappy cooler, going watercooling soon anyways so I hope to get more out of it then. :D
heh, me too! i just happen to know my motherboard is the limiting factor. it's at 1.8vcore (1.775 in bios... max my board will give me) and only 146fsb (on pc3200 - but 2-2-2-6 now:D)

though your motherboard won't give you those problems. lucky;)

have fun!
LOL, I'm not sure about that Jedi. I'd feel better if I had an Abit of a DFI board, I know my Asus is rather picky about ram (Geil PC-2700 2-2-2-6).

Anyone else getting a weird view of the thread? It won't let me see past page 9, I have to hit reply for them to show up. :confused:

Nevermind it's working now.
Wouldn't let me past page 6 (got more posts per page set in display options) here at mid-day, seems there were some refresh issues with the boards (thread would show it had 7 pages, User CP would say 6).
how about that fan grill...? :confused:
are there going to be any more modding done to this case? or are you just putting together the guts now?
Hey Jess I got something you might want to see. :)
I got this awhile back at my local Comic shop, had it sitting around collecting dust though. :( It's the orginal Kotobukiya figure and not the crap McFarlane one. I would post pics of Vash with his gun but I can find it right now (damn thing is pretty small) but I'll look around if you want me too.

<Images removed>

I think it would be really cool if you made a base for your case like the base in that last pic. :)
LoL yes I'm still working on Vash don't worry guys...right now I'm working on the hardware but the fan grills and accessories will be last so don't worry! :)

Awesome fig ya got there Crim! Looks awesome :D
Update November 5th!!! 2 to the 00 of the 4

LoL and you can tell I haven't slept yet for today!!!

Oh and crim I almost forgot to say, I had the idea a long time ago when I started Proj. Vash to have scattered bullets on the inside bottom of my case. I haven't been able to find anyone around what is willing to just give me empty .45 caliber shell casings!! :eek:

Anyways onto project Vash... what you really care about is the mod right?! And for those of you who do I have some good news....update pics! For those of you who don't care about the mod and care about me, well I thank you and for caring about me you too get update pics!

(Jess keeps on ranting...and ranting...and ranting........Oh um I forgot you guys where here for the pics! My bad!)

Took apart my new antec cooler so that I could paint the silver red and have it match with the theme :)

Installed the black piece back to the plate

Here it is installed back into the case and everything...I think it looks pretty good in red instead of silver.

Installed the CPU into the socket and it fits perfectly, yippieeee! Can't wait to see some lower temps and I may even review this Mobile AthlonXP 2600 compared to my AMD AthlonXP 2600+ 333fsb!

JessAlba452 said:
I haven't been able to find anyone around what is willing to just give me empty .45 caliber shell casings!! :eek:

Why didn't you say something.. those of us who hang out in the F&K forum would probably be able to help.

I don't have a .45, but if you want .40 I can send you some.

Or just go to a local gun shop or range (they don't bite, and often are friendly people) most of them sell empty cases (cheap) for those who like to reload. I am sure Georgia has plenty DexOnline link to Georgia gun stores and there is no age restriction or laws governing the sale of empty cases.

I can get some .45 shell cases (or whatever other shells) if you need them. I am going to a gun match on Nov. 14th ( so there's plenty of empty shell casings everywhere. Just lemme know how many you need. All I ask for is that you pay shipping ;)

I got pictured in the photo gallery too :D

BTW, those shell you pictures look like 357 or 38 supers.
Theres a Hard Firearms and knives forums? There are forums other than case modding? What is there... is there an anime one? or a forum dedicated to the uber1337 modder Crimson or the goddess moddess jess?

And if theres a forum for dangerous weapons, how come there isn't on the dangerous Dremel? We all know there are more casualties with that than knives or potato guns :p
Really nice mod... I would love to have half your painting skills.

Off topic I would like to say that I am not a purist or a vash fan, but OMG the McFarlane figure was SOOOO much better. I bought it knowing nothing about the figure just because it was so cool looking. Just my opinion.
You would have to pick the one shell case that you are going to have a hard time prying out of someone's hands. It might be easier to pry some 44 mag or 45 ACP. Most 45 LC shooters reload religiously, and the shell casings are fairly expensive to come by. If you go to a gun show you might be able to pick up 100 cases for about 13 bux or somewhere around that rate.

BTW, Good work on your case.
inzane123 said:
You would have to pick the one shell case that you are going to have a hard time prying out of someone's hands. It might be easier to pry some 44 mag or 45 ACP. Most 45 LC shooters reload religiously, and the shell casings are fairly expensive to come by. If you go to a gun show you might be able to pick up 100 cases for about 13 bux or somewhere around that rate.

BTW, Good work on your case.

True, but even at that price they are less than $ .08 ea But I am sure she doesn't need that many. And at least at Ben Avery (local public range) there is a big tray of empties that you can buy stuff from for almost nothing, and I have found everything in there from .38 to .50bmg (not .50ae)
