Official Crysis 2 Thread

"Yes the graphics suck and you all know why." Crytek wanted to make money on the sequel by letting more than 1% of gamers be able to play the game?

Why not stick to your roots and your loyal fanbase, develop the game for PC after which port it to consoles?

Makes sense to me. Make a true bad ass game, then water it down for the retards.
Why would they need to do that, you can "max" it on much less than a 580. Before I got SLI working I was over 60 fps at all times on 1 570 in the demo.

they didn't 'need' to do it but that was the reason given for the delay...the game was going to be marketed as working best on the GTX 580 (SLI or single) with most likely some driver optimizations that AMD users would not get...I hope the DX11 patch really is released tomorrow...I don't even mind if it's a hardware killer like the original Crysis
i don't know where the rumour about dx11 patch being realeased tomorrow came from. i have not seen any of this on the internet. if it was true i'm sure crytek would have been bragging about it for a long time now
i don't know where the rumour about dx11 patch being realeased tomorrow came from. i have not seen any of this on the internet. if it was true i'm sure crytek would have been bragging about it for a long time now

some random dude on an internet forum posted it so it must be true :D
i don't know where the rumour about dx11 patch being realeased tomorrow came from. i have not seen any of this on the internet. if it was true i'm sure crytek would have been bragging about it for a long time now

It's just speculation from the Nvidia "next-gen" reveal scheduled for tomorrow. The "top-secret" card that is undoubtedly the gtx 590 was shown in a box in front of a monitor displaying Crysis 2. THat's pretty much all anyone is going on at this point.
i don't know where the rumour about dx11 patch being realeased tomorrow came from. i have not seen any of this on the internet. if it was true i'm sure crytek would have been bragging about it for a long time now

If you're referring to me, it was merely a thought not read on the web and did not come the rumor mill.
some random dude on an internet forum posted it so it must be true :D

But it certainly makes a lot of sense if nVidia gave Crytek money to develop Crysis 2. More so than a ton of stuff that people we know that post stuff on the web.
For those of you beating the DX11 drum, what exactly are you expecting? What DX11 features are going to improve this title?
Comparing Crysis 2 to Daikatana is an insult to Daikatana. You take those words back!
I thought the reason the game was delayed from its original Novemeber release date was because they wanted to optimize the game for the GTX 580?

I don't think getting it to run well on a 580 is a problem...

"Yes the graphics suck and you all know why." Crytek wanted to make money on the sequel by letting more than 1% of gamers be able to play the game?

Yes, now everyone with a PC, or a console, or quite possibly a Gameboy (with a little tinkering) can play Crysis 2.

It's just speculation from the Nvidia "next-gen" reveal scheduled for tomorrow. The "top-secret" card that is undoubtedly the gtx 590 was shown in a box in front of a monitor displaying Crysis 2. THat's pretty much all anyone is going on at this point.

NV has said publicly, tomorrow morning for the big reveal. No super secret Crysis 2 builds around here showing off DX11. IIRC, NV did show us some of those last year though.
Thanks for the unabashed critique of the game Kyle. Good or bad I appreciate it when someone just tells it like it is.

Like most, I was really looking forward to this game - saw the teasers many months back, touting the games features complete with an AI that's unparalleled. Was tempted to pre-order this on Steam but glad now that I didn't. This is not what I expect from a $60 triple AAA game.

All that wrangling back and forth on the forums about the new hardware and the new graphic cards and what they can do and we get this to show off our hardware? what a complete joke.

This may be worthwhile once it becomes available on the bargain bin and that's a huge maybe.
i expect that a new nvidia will be indeed realeased tomorrow. at least we will have some sli optimisation
Comparing Crysis 2 to Daikatana is an insult to Daikatana. You take those words back!

Of all I had to say in those paragraphs, that was the only thing I questioned being "on the edge." The rest of it is spot on.
Thanks for the unabashed critique of the game Kyle. Good or bad I appreciate it when someone just tells it like it is.

Like most, I was really looking forward to this game - saw the teasers many months back, touting the games features complete with an AI that's unparalleled. Was tempted to pre-order this on Steam but glad now that I didn't. This is not what I expect from a $60 triple AAA game.

