Love your socket 754?

Its time to get a new mobo then. I can change multi's anytime with either my Asus K8N4-E Deluxe or my Abit NV8. See sig for oc on the s754 3200+ Venice.
I can't seem to overclock my Sempron 64 2800+ over 250fsb. At 250, it is somewhat unstable too.

Sempron 2800+ (@ 2.00ghz, 250fbs, 31 celcius according to everest/speedfan/msi core center)
512MB ddr400 ram (@166mhz)
MSI K8N Neo v2.0

Even when I set my memory to 133mhz, I still cannot get over 250fsb.

Anyone know the problem? Could it possibly be badly set memory timings?
noobtech said:
I can't overclock my venice more than ~2.4.... on my epox 8npa board. I'm using 1 stick of ddr400 @ 240 and multi at 10 X 2400... it won't let me change my multiplier... if i I change it to 9 or 8 it still says 10 X 2000 when I reboot.

well, I've seen worse.. :) In fact your oc isn't bad at all, these s754 Venice chips don't tend to clock as well as their big brothers. If you can go above 2.6 then you are really lucky, and even if you get there you will probably need a VCore around 1.55V or even higher.

your multiplier issue sounds wierd, try clearing the CMOS or/and updating your BIOS.
noobtech said:
I can't overclock my venice more than ~2.4.... on my epox 8npa board. I'm using 1 stick of ddr400 @ 240 and multi at 10 X 2400... it won't let me change my multiplier... if i I change it to 9 or 8 it still says 10 X 2000 when I reboot.
1. Put your RAM on a divider so its nolonger a problem.
2. Make sure your HTT multi is down at 3x instead of 4x so your HT link stays under 1000MHz.
3. Did you try a voltage bump on your processor yet?
4. Strange that you cant change the multi on yours, I can on mine...You did remember to turn C&Q off befor changeing it, right? You could also check with CPU-Z once you get into windows to make sure the BIOS is actualydefaulting back to 10x, and not just saying it is.

DuffMan72 said:
I can't seem to overclock my Sempron 64 2800+ over 250fsb. At 250, it is somewhat unstable too.

Sempron 2800+ (@ 2.00ghz, 250fbs, 31 celcius according to everest/speedfan/msi core center)
512MB ddr400 ram (@166mhz)
MSI K8N Neo v2.0

Even when I set my memory to 133mhz, I still cannot get over 250fsb.
1. Make sure your HTT multi is down at 3x instead of 4x so your HT link stays under 1000MHz.
2. Did you try a voltage bump on your processor yet?
DuffMan72 said:
I can't seem to overclock my Sempron 64 2800+ over 250fsb. At 250, it is somewhat unstable too.

Sempron 2800+ (@ 2.00ghz, 250fbs, 31 celcius according to everest/speedfan/msi core center)
512MB ddr400 ram (@166mhz)
MSI K8N Neo v2.0

Even when I set my memory to 133mhz, I still cannot get over 250fsb.

Anyone know the problem? Could it possibly be badly set memory timings?

It's not tha RAM...
Maybe 250 is the limit of your mobo, or maybe you just didn't lower your HT link
The HT link is the hyper transport frequency, right? Mine is currently set at 2. I'm going to try lower.
DuffMan72 said:
The HT link is the hyper transport frequency, right? Mine is currently set at 2. I'm going to try lower.
you should try 3 too, some chipsets tend to have wierd issues with 2x HT
DuffMan72 said:
The HT link is the hyper transport frequency, right? Mine is currently set at 2. I'm going to try lower.
If your HT Link is under 1000MHz, and your ram is on a divider, the only other thing it could be is lack of voltage going to youre processor...Unless your motherboard is topping out (I doubt it).
Well, the HT frequency made no difference. I messed around with my memory settings, and now it caps at 260fsb, though it is highly unstable (system freezes). My processor is at 1.45 volts.

Edit: 1.40 volts according to CPUZ
A little update of my 754 adventure.

My 3700+ Clawhammer can to 2.77 Stable in everything but BF 2. This is with 1.85 Volts :eek:

My dad might need another computer for work, so might be able to sell the 2600+ sempron in one of my other comps to him for 150-200.(Yes I know it is not worth that much...) ;) So then I would thow my clawhammer in the other comp, then buy a 4000+ newark for me. :D

Q: Will my DFI NF4X support this CPU, I think it should..

