Official Crysis 2 Thread

This is Kyle's forum, and we're all just guests here - and, honestly, we get away with a ton of shit here that would be instantly censored at a place like the Gamespot PC forum. Don't get me wrong - I've actually read some good solid stuff at the Gamespot PC forum, but it's nice to be able to visit a place like this, that's less... uh, Disney-landish.

Anyway, this thread is interesting for one reason - it just shows how much people care; if nobody cared, then there would be no thread.
On the flip side, if many PC gamers buy it they think they can simply make the next one the same console garbage and we will continue to buy it.
Exactly. Like I've said before, buying bad games in the hopes that by doing so, developers will instead produce good ones is completely irrational.
Yup. The PC gamer has shown they want everything, aside from hardware, for free.Add-ons and services. Entitlements and subsidies come to mind here. Ethanol anyone?

Total BS and you know these companies would not be here today if it was not for paying PC customers like me who bought Serious Sam First Encounter for which i do still own and will be using as examples further into .

The console gamer is like you, but in reverse. They want a reasonable entry price and do not mind paying more. Reliabiltiy is paramount in the console gaming world. Shame on the M$ RROD fiasco.They want intergrity in their data retention, such as saved games. They want the game to work the first time and everytime after that. They also want to know that in a five year or so period, every game released for their platform will run on the platform.
Is that true in the PC gaming space? Nope. You will get the bottom of the barrel in a five year period, if that.

more misinformation. Legacy apps should not even be bought up because its a mixed bag i will however counter with Serious Sam first encounter 2001. + 8 years (and i could proably make that barrel reach back 10 years ) installed onto windows 7 core 2 duo ati 6950 noooo problemo. and i f i had my save games from then they would most likely work also .

So how many half finished mmos are on the PC?;) How many shallow point and click games are on the PC?:eek: How many browser based games are on the PC? Goodness me.
Now how many of all of those are on the consoles combined???:confused: Exactly.

obviously i did not write this clearly enough. demanding better content and not getting it is the point . consoles are not helping in that cause.

Oh and yes 15 years and some on the PC. Quake 2 deathmatch. Not that was the shit. At the time. Now because of LIVE MARKET PLACE I can play this online from my couch to so my kids what the old man played so many years ago. And we can share the screen in split screen mode.

I can play my Serious Sam from the couch !! and split screen !! and
wait for it ............ I didnt have to re buy it !!! glory bee !!!! its a wonder what programmers can do when they put the time effort into a product

Like My Space and FaceBook, gaming has become much more social and less solitary. For most people anyway.:eek: So the sharing abilities of these accursed machines is a nice touch the PC has yet to bring forth. It has tried several times, but never caught on.

Now this is innovation. Playing Halo(2,3,ODST,Reach) and even, finally COD Black Ops together with someone online. Together on one machine one screen. You guys against the world. This is priceless. And this is taking over. So face it until the PC cathces up, PC gaming is gonna die.
It should be so easy to change PC gaming. But people like you stuck in the past and very narrow in scope of what gaming should be, will not let up. Social gaming in front of a big screen should be super easy with the PC. Tons of power, tons of data pipe lines. But is stuck in a rut. And in a rut is where it will flounder and eventually pass on.:(

sorry Serious Sam

as i said been there done that so much for that innovation huh ? Just remove the taking from the over because yeah its over.
8 years ago we had this um "innovation" probably even earlier.
and look here you are announcing it like its the latest and greatest . yawn .. next

all this socializing has been done before with aol slingo and its stupid point and clicky games .
carry on all you want about being stuck in the past because unfortunately its true gaming has not moved forward since that time as i stated people act like this is awesome but its not. Its cool more people are into it but dont expect us who have already played this stuff TO DEATH to be freaking enamored by it . as stated we want to see the true innovation out there not the same ol stuff rehashed over and over again .

There was a configuration program for the demo that would let you make all of the CFG tweaks as part of a front end.
It's unbelievably shitty that this is necessary, but the same guy is planning on updating his config program work with the final. If he doesn't, I'm sure someone will. There are enough people that did buy the game that people will make the best of it.
I really do like some elements of the game...but MAN did they drop the ball with some aspects.
Hmmm... so far I'm liking the Game, looks great and plays butter smooth. I do think it needs a new Graphics Options Menu patched in with all the options availiable but so far so good. I have not tried Multi yet.
Side by side comparison of Xbox360 graphics to PC graphics:

My Conclusion: They basically look the same.
The most interesting thing to me is how PC gamers are getting jammed by a guy/company who used to be innovative in the PC gaming space.

Contrast the current situation to Crysis 1:

Gaming Heaven: With all the recent DX10 games released gamers can't help but be a bit disappointed with the overall situation. Is this due to limitations of the DX10 architecture or were the developers simply lazy, not putting enough emphasis on DX10?

