I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

Finally got around to cutting 2 holes for fans in my case, it turned out very well.



I reversed the hdds (with 90° sata/power cables) and modded a fan, I love how this turned out.

Close up front pic. used the grill that came with the case. and close up top shot

I used This 4½ inch drill head and cleaned up the edges with a dremel.

My next undertaking is to mod a window. im a procrastinator, so it most likely wont get done for many months heh.
I join the club :cool:

Sold my P182 locally- reason for selling it I got a good offer- lost only 20$ so I was like lets change it up a little and order the new case and some goodies for it

This was put together in a rush so I may tackle the wiring some other time but it seems to be decent.

Mods- 2 x 120mm AC Ryan Rad Grill
Lian Li DVD Face Plate/Bay Cover
Lian Li "Mesh" Bay cover
3.5" Ultra Fan controller

Let the pics do the talking.....





and my $149 4850 Video Card :)

Sticking on topic with your last pic, how's the VC? What did you have before and how much better is it?
Volkswagen, whats the air flow of your hsf???

my new built, thanks to this thread!
from SG03 to A05B






need to mod top exhaust (2x140mm), mobo tray for cable management and ofcourse, window sidepanel
the back case fan is a intake directing air at the heatsink and the fan on the heatsink is pulling air through the fins and pointing it to the HDD's and that air gets exhausted out by the front fan.....I can actually feel air coming through the front.
the fan on the heatsink is pulling air through the fins and pointing it to the HDD's

ill try this one, thanks for the tip
temps are little higher compared to my p182 cpu wise but thats because I had 3 120mm fans arround the hsf.....

Checked Newegg today and it was 79.99 (plus the discount code for free shipping was still good)

Went back to order after dinner.....OOS! :D

Checked Newegg today and it was 79.99 (plus the discount code for free shipping was still good)

Went back to order after dinner.....OOS! :D

I wonder if it will ever reach $60 with free shipping again... I ordered one on impulse that time... I actually planned to build a 2nd computer but never got around to it, then bought a 3rd... used A05b because it had the 2 x 120 on top, and haven't sold my old original... I sold that NIB one though...

sTARTED..12-15-2006, 05:09 PM ..LOVIN IT!
I might get this case to replace my SG03. I'm not liking the PSU=HSF combo anymore.
reswob i came from sg03 and i dont miss it, a05 is nuch better than sg03.

ofcourse, thats my point of view :)
Currently working on my a05 - which will be my first mod. Pics will be incoming once I finish (plus probably a worklog). I'm thoroughly enjoying this case. It's only my second build, and so much better than the thermaltake sViking I used for my first build. Lian Li definitely makes some good products
So I have decided to start making changes to my A05. Here are a couple of shots.

I wanted to have the front fan as an intake, but keep the PSU blowing out. So the solution was a little bit of insulation.



I also used some black tape to block off about 6 of the vents on the side. I didn't want to see the yellow color of the foam and this also further separates the intake part from the exhaust part.

It ends up working out well. There is minimal recirculation of the air. My HDDs dropped 10C!! :eek:

Since I really like the look of the 2 x 120mm AC Ryan Rad Grill on this case, I'm going to copy it. :D I placed the order and since the case was already open, I took off the top.

I don't think I have to worry about heat building in the back corner anymore. :D:D

I'm just wondering if you guys are not liking how "long" the case is? The height and width are a amazing, but the depth of 19" seems long... No regrets?
I really like the depth of it considering the height and width. Just the right size if you ask me.
Where are you guys getting the ACRyan 2x120mm fan grill, i cant find it for the life of me on their site.
Where are you guys getting the ACRyan 2x120mm fan grill, i cant find it for the life of me on their site.

I get a lot of things from Frozen CPU.