Is there a better place to buy the 4000+ other than newegg?
Correction on the HTT frequency. Its not 1000 mhz for a socket 754 - its 800 mhz. You want to remain below 800 mhz. 1000 mhz is the HTT setting for socket 939 with dual channel ram.
Duffman - you'll need to go to 1.55-1.6v on the cpu to get any kind of decent oc. Also don't forget to up the ram voltage by about .2v over stock.
Thanks for the help guys, but I figured out the problem. Apparently, the AGP lock doesn't work when it's set to 66 mhz. I set it to 67, and I was then able to OC my processor to 2.4GHZ. It is stable at 300fsb. Do I dare overclock it further? :D
Got it up to 305 without any issues. I'm not sure if I want to raise the voltage, as the only option I have besides default is 1.55v and above. The chip runs at 1.4 volts according to CPU-Z (though, oddly enough, it runs at 1.45 when it's not overclocked).

It evens runs between 28-31 degrees idle, stock cooling. These chips rock :D
DuffMan72 said:
Got it up to 305 without any issues. I'm not sure if I want to raise the voltage, as the only option I have besides default is 1.55v and above. The chip runs at 1.4 volts according to CPU-Z (though, oddly enough, it runs at 1.45 when it's not overclocked).

It evens runs between 28-31 degrees idle, stock cooling. These chips rock :D
See my sig for some voltage :cool:
Also, (cf)Eclipse runs his Sempron at 1.7v 24/7 with no problems. You certainly don't need to be afraid of 1.55v even with the stock hsf. If you want/need to go higher than that you'll need to invest in a better one.

I'm so proud. :D And we're still kicking. In celebration, once I get my new job here (crossing fingers) I'll snag a cheap sempron for that ATi mobo I have and get a 754 rig folding, like I've been trying to for awhile now. :)

BigMacAttack said:
Also, (cf)Eclipse runs his Sempron at 1.7v 24/7 with no problems. You certainly don't need to be afraid of 1.55v even with the stock hsf. If you want/need to go higher than that you'll need to invest in a better one.
i wasn't aware. ;)

1.65v would probably be the max i would do for 24/7.. 1.7v should be fine for benches
plus, this chip doesn't have a 24/7 speed yet. haven't even had it for a week yet :p

and yay.. 1 year :p :D
(cf)Eclipse said:
i wasn't aware. ;)

1.65v would probably be the max i would do for 24/7.. 1.7v should be fine for benches
plus, this chip doesn't have a 24/7 speed yet. haven't even had it for a week yet :p

and yay.. 1 year :p :D
Sorry Eclipse. I thought you had been running the old s754 Sempy at 1.7v 24/7, not the new AM2. Sorry if I spoke out of turn. BTW - I have enjoyed your eval of the AM2 Sempron. Good stuff.
Personally I run my A64 s754 3200+ Venice at 1.66v (1.69 as reported by CPU-z) when I have the machine powered up. I don't leave it on 24/7 but sometimes play a 4 hour game session with no problems. Good cooling is key to running the higher voltages.
BigMacAttack said:
Sorry Eclipse. I thought you had been running the old s754 Sempy at 1.7v 24/7, not the new AM2. Sorry if I spoke out of turn. BTW - I have enjoyed your eval of the AM2 Sempron. Good stuff.
Personally I run my A64 s754 3200+ Venice at 1.66v (1.69 as reported by CPU-z) when I have the machine powered up. I don't leave it on 24/7 but sometimes play a 4 hour game session with no problems. Good cooling is key to running the higher voltages.

I believe that's baron you're thinking of.

They say people are getting really low temps with the AM2's, around 15-25C range for the lower range. And from what iv'e heard they overclock like mad. I wanted to get the A64 3000+ Orleans AM2 and give it a test drive but I don't have cash. Anyone willing to donate? :(
Emission said:
They say people are getting really low temps with the AM2's, around 15-25C range for the lower range. And from what iv'e heard they overclock like mad. I wanted to get the A64 3000+ Orleans AM2 and give it a test drive but I don't have cash. Anyone willing to donate? :(
my 3400+ sempron is pretty cool at stock speeds, but is a furnace once pushed to the limit :p

though 15c sounds a little low, as it's a touch under normal room temp at 59f ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
my 3400+ sempron is pretty cool at stock speeds, but is a furnace once pushed to the limit :p

though 15c sounds a little low, as it's a touch under normal room temp at 59f ;)
it's impossible to cool anything that outputs heat to 0 c/w unless they're doing phase
Yes, or if the room temp is below 15C, which is unlikely.