Cevat: I dont want to put words into other developers situation. I am sure they have their good reasons. We took from the moment DX10 was announced the decision we will push it to its limit.
Gaming Heaven: Crysis is one of the few bastions of PC gaming. What were your main reasons to ignore consoles? Wouldn't the fixed architecture make them prime candidates for optimizations?

Cevat: Yes would be. But the original Crysis game as we designed wouldn’t be possible on consoles that’s why and our key reason to ignore other platforms is to focus on quality and the game.
Yup. The PC gamer has shown they want everything, aside from hardware, for free.Add-ons and services. Entitlements and subsidies come to mind here. Ethanol anyone?

Or, how about, for a full priced $60 game we expect it to be made to take advantage of the system we're playing it on, not dumbed down to 5 year old hardware. If they want to release 5 year old technology, thats fine, but I'm not paying $60 for it.
Bummer. While I totally respect Kyle's opinion this thread has turned into a cluster f*#k.I'm not clear on why Kyle linked this thread instead of having a comments link like the other front page news. I wish there was more threads about the game from people that have actually played the final version. I don't want to wade through 17+ pages of people arguing back and forth about Kyle's comments. The first 9 pages of this post were very helpful. While I understand the whole bit about reviews from game sites I still do not understand how sites like IGN could have it so wrong. I'm in no rush to buy (still in the middle of Dead Space 2) so I will hold off for now. I'm looking very forward to [H] taking a deeper look at the game!
IGN: Assuming you were to create a sequel to Crysis, where do you see visuals headed once you get an entire development cycle to work with DX10? What kinds of visual effects did you have to omit from Crysis simply because they cropped up too late in development to include?

Cevat Yerli: As with Crysis, we are working on making the Crysis franchise the most realistic and compelling experience ever created. For upcoming titles, we will continue to push the bar for realism while still making the game pure fun and exciting. Luckily for Crysis, we have basically been given everything we asked for in the design stage (who would have guessed we could break trees?) and more, so we can't really give you a definitive answer to this.

Wow check this quote out. It's hard to believe Crysis 2 doesn't ship with "advanced" graphics options after reading this:
IGN: If I wanted to run Crysis at, say, a solid 30 frames per second, what kind of system are people going to need?

Cevat Yerli: We learned a valuable lesson in Far Cry and that is to give people what they want but to also give them the ability to choose how to run it. For Far Cry, we gave the user a host of options that allowed them to cater to the experience they wanted. Some people like to see no popping, but they could care less for shadows, while others may not care about cool clouds but want more detailed textures. To support this we are going to offer even more ways for players to fine tune their experience. Personally, I would say to run Crysis with high settings; you need a machine that has a card that was made in the last six months. Our goal though is to make it really playable and look good on machines two-years-old from our ship date.
Quad-core CPUs become more popular as well as affordable and the processor manufacturers have plans to increase the core number up to eight or even more. Will the build of the engine that is used in Warhead be able to scale perfectly with 8 or even more cores, do you have any plans to reorganize the thread structure of CryENGINE 2 to utilize such a high number of cores efficiently?

CryENGINE 2 does support multi-core CPUs, but the support is limited to 4-6 cores, maybe 8 (he wouldn't bet on it). MCPU will most probably provide a more stable framerate instead of an overall increase in fps.

CPUs do have multiple cores, but they can't be accessed fast enough yet. CryENGINE 2 won't have a new threading structure as it is too early to make a safe bet.

We're working on a technology that will allow middleware developers to easily create software for x-core systems. We do intend to sell that technology too. Also, the name for the next CryENGINE hasn't been chosen yet (2, 2.5, 3, 4, ...)"
GS: Finally, any last thoughts on Crysis' technology and its system requirements?

CY: My final thoughts are, I am happy that we managed to scale down Crysis--which is on average 10 times more pushy than Far Cry--down to Far Cry specs. But Crysis is a high-end game that shall define what's now and in the future. Enjoy it as such as much as you can. It's like a concept car available and affordable now. I like also this quote somebody gave: "It's like a sexy blond girl with a PhD degree," upon which I said, "But with curly hair."

Somewhere along the way, this company jumped the shark.
Money talks, the more PC gamers that buy it versus consolers the more likely we'll see PC content. If sales are strong for the PC and weak for the consoles it'll be more likely that we'll see that DX11 would be my guess.

I disagree with this, buying mediocre games which are not well tailored for the PC just reinforces developers and publishers views on what PC gamers are willing to put up with.

Vote with your wallet, spend your money on better games, reward the developers who provide us with games which are more tailored for the PC and we'll see more of those games.