They aren't the cheapest place around, but they tend to have a lot of things when other sites don't. (as in sold out) They also let me ship things parcel post and the shipping tends to be much cheaper than places like New Egg, especially if you get a bunch of small things like fans.
gah looks you got to it first heh. This thread is really inspiring me to get this case for my next lan-party build.
well, couldn't wait for Newegg to restock. ordered from Mwave. $105 including shipping/tax. not too bad.

all I need now is for Blazestorm to sell me his BS-03. :)
Mwave is pretty good..bought alot of my stuff from them..$105 isn't to bad..and this has got to be one HOT case for newegg alot of us..me too..bought it from them :D
Hey Guys! I have been following this forum for about a year on and off. It is why I bought my A05b in the first place about a year ago as well. I always wanted to mod it, but i never got around to it for a couple reasons (mainly i didnt want to take everything out in a tiny dorm room ;) )

My eVGA 680i was acting up, not letting me return from sleep, only accepting 3gb's of my Crucial memory, and had the infamous squealing capacitor problem. So with 6 days left on its warranty back to the Egg it went. Everything was out of the case and i saw an opportunity...

well i will let the pics speak for themselves :D (I made sure to take a bunch cause i know i loved looking at other's mods... hopefully you all like mine ;) )









Case will include an eVGA 750i FTW (which the Egg adjusted to my RMA price and shipped to me as a replacement - NEWEGG RULES :D ), an Intell E6600 (hopefully overclocked) a BFG 8800GTS OC 512, 4 gb Crucial Ballistix Tracer Memory, A 36gb Raptor and 2 500 gb'ers, a Creative X-fi XtremeGamer, a 680W Aerocool 0 dba psu, and an Asus DvdRW (Sata of course).

Here is my lighting scheme (sorry for the blurry pics - hard to focus w/out flash):





Mods include:

11" x 14" side window
Top Blowhole w/ 120mm yate loon slim fan and custom cover
Front Blowhole and custom cover
Blue and Green cold cathodes
Front, back, and inside painted matte black.

Of Course I will post more pics when i get everything together - hopefully tomorrow night (fingers crossed)

Let me know what y'all think and thanks for a great forum!!
I found some soffit/duct covers at my local ace hardware. I just took off the duct attachment and painted them black :)
Just got mine today from mwave.

Have drilled the drive cage out and the grill in the back for better exhaust of the BS-03.

The square grill on the back was easier to cut than expected. Used some tin snips and filed the edges smooth.

Applied black channel modling on all the holes.

Will be using 120mm 1200RPM Slipstreams for intake and exhaust and an 800RPM for the BS-03.

HD (500GB Samsung T1) is in a Scythe QuietBox which will mount on the 5.25" bay.

So far so good. Will post some pics later.

**This thing is damned light! I'm wondering if some sound dampening material in the side panels and base will be needed.

**I'm glad I got this instead of the NSK3480.
I've decided that its time to install a top vent in my case. It just getting too hot with summer and all. I made a makeshift fan duct with cardboard attached to their pci exhaust vent, but its just not good enough. So time to dust off the ol' jigsaw.

What size bit are people using to drill out the rivets on the top panel, and what size screws/nuts are being used to re-attach it?

Ok I got the 750i and after some trouble i got everything working. Here is how it came out:

W/ lights and flash:


No Flash or Lights in Room:




Warning: Pimp Setup :D

This is my extremely quiet storage/browsing rig. 400 RPM fans, sound damping material, passive video card, and suspended Green Power and laptop hard drives make it completely silent 99% of the time, even to my sensitive ears. The switch on the front is a DPDT switch. It changes power between the two drives, effectively giving me two completely separate systems in one.



Finally got around to cutting 2 holes for fans in my case, it turned out very well.



I reversed the hdds (with 90° sata/power cables) and modded a fan, I love how this turned out.

Close up front pic. used the grill that came with the case. and close up top shot

I used This 4½ inch drill head and cleaned up the edges with a dremel.

My next undertaking is to mod a window. im a procrastinator, so it most likely wont get done for many months heh.
How much space is there between the front panel that comes off and the front panel that detaches and the panel of the actual case? I am considering buying this case, but if I did, I would want to mount the front fan between the two front panels, and fit the mesh on the outer one. Would a 120mmx25mm fan fit?