All that wrangling back and forth on the forums about the new hardware and the new graphic cards and what they can do and we get this to show off our hardware? what a complete joke.

This may be worthwhile once it becomes available on the bargain bin and that's a huge maybe.

I just cranked it back up to have a look at it again to make sure I was not crazy......still looked like hot buttered ass, then it crashed my box. Had to reboot. WOW! Nothing ever crashes this box, except Crysis 2. Well at least there is something exclusive about it. :p
on a positive note I did like some of the gameplay changes in Crysis another poster mentioned earlier, the Nanosuit features seem better implemented...for example Armor mode really gives you a sense of being temporarily bullet-proof (the sound of the bullets hitting the armor is also pretty cool)...that Mode where you can examine your environment is kinda lame though as too much stuff pops up on screen

the Power Kick is also cool...just wanted to post some good points on this really bad console port
i don't know where the rumour about dx11 patch being realeased tomorrow came from. i have not seen any of this on the internet. if it was true i'm sure crytek would have been bragging about it for a long time now

If you're referring to me, it was merely a thought not read on the web and did not come the rumor mill.
That was in Crysis 1 as well. The binoculars did the same thing unless you mean nanovision.

it wasn't as annoying in Crysis could actually target all your enemies by looking at them with your binoculars but in C2 you have to highlight each enemy and activate way too much random shit pops up which I'd rather find for myself such as weapon drops and ammo supplies...and they give you all these 'tactical options' which I'd rather discover for myself as well
it wasn't as annoying in Crysis could actually target all your enemies by looking at them with your binoculars but in C2 you have to highlight each enemy and activate way too much random shit pops up which I'd rather find for myself such as weapon drops and ammo supplies...and they give you all these 'tactical options' which I'd rather discover for myself as well

They have to help console gamers who are used to just "looking straight ahead" and doing what the COD pals he's hanging out are telling him to do and automatically highlighted on his radar with a big ass arrow pointed towards it and words like "Follow" in bright glowing letters on top of people's heads so he doesn't wander off into an invisible wall. Same reason why ladders glow bright yellow in the new Deus Ex - so console gamers can find and use them.
They have to help console gamers who are used to just "looking straight ahead" and doing what the COD pals he's hanging out are telling him to do and automatically highlighted on his radar with a big ass arrow pointed towards it and words like "Follow" in bright glowing letters on top of people's heads so he doesn't wander off into an invisible wall.

yup exactly...the 'tactial option' thing is really annoying as they tell you all the different paths you can take, where the high ground is to survey the landscape etc...way too much hand holding...I want to discover these by exploring the map not by having everything shown to me before I even get a chance to look around for myself
That was in Crysis 1 as well. The binoculars did the same thing unless you mean nanovision.

It seems kinda overdone to me. I don't like how it deliberately displays things like "flank" or "jedge jump". It's too guided but it's useful for putting enemies on your map, and looking for ammo if needed.

Despite being DX9, and having 3 streamlined fidelity settings it actually looks pretty good, there's a good feel to it and it does a really good job of making NY feel tall, immense. One of the first scenes you come out of the water into a burning NY, and it's really beautiful. Some of the textures are not so pretty but crysis stock also suffered from this as do a lot of other games. The lighting is also very good.

The DX11 patch could shape things up nicely, and right now it's not a step backwards from crysis 1 by any means. It runs beautifully on all recent hardware which means a much larger majority can enjoy a game as good looking as crysis, still the bar, on mid range hardware. That pisses a lot of people off but everyone bitched because that was not the case when the original came out. DX11 should add some nice eye candy and I'm sure we'll get a few advanced video settings in the options menu along with it

They remained very keyboard friendly with the control scheme, you still have your quick access to gun mods, you can slide like you could in the original fear and highjump mechanic works very well. I was a little miffed that they took lean out but it allows for a much more fluid use of the nano-suit in combat which is something that was kinda cumbersome in the original. Makes you feel more like a super soilder, lol.

