Chimp Challenge : Official thread

It will take a while for the PPD calculations to settle, which is what drives the estimated time of completion. I think please correct me if i'm wrong.

It can take up to a week for the PpD calculations to settle. Problem is, this will be over in probably just over a week.

I am still saddened that this hasn't become more of a team effort than it has. I understand that this is optional and we are by no means forcing anyone to help out, but at the last update, we are now just shy of 200K points behind MPC. We were only 90K behind when I last checked last night.

Three people just showed up on my threat list (I've never since I started folding had anyone on my threat list). :(

Moved the rest of my SMP boxen over this morning, so that's another 6k PPD or so.
I have 4 clients dropping this update...... I hope others do as well.... We need to catch up!

Eek :eek: and I thought I was "over reacting" to the early results of the "Chimp Challenge". Then I read contingency plans of what we should do next year if we were to loose this year.

While I highly commend the thoughts of planning a future contingency action (I just wish more of the US politicians had done that concerning the Iraq bull crap) I think everyone (myself included) should remember the old expression "it ain't over until the fat lady sings", in other words just "chill" and do the best you can with what you got until the final pernt scores are in. Please, just keep on borgin' and buildin'. Just remember EVERY pernt counts and EVERY folder counts, no matter how many boxen they have or what their ppd is :D

If someone can't or just doesn't want to support the [H]orde folding team 33 in the "Chimp Challenge" then so be it. Personally I could give a sh*t less about the pernts, but that said, I have problems worrying about the standings also :rolleyes:.

I think having contests like the "Chimp Challenge", for the most part, are to give us human participants another way of increasing the pride for doing, what I consider, a very important project for humanity. ;) (just like the point thing per WU or ppd)

With all that rhetoric said I do hope we whop the sh*t outa' the other teams :p

Edit: When I use an expression like "worrying" I'm not talking about the "pee in your pants", have problems sleeping or the get more gray hair kind of worrying I just use it in a general term meaning conscious of the fact. :rolleyes:

Just keep on keepin' on for the [H]ardApe !

When this is all said and done, I'm keeping all machines running full bore and will return the favor of being mowed while folding for the CC.
When this is all said and done, I'm keeping all machines running full bore and will return the favor of being mowed while folding for the CC.

Ditto. 3 showed up on my threatlist this morning. I will be ramping up (unfortunately, not in time for the CC) and I will take great PLEASURE in running over those that mow me over during the CC. I know of at least one that will run me over in the next 5 days.

Ditto. 3 showed up on my threatlist this morning. I will be ramping up (unfortunately, not in time for the CC) and I will take great PLEASURE in running over those that mow me over during the CC. I know of at least one that will run me over in the next 5 days.

See capreppy, all that worrying (see the above post for my def) was for naught :rolleyes:

Okay guys...

I've taken a few of the lists that Evil put together a while back, names of active folders who don't participate in the DC sub-forum here much, and I've pm'd about a hundred of them asking them to join the challenge. My thoughts on this are that many of them may not be aware that the challenge is taking place, and hopefully with the link to this thread that I included in the pm's, some of them will turn over their boxen to the Ape for the duration of the challenge....I'll get a couple hundred more out tonight after I get home from work...

Hope it helps......

Well the [H]ardApe just ran me over, no more ppl in my threats list :D

Although when my ppd starts to catch up with my whopping 0pt days, I'm sure that will change:p

I'm still pissed with my instability problems. My quad hasn't been running since this started. New mother board should be hear tomorrow so hopefully I can get it up in time
Okay guys...

I've taken a few of the lists that Evil put together a while back, names of active folders who don't participate in the DC sub-forum here much, and I've pm'd about a hundred of them asking them to join the challenge. My thoughts on this are that many of them may not be aware that the challenge is taking place, and hopefully with the link to this thread that I included in the pm's, some of them will turn over their boxen to the Ape for the duration of the challenge....I'll get a couple hundred more out tonight after I get home from work...

Hope it helps......

Digital - Nice work! This is awesome. Good idea. I will have a little time later tonight if you need some help sending out PM's just let me know. :)
Welp, I finally gots my Q6600 this afternoon, bless them USPS horses (yeah I know, I'm a little late for the show) :rolleyes:

It's a SLCAR, but I forgot to get the batch stuff off of the cpu heat spreader before I installed it on a WC'ed GA-31M-S2L mobo in a generic Antec case.. (it's OEM, no box, no paper work, no nothing) :(

Anyhoo, it's runnin as far as I can tell in Ubuntu 8.04 pretty cool and stable at 3.0 GHz foldin' only a single client at stock vcore (auto in BIOS). (D'oh, I forgot to go default from having a E6600 @ 3.0 GHz (9x333) :() The readings from the coretemp module are CPU0 45c, CPU1 40c, CPU2 41c and CPU3 39c. The ambient temps are about 23c degrees.

