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  • Hey Duane! How's it going? Is the Venice still up and running? I still have 2 of my 3400+ Venices in service but upgraded my main machine to a Phenom II X4 945. I'm very happy with it but waiting to see how the 6 core cpu's will be, expense-wise. Its not a gaming machine - its my home-office system so I needed the extra cores.
    Good to hear from you. Hope all is well.
    All the best
    Hi BigMac,

    Remeber me 'Duane Cummins from Michigan' you sold me a nice 754 socket Vencie than I bought that DFI infinity with the pci-e slot one of the few 754 boards than I ran the ATi x1950 pro, we talked for a while on here and through e-mails

    Warm Regards,

    Duane Cummins (MI)
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