The game just works, and I haven't really heard many reports of crashing, freezing or anything. They patched it pretty quickly too, unlike the original Crysis which had a huge memory leak for some time after release, amongst other game breaking bugs. Warhead didn't have a 64-bit executable at launch as they focused on refining the engine and making a bug free experience. It's not unlike them to add large changes to their engines at a later date, they added 64bit and HDR to Fary Cry later. It fits in with their style to ship dx11 after the launch and if that's the case dx9 is the only thing that makes sense. DX10 is dead in essence.

They have some improvements to make but overall I like the game.
I just don't understand why they had to dumb it down for consoles. How hard is it to develop a hardcore pc with DX11. As well as a completely different game for the consolers?

Would this be like developing two different games, with double the costs?

I mean, obviously they have a separate code writers for each platform.
I just don't understand why they had to dumb it down for consoles. How hard is it to develop a hardcore pc with DX11. As well as a completely different game for the consolers?

Would this be like developing two different games, with double the costs?

I mean, obviously they have a separate code writers for each platform.

Why waste all the time when everyone will pirate it?
If you are going to post pictures, which I deleted, make sure you have the words to describe what you THINK you are showing us. Thanks.
The game just works, and I haven't really heard many reports of crashing, freezing or anything. They patched it pretty quickly too, unlike the original Crysis which had a huge memory leak for some time after release, amongst other game breaking bugs. Warhead didn't have a 64-bit executable at launch as they focused on refining the engine and making a bug free experience. It's not unlike them to add large changes to their engines at a later date, they added 64bit and HDR to Fary Cry later. It fits in with their style to ship dx11 after the launch and if that's the case dx9 is the only thing that makes sense. DX10 is dead in essence.

They have some improvements to make but overall I like the game.

Unless your a crossfire/sli owner.
This year is really starting to suck. Game after game that is supposed to be good... terrible.
This year is really starting to suck. Game after game that is supposed to be good... terrible.

I know what you mean. But Battlefield 3 looks to be a promising DX11 title that will at least push our expensive systems.
We may be pissed about a waste of $60, but NVIDIA and AMD have to be shaking in their boots. This does not bode good for high dollar video card sales. You think Crysis 2 looks crappy on single screen, wait till you get it to 3600x1920, or 5760x1200.
Unless your a crossfire/sli owner.

I've not any issues with my rig with 2D or 3D Surround and 3x SLI. 5760x1080 at Extreme settings averaging 50 FPS in 3D. People can dis this game all day long, this is the first game that runs this well and looks this good with 3D Surround that I've tried out of nigh 100. 3D isn't popular around here as well but of course only when you're bashing the living hell out of something do people think that you're speaking your mind or telling the around here.
I completely agree, well said. I mean why do we spend thousands of dollars on our highend PCs just to play games. There's always been a reason to get the latest hardware. Now with dumbed down consolized games that don't require even a $50 video card.

And what game would that be?

Masters of hyperbole on here, I swear.
People who are blown away by Crysis 2 are just people who have not experienced what Cryengine 2 was capable of. Cryengine 3 is nothing but compromise.

*beautiful pictures*

Damn .. makes me want to reinstall Crysis and discover these mods.
the Run and Slide move is pretty decent as well in the game...also you can detach mounted weapons from vehicles and use them...yes I'm grasping for something to actually like about the game

game of the year so far- Dead Space 2

DA2, Crysis 2 and Homefront have been major disappointments
Ghastly news. NOW I think Nvidia and AMD should be shaking in their boots.

I guess I'll be keeping my current GTX 480 for a long, long time at this rate.

Battlefield 3 will be the hardware killer that Crysis 2 never was...maybe RAGE as well?...everything else coming out this year is consolized- Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Arkham City, Elder Scrolls 5 etc
Battlefield 3 will be the hardware killer that Crysis 2 never was...maybe RAGE as well?...everything else coming out this year is consolized- Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Arkham City, Elder Scrolls 5 etc

I'll be surprised if ALL of those games are letdowns. I'm counting on ESV and Batman being really good even if there's some consolitis involved. Deus Ex may surprise us a little in the end. I hope so.

BF3 and Rage I also have fairly high hopes for.
I hope Cevat Yerli chokes on this giant flaccid floppy penis of a game, while he is pulling out his overstuffed-wallet. Yeah, I just said that, and I meant it.

Bless you sir..
