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updated my CPU! :) fix my Pix please...


I got my computer working!

Its very fun. Sorta wished i would have got the 74gb raptor insted of the 36gb. But who cares :p
Hey guys, I just updated the post. I'm glad to see all the X2 systems. I gotta get me one.
It's not fair. If they had released those 939 opterons just a LITTLE sooner, I wouldn't be stuck at ~2.52GHz right now. )-: (Actually, it seems rather unfair anyway since so many people still get so much more out of these chips.)
Opteron CPUs work in Socket 939 motherboards?! I thought they required Socket 940. :confused:
(cf)Eclipse said:
Wow! This will probably kill the traditional high-end 939 CPUs (i.e. FX series).

I assume these new Opteron CPUs will be compatible w/ all S939 motherboards, perhaps requiring only a BIOS upgrade.
The thread originally discussing this when it first came out has dissapeared amongs all the threads since, but, if I recall correctly, essentially these 939 Opterons are what you might want to call "FX2" if you wanted. They are the same basic cores we already have rather than a seperate core like previous Opterons. Essentially, all are San Diegos. However, they aren't just any San Diegos, they are like the old Athlon mobile from the Barton days in that they are hand picked chips that exceed all quality tests. You are probably guaranteed an absolute minimum overclock of 2.7GHz if you get a bad chip, and if the normal San Diego runs cool as ice, these probably run a few degrees cooler than that (so don't set any water on them.) d-: Not to mention that they are cheaper than they have a right to be. They probably require no BIOS upgrade since they are the same basic chips, though they might not be recognized by some boards and show up as "Unknown CPU Typ" (I left the e off on purpose -- my old system didn't recognize my mobile barton and that's what it called it) perhaps. I imagine they should be perfectly compatible though.

So, in essense, I really screwed up by not waiting another couple of months or so to upgrade, but, I never imagined anything like this was waiting on the horizon.
these run hotter then san diegos, and water is useful, ask Ozzi about that. they are some of the best chips, if you get CABNE or CABYE, CABGE isnt too great, its basically a plain old San Diego. in order of best to worst, if there is even a worst, its CABNE > CABYE > CABGE. they are just like the mobile bartons, they are meant to be able to keep on running if something happens, like psu instability and the vcore droops tolike 1.1v.
Lol, how much hotter than san diego? Mine idles 0-2C above chasis temperature with a venus 12 at minimum fan speed. It has never in it's lifetime gone anywhere NEAR 50C.
iirc, and ozzi will chime in with the 100% accurate data, when he upped the vcore from 1.5v to 1.54v, and this is on water, temps jumped from like 42ºC load to like 46ºC load or something bigger. this is also at like 3.2ghz, so you gotta take that into consideration too.
these run hotter then san diegos, and water is useful, ask Ozzi about that
yeah, insane heat. here's the deal.. there seems to be a transition between just warm and insane. for the 144, i gained 10c from 1.58v to 1.62v.. ~38-40c load to ~48-51c load, with water. everything under 1.58v was around 35-40c
for the 146, that jump happens from 1.5v to 1.55v. combine the heat scaling with voltage with the high speeds... and you have a pretty hot chip on your hands ;)

whoever told you they run cooler.. emit a punch to the throat
(cf)Eclipse said:
whoever told you they run cooler.. emit a punch to the throat
No one said that. I just assumed. They are the better made chips are they not? Anyway, I do think it's a key part of that that it's running at 3.2GHz to get up to 46C on water. Actually, it still sounds like it runs cooler accounting for voltage and speed differences than my chip at least. You're just pushing it really hard. When I raised my voltages, I saw a not so dissimilar temperature increase, though I still have my fan on low (honestly, raising it doesn't seem to make a huge difference. In the end, my limit is my chasis not my HSF since I'm on air.) At any rate, these chips still run pretty cool, which is all I really mean. I was simply amazed (and a little annoyed) to find that I bought this expensive heatsink wanting to make sure that temperature didn't hold me back from ocing much and I can't even overclock enough for the heatsink to be all that much better than the stock thing (though at least there is nearly no temperature throttling going on, which can only be good for the CPU.)

BTW, how do you "emit" a punch?
well.. the CABNE stepping runs a lot hotter, CABYE is a bit warmer and CABGE is the same as the rest of the san diegos. i believe the reason for the differences in heat and oc'ability comes from the ratio between "slow" and "fast" transistors. i suspect the CABNE has more of the latter, thus why it can hit such high speeds, but is also why it puts out so much heat ;)

ask ccu how to emit a punch. he has the art mastered :cool:
on how to emit a punch, wait until the person is distracted. run up to them, and punch. not a wussy punch, a solid shot, right to the trachea, or other desired part. and VERY good assumption on CABNE's and CABYE's and CABGE's. do CABYE's have a balance of slow and fast, like if CABNE and CABGE mixed?
(cf)Eclipse said:
whoever told you they run cooler.. emit a punch to the throat

Sigged. My question is, what is the deal with Opterons? Yes, I know that they are server processors, but what is up with the latest craze about them? Are they up there with the FX57? Or are they just great bang for the buck? Care to explain?
SomeoneWhoIsntMe said:
Eclipse, think I should get a 144 or 146? The recent price drop puts the 146 in my budget :cool:
either works. in the end, it comes down to your luck. do whichever one feels like a better choice ;)
Well, I just defected to the s939! My s754 served me well, but it's being shipped off to the wife's corner of the room when my new parts get in either tomorrow or Wed. :)
Wheres the beast that is the x2 3800 in the list in the first post! These babies are the extreme oc'ers of the x2 bunch!

I'll email a pic later :)
I've decided on moving to 939 w/ an opteron 144/146 whichever i can find first. but i'm not sure which motherboard would go well with it. Anyone know of a good cheap one less than a hundred? Super good oc'er? Something like this socket's NF7-s. Needs to have AGP though cuz i'm running 9600xt. I'll also b reusing my 512mb 3200 geil ddr
My current board was highly recommended to me in it's pricerange. Only complaints I have is it's subject to the 1T timing bug that some other boards know (certain memory chips -- I think someone said specifically double sided ones -- can't handle 1T timings.) Also, memory voltage maxes at 1.8V, so memory like this almost can't overclock at all. It also slightly undervolts my CPU, so about the max I can set is something like 1.625 or so. Well, it's cheap, but, I still get great stuff for the price and when I first got it -- before I messed it up with a short, it could set an FSB around 315 or so (cpu/memory limits kept me from trying much higher, but, I know it can't hit 400 -- or my CPU can't one.) There's also the DFI NF3 Lanparty if you can find the socket 939 (I couldn't.) The Lanparty has all the stuff one could need for maximum overclocking, but, from what I hear it takes a LOT of configuring to get it to do it.

Beyond those, well, ask in the motherboard forums I guess.
the msi neo2 plat is another strong nf3 agp san diego runs well with it. just make sure to get the latest custom bios from xs's forums. the nvidia lan may be hosed with stock 1.a or 1.b firmware on it, so just use the gigabit lan :)