PC gamers willing to keep dumping $60 into the next COD and trash like Crysis 2 are just as much to blame for the slump in PC gaming right now that causes a marked decrease in the quality of games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2.
I disagree with this, buying mediocre games which are not well tailored for the PC just reinforces developers and publishers views on what PC gamers are willing to put up with.

Vote with your wallet, spend your money on better games, reward the developers who provide us with games which are more tailored for the PC and we'll see more of those games.

PC gamers willing to keep dumping $60 into the next COD and trash like Crysis 2 are just as much to blame for the slump in PC gaming right now that causes a marked decrease in the quality of games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2.

Yeah, laving Crtek out in the cold only hurts them, not us. If they wanted our money they could have made a game for PCs. There are plenty of other developers who are committed to the industry and platform who deserve my money a lot more.
People who are blown away by Crysis 2 are just people who have not experienced what Cryengine 2 was capable of. Cryengine 3 is nothing but compromise.

If Crysis 2 provides you with the best graphics that you have seen, then you have not experienced much and you are someone who settles for mediocrity and does not aspire to see what experiences our technology is capable of providing.

At the time Crysis was released, it required hardware that most people didn't have or could afford to run at it's best settings at a high resolution. Why is it wrong that people hoped for that with Crysis 2 as well? You can always scale down the game and as technology got better and cheaper, Crysis was re-discovered by many people and the modding groups have created beautiful worlds and imagery I fear most of you don't even have the imagination to believe existed out there and was capable on your machines. Instead you simply settle for whatever is put in front of you without a hint of despair or longing for what really could be.

Cryengine 2's potential unlocked by modders and gamers:

I am sorry that you do not dare to dream and that you do not feel saddened by lost potential and the possibility that we may never see any company dare to be exceptional again.

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I disagree with this, buying mediocre games which are not well tailored for the PC just reinforces developers and publishers views on what PC gamers are willing to put up with.

Vote with your wallet, spend your money on better games, reward the developers who provide us with games which are more tailored for the PC and we'll see more of those games.

PC gamers willing to keep dumping $60 into the next COD and trash like Crysis 2 are just as much to blame for the slump in PC gaming right now that causes a marked decrease in the quality of games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2.

Not enough PC gamers buying the game and pirating the hell out of the first one are the problem according to Crytek, but there nothing but liars. So happens I like this game, it makes very good use of my 3D Surround setup.

So now in order to enjoy a PC game I have to think like the people who apparently don't spend enough money to get games they like made. Sounds fun.
To be brutally honest, Kyle is right.

When Quake came out, you needed a top of the line PC unless you wanted to play it at 320x240 (I wonder how many people are old enough to remember that resolution).

When Unreal came out, you needed a high end PC just to exceed 30 FPS. I don't even remember if Voodoo2 cards were out yet. If you got 30 FPS in Unreal, you were doing very well.

Quake 3 (King of DM) needed a high end video card unless you wanted to run around with low details to be competitive in multiplayer.

Far Cry needed a high end PC, and delivered the biggest graphics "wow" boost of any game since 1997's Unreal.

Crysis needed a high end PC and was the first game to TRULY make things look "Real". Unlike Far Cry, which used plasticy textures and grass that didn't really mesh with the ground well, Crysis looked TRULY believable, and to this day, nothing has really exceeded its *ENVIRONMENT* landscape detail. (Not talking about player models/objects).

Crysis to Crysis 2 is NOTHING like the quantum jump Far Cry to Crysis was, and the same length of time passed between each game...
Wow, I've kept my Crysis 2 comments to a minimum as I've only played the demo and not the full version. Based on that experience and what I'm reading, I think I've concluded the following:

I can light $60 on fire and come out ahead. At least that way I can be down $60 without actually having to waste time with the actual game. Same result, but with time saved. :D

Damn right! Now go use your new found extra time to do some more product reviews!


Again, if you have to use commands to adjust basic graphics settings, the game is broken.

The graphics commands besides the ones for FOV are locked anyways and not part of the 47 commands. Most of the 47 are things like connect, kick, mouse sensativity, disconnect, change map.

The graphics settings were adjustable via console in the leak/demo where there was a full suit of 3374 commands.

btw if anyone here is working on creating something so that we have access to all those commands in the retail version please let me know.
People who are blown away by Crysis 2 are just people who have not experienced what Cryengine 2 was capable of. Cryengine 3 is nothing but compromise.

I don't mind all the compromise that much. Crysis does look better modded, but even my system struggles to maintain 60fps in most situations at 1080p.

Crysis 2 doesn't look as good as Crysis 1 does when modded, but the overall polish of the game helps alleviate that. It looks better than Crysis Very High DX10 does much of the time (far less pop in, better texture consistency, and rock solid framerate). I can't help but be disappointed by the lack of advanced graphical options, however.