I wonder if you calibrate lm_sensors like uncleWebb's RealTemp program for winders if it'll do any good? How accurate is the coretemp module, anyone know? :confused:

I'm going to reseat the WB here shortly, I'm just havin' too much fun by finally getting a quad cpu (the large spread in temps makes me nervous, but they're not so wide IMO the cpu will be damaged) :p

After I reread the fantastic post on "How to do VM's in Linux for Dummies" by our own Tigerbiten, pardon me for the title it's really a good post without the dummies part in the title, I wonder who would put that in there :rolleyes: Thanks Tigerbiten :D

Welp, it just finished a frame (# 59) in a 2605 WU that the previous E6600 was crunching, now it says, by my sometimes screwy math, about 8 mins a frame (8.10).

OK all you gurus out there with Q6600's does that sound about right for just crunching one client, no VM? :confused:

Edit: Now it's on frame # 63 and it's current in FAHmon is AVG 8.05 mins. How copacetic is that, remember it's only OC'ed to 3.0 GHz (9x333) What's a R3F? :)

Welp, it just finished a frame (# 59) in a 2605 WU that the previous E6600 was crunching, now it says, by my sometimes screwy math, about 8 mins a frame (8.10).

OK all you gurus out there with Q6600's does that sound about right for just crunching one client, no VM? :confused:

Edit: Now it's on frame # 63 and it's current in FAHmon is AVG 8.05 mins. How copacetic is that, remember it's only OC'ed to 3.0 GHz (9x333) What's a R3F? :)

That sounds about right. using VMware however will net you much better PPD My SLACR at 3.2 (400 x 8) averages 12 min per frame per client... 2 smp clients (2 vmware machines with notfred's folding cd). My other SLACR at 3.0 (333 x 9), same setup averages 12.5 min per frame.

So what does fahmon tell you about your average ppd? maybe 3000ppd? using vmware with 2 clients i'm getting about 2000ppd per client, so 4000 total.
Argh where have I been! I won't stand for Maximum PC beating us.

I just Switched over my work computer today to [H]ardApe. Will switch my 3 clients at home to the [H]ardApe as well. Hopefully I'll find a Cat5e cable somewhere to connect my PS3 and get Folding on that as well.
Okay guys...

I've taken a few of the lists that Evil put together a while back, names of active folders who don't participate in the DC sub-forum here much, and I've pm'd about a hundred of them asking them to join the challenge. My thoughts on this are that many of them may not be aware that the challenge is taking place, and hopefully with the link to this thread that I included in the pm's, some of them will turn over their boxen to the Ape for the duration of the challenge....I'll get a couple hundred more out tonight after I get home from work...

Hope it helps......

Let me know if you need help sending those out, we can split the list up and divide and conquer.

That sounds about right. using VMware however will net you much better PPD My SLACR at 3.2 (400 x 8) averages 12 min per frame per client... 2 smp clients (2 vmware machines with notfred's folding cd). My other SLACR at 3.0 (333 x 9), same setup averages 12.5 min per frame.

So what does fahmon tell you about your average ppd? maybe 3000ppd? using vmware with 2 clients i'm getting about 2000ppd per client, so 4000 total.

Man, I really appreciate the post back ojmalik, I guess my post was a little off topic and the thread police haven't got me yet. :eek:

On the serious side though I'm gonna do some more switchin' around before I try any higher OC' then a measly 3.0 GHz. I hope this chip will go 3.2 GHz without too much of a bump in vcore.

The machine's gotta' come apart anyway because I'm going to reseat the WB again to see if my temps will even out between cores a little better. :(

I hope this chip will go to 3.2 GHz so I can reach the frame rate you're getting. (12 min a frame ain't too shabby in VM) ;)

Oh yeah, (d'oh) FAHmon says the Cur ppd is 8.04 min, the R3F (whatever that is) is 8.04 min also and the AVG is 11.32 (I think the AVG reading is a leftover from my E6600, at least I hope so.)

