Love your socket 754?

3500 is kind of low for an x800pro in 05 o_O In 05 with my x800pro I hit 6700 iirc. You beat me in 03 though, my cpu held me back in 03 :(
Yeah - I need to re-run 05 again and check it out. I'm trying to remember what my score was but it wasn't all that impressive it seems to me. Maybe now with this 3200+ Venice at 2.72 ghz and my new ram setup it will be a lot better.
Your 3000+ at 2.7 looks pretty good to me! I couldn't get mine much over 2.6-2.65 with stability. I did get 2.7 but it was on mad volts (1.7 in bios, 1.73 in cpu-z) on air cooling no less but I didn't like running those volts. This 3200+ runs 1.66v (1.69 in cpu-z) with no problems. Ram stays nice and cool, too with the hsf exhaust blowing on it.
BigMacAttack said:
Yeah - I need to re-run 05 again and check it out. I'm trying to remember what my score was but it wasn't all that impressive it seems to me. Maybe now with this 3200+ Venice at 2.72 ghz and my new ram setup it will be a lot better.
Your 3000+ at 2.7 looks pretty good to me! I couldn't get mine much over 2.6-2.65 with stability. I did get 2.7 but it was on mad volts (1.7 in bios, 1.73 in cpu-z) on air cooling no less but I didn't like running those volts. This 3200+ runs 1.66v (1.69 in cpu-z) with no problems. Ram stays nice and cool, too with the hsf exhaust blowing on it.

oh no, I ran the x800pro with a 754 newcastle at 2.25 lol. Right now I'm migrating to a dothan celeron and a 1800xt hehe
sabrewolf732 said:
oh no, I ran the x800pro with a 754 newcastle at 2.25 lol. Right now I'm migrating to a dothan celeron and a 1800xt hehe
whats with the newcastles anyway? They overclock easy to between 2.4 and 2.6GHz, but after that NOTHING will get them any higher 0_o
Unknown-One said:
whats with the newcastles anyway? They overclock easy to between 2.4 and 2.6GHz, but after that NOTHING will get them any higher 0_o

Well, I was on a nforce 3 150 so ide gave out after like 227MHz htt. But yeah, the newcastles were never great overclockers. DTR claws on the other hand were damned good with good ones hitting around 2.8GHz.
Yeah - my C0 Claw 3400+ got from 2.2 to 2.4 and that was it. Even my CG Claw 3700+ only goes from 2.4 to 2.58, before it gets too hot to push any further. The Venices (3000+, 3200+) oc higher at the same temps.
newcastles werent bad...not as bad as Winchesters were...thats to say the least. or CO Claws. and some CG claws.
like mine and tsue's. yay for 2.35ghz! :rolleyes: :p

don't forget that only CBBID winchesters sucked. the ones before that weren't bad, a lot doing in the 2.6-2.7ghz range with a few in 2.8-3.0
(cf)Eclipse said:
like mine and tsue's. yay for 2.35ghz! :rolleyes: :p

don't forget that only CBBID winchesters sucked. the ones before that weren't bad, a lot doing in the 2.6-2.7ghz range with a few in 2.8-3.0

yay for 2.4 hot furnace here... It started to get hotter and hotter. Time to get that nice venice 754 and put some dibs on a new box here.
(cf)Eclipse said:
like mine and tsue's. yay for 2.35ghz! :rolleyes: :p

Hey, at least yours was a 3200+. Thats 350MHz for you. That's only 150MHz for my 3400+. :p So f-ing lame, those Claws.

Finally ordered a 3000+ Venice so I cannot wait to play with this lil' beast.
I'm a little confused here, I built my little brother a system with this same motherboard (the EPoX s745 SLI), same RAM, and a Sempron 64 instead of an Athlon 64. For some reson, his board is showing much larger voltage options than I do for both his vDIMM and his vCORE 0_o

My vDIMM tops out at 3.2v, his will let him push it to 4.0v
Mv vCORE tops out at +0.075v, his will go all the way up to +0.2v

This is on the same motherboard and same BIOS verson, so WTF?
My claw has clocked pretty high around 500-600mhz to 2.4ghz. 3000+ DTR's are great. Knock on wood.
Unknown-One said:
I'm a little confused here, I built my little brother a system with this same motherboard (the EPoX s745 SLI), same RAM, and a Sempron 64 instead of an Athlon 64. For some reson, his board is showing much larger voltage options than I do for both his vDIMM and his vCORE 0_o

My vDIMM tops out at 3.2v, his will let him push it to 4.0v
Mv vCORE tops out at +0.075v, his will go all the way up to +0.2v

This is on the same motherboard and same BIOS verson, so WTF?

