Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

May I be storage director for the Socket 939 Alliance? (see sig ;)) I have a 3700 San Diego cooking along at 2.75 right now.
DougLite said:
May I be storage director for the Socket 939 Alliance? (see sig ;)) I have a 3700 San Diego cooking along at 2.75 right now.

haha do it.
edit: nice 2.75 BTW
Those S754 people, no matter how dead 939 is when M2 Comes out, 754 is no better. Single channel memory (I remember those days) ;)

War on M2!!!!
Enjoicube said:
Those S754 people, no matter how dead 939 is when M2 Comes out, 754 is no better. Single channel memory (I remember those days) ;)

War on M2!!!!
We will DESTROY M2 with our superior overclocks...
DougLite said:
May I be storage director for the Socket 939 Alliance? (see sig ;)) I have a 3700 San Diego cooking along at 2.75 right now.


Grimdj, Enjoicube, welcome!!
Holy crap! How come I didn't notice this thread that's been here for like 3 months before? I need to browse this forum section more...

Sign me up!

I <3 my 3000+ :)
robberbaron or anybody else. Can you help me.

I received my 8 to 4 pin molex power adapter today. I connected it to the white 4 pin atx plug. When i turn on my computer i hear 5 quite small beeps.

I called Gigabyte and they told me the 5 short beeps was a power supply error.
I'm guessing they told me this b/c my 4 pin atx plug was not connected. Well now its connected.
My gigabyte's manual list the 5 short beeps is a processor error.

I'm so sad, i'm almost thinking of returning alot of things listed in my sig. below :(

i have a thread about it..
Please don't do that. You have one thread already, you don't need two...

BTW, more on the actual subject of the actual thread, I notice in some other threads people are using CPU-Z validator links. Well, I don't know if it does any good or not, but, it seems like it can't hurt to use those. I've put one for my own in my signature already. If nothing else, maybe it shows a few little details about the processor not normally obvious (I guess like those model numbers in there.) Of course, it can't seem to read my voltage (+0.125 btw) and it doesn't seem to realize my HyperTransport is set to 3x, not 1x... (Well, it's set to that. I do hope it is actually using it like it's supposed to be...)
thats a good point, when i look at my cpuz valid thingy, i never can see the voltage. And whats the deal with the M2, i havent been paying much attention but why would 939 be dead when the M2 arrives?
Agromahdi123 said:
i havent been paying much attention but why would 939 be dead when the M2 arrives?
for the same reasons everyone proclaims s754 to be "dead" ;)
or so says the "cheap" s754's, lol, jk I have a smpy 2800, so i cant hate 754, I also have a 3500 in my main rig.
Nazo said:
Please don't do that. You have one thread already, you don't need two...

I'm sorry Nazo.. I'm really stressed out and sad. I was just trying to get all the help i can :)
I'll reply to your post this evening..
robberbaron said:
940 pins, same HSF mounting as 754/939/940

Does this mean that all of AMDs new desktop/server processors will be 940 pins? Or is the Opteron getting a new socket as well?
Q-Ball said:
Does this mean that all of AMDs new desktop/server processors will be 940 pins? Or is the Opteron getting a new socket as well?

Totally different 940 pin set on M2 and S940. Opterons are getting a 1207pin Socket F.
My computer should be ready today from the comp. repair store.
I'll let yall know what is going to happen.
I want to upgrade to a FX-55 or FX-57 if my 4000+ is fried :p
Ohh i have my computer back :)

I got the Asus X850XT PE now. It does not have the nice AC Rev. 5 silencer on it; as the HIS X850XT PE had. But its ok.
Time to have fun! haha

I <3 my S.939 :p
Got my s939 rig back up and running...specs in sig. Just couldn't take my ol' P4 Northwood anymore :D.
kirbyrj said:
Got my s939 rig back up and running...specs in sig. Just couldn't take my ol' P4 Northwood anymore :D.

Right.. i couldn't take the ol' P3 w/128mb of ram :p
HDBox2d1 said:
Right.. i couldn't take the ol' P3 w/128mb of ram :p
Since the last millennium, I grew fairly intolerate of the P2-450 I had until last week. :D
Installed some apps and Battlefield Vietnam and HL2.. i played a round in battlefield and my game just All Of A Sudden shut down and the computer went to the desktop.

I thought my video card could be overheating, since i have the stock cooler on the X850XT PE. Went to Rivatuner and my temp was 50 degree C .. this was measured around 1 minutes after battlefield shut down.

Scary stuff.. :p
Well Add me to the List as well, As "the other guy from Canada" as I am from canada, and I find it funny that a guy named chill is also from canada (honst to god I did not know there was a user named chill when I started using this nickname :p)
Never saw this thread, but was always wondering why people had the "Member of the s939 Alliance" in their sigs. Count me in. ;)