To be honest, I don't think we need a proper successor to CryEngine 2 at this point. It certainly isn't outdated, and the mods coming out for it are showcasing some of the best visuals to be seen. I see CryEngine 3 as a console adaptation of CryEngine 2. While disappointing, it doesn't automatically make this a bad game. I will continue supporting proper PC developers, but that won't stop me from picking up one of the better looking shooters today, despite being a console port...the market's been dry on that front lately.
The links Spare-Flair posted to the Crysis 1 mod screenshots say it all.

Anyone impressed by Crysis 2 probably also just discovered fire. Hey, let me tell you guys about this "wheel" thingy I ran across the other day! Amazing!
inb4 dx11 patch + 590 release + Nvidia driver update on thursday.

Also, heatless, hows the 3D Surround setup treating you? I have a feeling that dx11 and any other pc improvement was put on hold for 3D capability.
The most interesting thing to me is how PC gamers are getting jammed by a guy/company who used to be innovative in the PC gaming space.

Contrast the current situation to Crysis 1:

He grew a brain and accepted reality. Crytek even cited the requirements of Crysis 1 as part of the problem. If you release a game that only a few people can enjoy because the system requirements are off the wall they aren't going to buy it. They'll hear it requires something like "dual 8800's and even then my FPS suck" realize that their cards aren't going to hack it and either wait till they have a card that can run it, or pirate it and realize they can't run it (not condoning piracy here). Then buy it in the bargain bin later on.

That's simply the reality of releasing a game that people can't run, Crytek seems to have learned their lesson, and for that I give them credit. The game plays well, runs great and might get some stuff added in later (they said they will) so it's not a big issue.

Crysis, as impressive as it was, didn't have a purpose other than waving e-peen around and destroying video cards in benchmarks and reviews... oh and it was great to make fun of.

I enjoyed Crysis, but I had dual 8800's in both my PC's at the time. Everybody on 8600's or 7900's thought it was a nightmare and a let down.
inb4 dx11 patch + 590 release + Nvidia driver update on thursday.

I was thinking this myself if the DX11 patch was going to be part of the 590 launch. After the stuff that's been said about this game and if this did happen and added something to this game, wow. Would be a bad time to be a PC gamer.
The links Spare-Flair posted to the Crysis 1 mod screenshots say it all.

Anyone impressed by Crysis 2 probably also just discovered fire. Hey, let me tell you guys about this "wheel" thingy I ran across the other day! Amazing!

I quoted you on the news page up top. :D
POS game Limited Edition items not working and no one in their forums are answering anything. I can't believe I wasted $60 on this game. Disappointed with so many problems and bugs. Didn't they have a beta? Seriously they suck.
Huh... well, I have enjoyed single player so far and really enjoy multiplayer. I think graphics are the best I've seen to date. I've been doing comparisons between Crysis 1 and 2 lately, and while I get that Crysis 1 may have more detailed textures, but, on the whole, I think the amazing AA and depth-of-field give Crysis 2 a more cinematic look. Reminds me a lot of the trailers we had seen for Crysis 1.
Well. I wish I could have my sixty back..

I've been PC gaming well over a decade and although I never really got involved with Crysis 1 I knew it was THE benchmark for high end machines.

Now with that stated. And never having played Crysis 1.

Crysis 2 sucks.

The graphics, AI, interface, linear story, even the basic mechanics, stink the foul odor of simplified consoles. I think I counted maybe 4 Alien types and maybe 2 remodeled human types? I mean really???

I find my self asking sometimes if Crytek even took anything out of the PC beta as currently Crossfire and Sli rigs are worthless due to the seizure educing flickering present in the game.

I'm very disappointed I was really hoping for something that would leave an impression. It did, but only in one place.

My wallet.

Douche bags.


I have to agree with others. Releasing a game then finishing it via patches is a HORRIBLE business methodology and who ever makes the call to do so should for ever be cursed with the squirts. But to release an incomplete game, that did not have features promised to the community, and then bitch why the game didnt sell, or their future products didnt sale, is sheer lunacy Im sure it will be the "pirates" fault..
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I was thinking this myself if the DX11 patch was going to be part of the 590 launch. After the stuff that's been said about this game and if this did happen and added something to this game, wow. Would be a bad time to be a PC gamer.

I thought the reason the game was delayed from its original Novemeber release date was because they wanted to optimize the game for the GTX 580?
"Yes the graphics suck and you all know why." Crytek wanted to make money on the sequel by letting more than 1% of gamers be able to play the game?
I thought the reason the game was delayed from its original Novemeber release date was because they wanted to optimize the game for the GTX 580?

Why would they need to do that, you can "max" it on much less than a 580. Before I got SLI working I was over 60 fps at all times on 1 570 in the demo.