Your little brother obviously is the superior overclocker, and God has provided the hardware as such. :p

tsuehpsyde said:
Your little brother obviously is the superior overclocker, and God has provided the hardware as such. :p

Gods isn't always forgiving :p

Seriously, can you try to swap the processors and see if it is indeed dependent on the processor. If not, then try to sneak your bogus mobo in his computer and get the gem in yours.
Unfortunatly, he wont let me tear back into it (I cant pull him off of Quake 4 for anything); from reading the reviews, it does look like what processor you put in has an impact on the voltage settings you get :confused:

That dang Sempron of his can do 3GHz siting at the desktop with a moderate bump in volage ([size=-1]Palermo Core)[/size] :eek: I can't benchmark it though, it overheats idleing because of the crappy stock cooler at anything over 2.4GHz. Seeing as I have a Big Typhoon, swaping them is sounding pretty good :p I'm just not sure what kind of impact cutting my L2 cach in half would have, even with the processor doing 3GHz.

[Edit] I figured it out, the Semprons have a lower stock voltage, but the board has a fixed limit on how high all processor voltages can be set. Whats confusing is they dont list what your voltage is going to be set to, it just says "+0.05v" (meaning +0.05 volts to your stock voltage). So it only looks like you can give it more voltage, but its real just more voltage over stock.

Same goes for the RAM, lower stock voltage even though its listed as the same kind I bought in 2005, strange 0_o[/Edit]
Xilikon said:
Finally ordered a 3000+ Venice so I cannot wait to play with this lil' beast.
Have fun Xilicon. I'll be interested in your results. I ordered a 3200+ Venice when they were $149 - now they are $140. Ah well. At least I've had 3 or 4 weeks to play with it. I'm at 248x11 but can't get 250x11 or any other combo to hit 2.75 ghz or more. 2.73 seems to be my limit ATM. Same with the 3000+ the 3200+ replaced, only 2.65 seemed to be the limit on that one. I hope you can do better. Keep us posted and good luck!
(cf)Eclipse said:
like mine and tsue's. yay for 2.35ghz! :rolleyes: :p

don't forget that only CBBID winchesters sucked. the ones before that weren't bad, a lot doing in the 2.6-2.7ghz range with a few in 2.8-3.0

ohh dont get techincal with me ozzi...youll get smacked! :eek:

also...tsue claws werent bad...first AMD to hit 4ghz was a claw.
BigMacAttack said:
Have fun Xilicon. I'll be interested in your results. I ordered a 3200+ Venice when they were $149 - now they are $140. Ah well. At least I've had 3 or 4 weeks to play with it. I'm at 248x11 but can't get 250x11 or any other combo to hit 2.75 ghz or more. 2.73 seems to be my limit ATM. Same with the 3000+ the 3200+ replaced, only 2.65 seemed to be the limit on that one. I hope you can do better. Keep us posted and good luck!

I will keep all of you informed of the results when I receive the processor. I don't care if i get a poor overclocker because what i care is lower temps and newer revision. If i get 2.7, it's great but even getting above 2.4 is a improvement for me. Mine cost 90$ since it's a sealed box someone bought but never opened. It's a nice deal knowing Newegg sell them for 108$.
Xilikon said:
I will keep all of you informed of the results when I receive the processor. I don't care if i get a poor overclocker because what i care is lower temps and newer revision. If i get 2.7, it's great but even getting above 2.4 is a improvement for me. Mine cost 90$ since it's a sealed box someone bought but never opened. It's a nice deal knowing Newegg sell them for 108$.
You should get 2.4 on stock volts, from my experience. I can hit 2.5 with a minor bump in voltage. Geting to 2.6-2.7 took me a major voltage jolt. Some, though, have gotten great oc's on 1.55v. I hope you get a good one.
i just played arround with my newcastle last night and this is what I got.....I am sure it can do 2700mhz but I would need to crank up my fans....