Finally received my Venice. It's a CBBWE 0611FAE 3000+ so it's time for some overclocking love :D
Hotcha-chacha-cha! Sweet Xilicon. I'm interested to see what you get from it. I'm betting you'll get at least 2.65 out of it and probably more.
Good luck.
No real overclocking done, got only 30 mins to play with and so far, it is cooler at the same OC speed as my older newcastle. Here is the CPU-Z pics. I will do some overclocking love later this evening.


Also, before I go further, I need to figure how to force the heatpipe fan (70mm version) to spin at full speed (5700rpm) because it's controlled by a thermal diode and it's running at only 3000 rpm. I can't' change the fan since it's a custom-made version for the AMD heatpipe and swapping heatsinks is not really a option for me.
Thermal diodes gain resistance the warmer they get. By simply sauldering across the thermal diode, the fan should run at full speed.

Heck, even just drawing all over the thermal diode with a pencil might do the job, just as long as it shorts across it. :p
Unknown-One said:
Thermal diodes gain resistance the warmer they get. By simply sauldering across the thermal diode, the fan should run at full speed.

Heck, even just drawing all over the thermal diode with a pencil might do the job, just as long as it shorts across it. :p

You mean by losing resistance the warmer it get ?

I may be able to do a small soldering job with a small wire to join both ends together. Or even crimp both diode legs together if the legs is long enough to touch without being ripped off from the fan case.
The thermal diode is a special type of resistor designed to increase its resistance when it gets warmer.

Edit: Decrease, My bad :D . Its a special type of thermocouple.
Did some search on the forums and i will try shorting both ends or even yanking the diode off then twist the ends. I don't care about noise, i care about temps like any [H] would do :)
If you just put a drop of solder across the pins of the diode, you can undo the mod by just remelting the solder and wicking it away quickly (solder wick).
small peice of wire tied around it it a nice non perminate easy to remove soultion..
Upon checking, it's not really a thermal diode on 2 wires but a piece of PCB in a U shape with 2 resistor-type across them. I yanked the resistors then just remembered i forgot the soldering stuff at work :( I finally did the ghetto way and slapped a 80 MM fan in it using folded paperclips :p I will order a nicer 80MM fan then setup a nice shroud from a aluminium piece since there is a big hole on both sides.

I didn't find a prime-stable speed yet but i'm humming at 2.6 with cool temps and 1.54v (didn't push too far yet since i think it need some time to burn-in and be able to overclock better). It's prime-stable at 2.4 and stock voltage at about 43C, which is a improvement from the 48-49C of the NewCastle.
You have to take into account that the NewCastle is 130nm. Those process types tend to run hotter, espeically the AMD variations.
Emission said:
You have to take into account that the NewCastle is 130nm. Those process types tend to run hotter, espeically the AMD variations.

I know this but thank you anyway :p

I'm confirming what BigMacAttack noticed with the 754 variation of Venice. I guess a different packaging made the cpu harder to overclock or they are binning lower quality versions in the s754 package.
You mean this?
Yeah - that does seem to be the case. The s754 Venices seem to need to be jolted quite a bit to get up over 2.5. Mine will do 235x11 @1.48v but it needs 1.66v to get to 246x11. Thats quite a jump
I have taken both my 3000+ and 3200+ Venices to just over 1.7v on air but not for any longer than 2-2.5 hours. Funny thing is, when volts are up around 1.66-1.7 the temp doesn't seem to go up all that much. Running full load under Prime95 I notice temps in the 55C-57C range on air when running at those volts. Gaming temps don't get that high, though. Temps while gaming are in the lower 50's.
I ran my 3000+ Venice in the upper 1.6's (I get different values between my bios and CPU-z and AbitEQ software) for 5 months of use. I didn't run it 24/7 but it did log a good many hours of gaming without a problem at anywhere from 1.66v-1.71v, depending on which monitoring software I was using.
Idk, I got my S754 Venice up around 280x10 without much volts. 1.55 would suffice for whenever I was in a situation under heavy load. I would rarely go over 1.625v , but up past 295x10 you would need obscene voltage increments for little results.
2.6-2.7 is pretty stable at 1.55v, even playing Oblivion doesn't crash but for a weird reason, it's not prime95 stable :( will try 1.6v tonight. Maybe also increase VDIMM voltage even if i set it to DDR266.