I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

This has been asked a lot with rATX cases and it seems like the consensus is that heatpipes these days all use wicks and having them in an rATX layout has no ill affect on the heatpipe's ability to do its job.

Well I bought another A05 again, guess I'm "returning home". :)
My SFF build case didn't work out with my TRUE + 9800GTX (they fit but not how I wanted them) so I bought another A05, this time the A05A (silver). It's being delivered tomorrow; I've already received the silver cd bezel + radgrill from Frozencpu to mod the case with...I'll post pictures in a few days. I'm deciding how I'm going to do the window...looking for something "different" for sure than the standard 'square', along the lines of what brooks did with his.
has any of you though about a possible problem with mobo wiht heatpipes, being up side down and as a result not working properly? I presume it depends on the type of heatpipes used (with a wick or not)... but really I have no idea... I'm just building a rig with ASUS p5e and was wondering...

I have an m2n-sli in my a05 and I've never had any problems with it.
Well my A05A is modded, filled and done :)






(mATX board sure does look small in there ;))
The fan on your CPU cooler. Is it blowing in or sucking air out?

Yep, as faugusztin said, it sucks toward the front of the case (I've kept the default airflow). Since the rear intake is so close to the TRUE, I just mount the fan on the left side of the TRUE to further pull the rear intake air through so it's somewhat like a push-pull since everything is so close. The bonus is that it also throws good airflow at the HD area. :)

(The top fans are set to exhaust as well, of course.)

I'm very pleased with the S-Flex SFF21E's yet again. (The 4 120mm fans in my V1000 are all SFF21E's.) My old A05B had Yate Loon D12SL-12's, which compared to the S-Flex are more noisy and weaker on airflow. I am an S-Flex fan for life. ;)

oo a05a's look nice too. I already have a a05b and I'm happy.

Yeah, I went with the silver because I had the B before, and I wanted to try something different. ;) I'm glad I did; I really like the silver - I think it's purdy. :) The only problem is that I'm so pleased with how sleek and clean cut the case looks that I'm finding it hard to consider modding a window (which was my initial plan all along). Now I have a voice in my head telling me "it's got such clean lines, don't put a window in it". :D

The radgrill was a giant PITA this time around though; I didn't realize that the radgrill was silver because it's 2mm thick stainless steel. When I had and modded my A05B and used the "lines" AC Ryan black radgrill, it was easy to drill out the holes (probably because the black ones are aluminum). Well I didn't realize until I was in the middle of trying to drill the holes that this one isn't silver aluminum, it's silver *stainless steel*. The holes were a real PITA to drill out due to the increased "beefyness" (for lack of better terms) of the stainless steel over the aluminum. Had I known that before I ordered it (or maybe realized it at least), I probably would've went with a black one. As it is though, the silver looks very nice with the silver of the case obviously, so in the end - it's ok. :)
for everyone looking to buy the bezel, i finally found a place that was semi cheap. I got it for $11.40 shipped from cooler guys (http://www.coolerguys.com/840556007623.html). I chose first class mail which was the cheapest.

Good for you guys, i'm now in position that i must wait at least until end of June, because simply there are zero pieces of C-01B at Lian Li Europe. On other side, i'm waiting for BZ-502 too to replace my Kama Bay in PC-V1000 and the disk tray in PC-A17 (i have a hotswap rack for disks) :).
Got mine done two!! Let the pictures do the speaking:


:eek: that's beautiful

but as someone else asked, what did you use to cut the window? I really want to try to cut a window like that this weekend but I'm afeared that my dremel skills might not be quite up to the challange...and i'm not a huge fan of the enormous bezels on the frozencpu window kits
Just got all my stuff yesterday. Will be building sometime soon probably on my day off. I am interested though as to why no one has routed their power supply cord behind the motherboard tray? Would definitely clean it up a bit. Will post pics sometime next week of a couple of mods i have planned.
Yeah, but I don't really see how you can hide cables behind it unless you drill some holes.
\ I am interested though as to why no one has routed their power supply cord behind the motherboard tray? Would definitely clean it up a bit.

I think its because of either two things:

1. the mobo tray is so close to the side door that there could be a pinch issue, and most likely:

2. it would require soldering a 120v wiring connection, and that tends to scare off most people.

as for me, meh, I'm just lazy.
These look like pretty nice funky little cases. Some great clean builds in here. Keep it up guys!
[K]entor;1032657739 said:
does the case come with a aluminum bazel cover for optical drives?

Nope..but if you look back I think one page or two..another good person posted a site that sell's the front cd cover for a low price with shipping.
Anyone see sales/discounts for this case?

The Egg hasn't run a sale on it for a while.

Was hoping to pick it up for ~$100 shipped.

Great thread!
Anyone see sales/discounts for this case?

The Egg hasn't run a sale on it for a while.

Was hoping to pick it up for ~$100 shipped.

Great thread!

The Egg has had for $100 w/ free shipping for awhile. I got mine for that price 2 weeks ago.

*EDIT* - sorry, i guess that ended.
;) NP!

It's about 110 for us. A while back this was $90 shipped but i DOUBT i'll ever get that ever again. :(
Newegg had it for $70 shipped at one point, that's when I picked it up a few months ago :)
what are the temps and noise level in this case? im considering this case for a HTPC system ie a p4 3.2ghz northwood system with a 7800gtx agp card. good enough to play HD movies?

edit what about a PC7-B Plus II
Temps and noise are dependent primarily on your components. Hot air gets trapped in the top rear corner. Mine's quiet except for the slot cooler I'm using.

While it'd be a fine case for an HTPC, I think there are better (and probably cheaper) solutions.
not the cpu... you need dual core for that... at least for really nice higher resolutions...

This is smaller than the pc7 by a bit.
I just ordered this on ebay for $90 and when I received it from UPS there is a hole in the box. I took out the case and the side panel is scratched and dented a bit where the hole was...

Is there a replacement for the side panel anywhere?
Temps and noise are dependent primarily on your components. Hot air gets trapped in the top rear corner. Mine's quiet except for the slot cooler I'm using.

While it'd be a fine case for an HTPC, I think there are better (and probably cheaper) solutions.

Exactly. For example the highest card in my system is my TV card that is located in the middle of my case. The top rear corner does get hot, but there isn't anything there to over heat, just a bunch of empty PCI slots.

If you are running a single video card and place heat tolerant card at the top of the case (like a sound card) then there isn't any problems with the ventilation.