Was thinking of a 3000/3200 Venice Chip but I am sure that they wont clock more and might run little cooler which isnt worth $100+ for me......Cooling was XP 90 w/ 92mm Zalman Fan @ 7V and mzx load was 48-50C with 3dmark01 Looping in the background.....Timings are 2-3-3-6 @ 2.7V
That is an impressive NewCastle overclock. I have nearly the exact same CPU as you, but I don't even overclock it since I have to give it so much voltage to even get near 2.6GHz. 2.4GHz @ stock is still plenty for todays games, and I'm not into benchmarking competitions.

Still, very nice overclock!
Getting 2.4 from a 3000+ Newcastle is more impressive than getting 2.5-2.6 from a 3400+ in my opinion ;)

Technically, a 3400+ is already running at 2.4 GHz so getting to 2.5-2.6 is a smaller overclock step.
heh, my lil ol sempy 3100 can hit baby idles at around 2400 24/7. To me that's impressive for a 50 dollar chip. :D
my 3400+ newcaslte can run stable at 2.6 but the temps get pretty darn high even with my xp-90 and a highflow fan.. i prefer running it stock with a mid flow panaflow on the xp--90

my newcastle is getting replaced with a conroe in january
Nicely done Volkswagen! You are right about the Venice cpu's not netting you any increase. Might as well stick with what you have. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
as many of you guys said it not a huge overclock but I just wanted to do it for the HECK of it...I also will go back to stock speeds which I run @ 1.3V instead of the 1.5V and I have a silent pc overall which runs very cool....I my self cant see a difference between my 3400+ newcastle and my cousins 3200+ Venice stock @ 2.0ghz.....No real world difference just 3dmark difference but as some of you say I am not a benchmarker....I also will be upgrading sometime next year because my pc is gona be 3 years old in january ;)
i got a socket 754 3700+ Clawhammer for sale if anyone is interested.

(check it out in my FS thread)
You want to see high HT Then you got it.

Ha ha ha ha... I love my 754. That should be pritty nice to show 754's can still kick ass. I got a Sp2500+ at 350HT and a A64 3000+ at 380HT with 3000MT/s in the HTT 1500mhz hyper transport. >D What is that like Hyper transport 4 or something. =P
I never got the point of cranking up the FSB when all your going to do is lower the processors multi, and put a massive divider on your RAM.

Is there anything gained from it, apart from a very hot chipset?
Unknown-One said:
Is there anything gained from it, apart from a very hot chipset?

It's a waste of time, unless you're stuck with a Sempron with a low max multiplier.
I have noticed that Sisandra cpu bench results are slightly higher with a higher fsb (cpu frequency) and lower multiplier (say 300x9 vs 246x11) but its only a difference of 50 points or so. Going to a higher fsb and lower multiplier can help increase your ram speed at times, however, depending on your divider and max mem speed as determined by memtest. All it does is give you some flexibility in maxing out your ram and cpu speeds. Sometimes its better - sometimes it isn't.
Hey guys. Just felt like letting you all know how much I love Socket 754. :cool:

A while back I bought a Sempron 2600+ because I heard it has crazy overclocking potential for the money. I never got around to overclocking it until the past few days, and WOW I am amazed. I took it up from 1.6GHz to 2.0GHz with the stock (all-aluminum!) AMD cooler and it's stable as a rock. That extra 400MHz really makes a difference! I'm planning on getting a better HSF this weekend and then I'm gonna see how much higher I can push it. I'm hoping for 2.2GHz at the very least.

Long live Socket 754! :cool:
Thats great that your getting so much luck with your clocks :cool: , I got my 3000+ Venice from 2.0 to 2.93 Stable on a copper sink and maybe 1 or 2 volt bumps, stable as stable gets :cool:
S754 is great for budget gaming. Its more than enough to handle current day gaming, and its at a manageable price. Only downfall is that Intel's pricing is becoming really competitive, wouldn't make much sense to buy S754 these days.
Serge84 said:
You want to see high HT Then you got it.

Ha ha ha ha... I love my 754. That should be pritty nice to show 754's can still kick ass. I got a Sp2500+ at 350HT and a A64 3000+ at 380HT with 3000MT/s in the HTT 1500mhz hyper transport. >D What is that like Hyper transport 4 or something. =P

Very nice. Are you using the 133MHz RAM divider with that? Also what motherboard are you using?
I can't overclock my venice more than ~2.4.... on my epox 8npa board. I'm using 1 stick of ddr400 @ 240 and multi at 10 X 2400... it won't let me change my multiplier... if i I change it to 9 or 8 it still says 10 X 2000 when I reboot.