I just slapped the quad in place of the duel, checked temp in BIOS, loaded Ubuntu which was originally on the HD, checked temps again in with lm_sensors and started folding on the same WU as I was folding with the E6600. (I hate doin' this kinda' work in the middle of something like the Chimp Challenge race. :( ( gots to hurry)

When I finally get thru playin' musical hardware and finally figure out how to VM. (only kiddin' there's a primo "how to" by Tigerbiten on this forum) and maybe OC' this chip to 3.2 GHz (9x358 or 8x400, I've only gots some "el cheapo" A-Data pc6400 RAM and two RAM slots on the present mobo, it's a mATX)

Just got my Noctua hsf, and am now running my q6600 @ 333x9. Tomorrow is OC day though, we'll see how high I can go stable. Now I hope to be able to run dual smp clients and finally make the deadlines!
Man, I really appreciate the post back ojmalik, I guess my post was a little off topic and the thread police haven't got me yet. :eek:

On the serious side though I'm gonna do some more switchin' around before I try any higher OC' then a measly 3.0 GHz. I hope this chip will go 3.2 GHz without too much of a bump in vcore.

The machine's gotta' come apart anyway because I'm going to reseat the WB again to see if my temps will even out between cores a little better. :(

I hope this chip will go to 3.2 GHz so I can reach the frame rate you're getting. (12 min a frame ain't too shabby in VM) ;)

Oh yeah, (d'oh) FAHmon says the Cur ppd is 8.04 min, the R3F (whatever that is) is 8.04 min also and the AVG is 11.32 (I think the AVG reading is a leftover from my E6600, at least I hope so.)

I just slapped the quad in place of the duel, checked temp in BIOS, loaded Ubuntu which was originally on the HD, checked temps again in with lm_sensors and started folding on the same WU as I was folding with the E6600. (I hate doin' this kinda' work in the middle of something like the Chimp Challenge race. :( ( gots to hurry)

When I finally get thru playin' musical hardware and finally figure out how to VM. (only kiddin' there's a primo "how to" by Tigerbiten on this forum) and maybe OC' this chip to 3.2 GHz (9x358 or 8x400, I've only gots some "el cheapo" A-Data pc6400 RAM and two RAM slots on the present mobo, it's a mATX)

Don't feel bad, I also had to do some hardware musical chair game today to finish a customer build (I wanted to use the motherboard off another build, another build need a different board for the SFF case and I just got a Lian-Li PC-A05B so I can finish assembling the HTPC box). In the process, I was fighting to get the HTPC box stable and it turned up the memory settings is finicky. Luckily, Greg from Mushkin, in his awesomness, gave me the right settings and It's now humming at 3.2 GHz (8x400).

Right now, everything is back to work for the [H]ardApe and I gained about 600 ppd from tweakings.

Every GPU2 WU I have gotten so far has been from the same project. Earlier today I snagged a different project and this one was only worth 30 points but it used 90% of my GPU as opposed to ~50% and obviously processed much faster. FahMon reported about 1100 PPD for that WU as opposed to 900 PPD for the other projects. Just thought Sunin might be interested, or anyone else who is running a GPU2 client.

Now back on topic: I added another 1250 PPD for the Horde this afternoon. The SMP client rocks! :D I think that we should start seeing some WUs come across now from the people who were late to the party.
Every GPU2 WU I have gotten so far has been from the same project. Earlier today I snagged a different project and this one was only worth 30 points but it used 90% of my GPU as opposed to ~50% and obviously processed much faster. FahMon reported about 1100 PPD for that WU as opposed to 900 PPD for the other projects. Just thought Sunin might be interested, or anyone else who is running a GPU2 client.
I get 1950 PPD from my GPU2 client. I fold a WU every 75 to 85 minutes. :confused:
Big WTF there and I don't mean Way to Fold. :(
there are a few in here that know what we are doing and are using it to their advantage. I have no problem with the unaware teammates and the users that have 50+ clients that they can't get switched, it's the others that make me a little upset.

why bother being on a team?
Guys, lets not get too carried away here. Some are not participating because they can't, others chose not to, some are not active in the forum and unaware of the Chimp Challenge. Participation, although highly encouraged, is still voluntary. What we don't need here is a large wedge splitting off a good chunk of the team, making them feel unwelcome and sending them off to fold somewhere else. We have a lot of good camaraderie here, let's keep it that way.
Guys, lets not get too carried away here. Some are not participating because they can't, others chose not to, some are not active in the forum and unaware of the Chimp Challenge. Participation, although highly encouraged, is still voluntary. What we don't need here is a large wedge splitting off a good chunk of the team, making them feel unwelcome and sending them off to fold somewhere else. We have a lot of good camaraderie here, let's keep it that way.

QFT. I've just been lurking for the most part the past couple days, watching what is going on, and I agree with Alan here. When its all over - even if we can't get the top honors, we'll just go back to folding as the [H] and continue to whip the shit outta these other teams on a daily basis. :D

Guys, lets not get too carried away here. Some are not participating because they can't, others chose not to, some are not active in the forum and unaware of the Chimp Challenge. Participation, although highly encouraged, is still voluntary. What we don't need here is a large wedge splitting off a good chunk of the team, making them feel unwelcome and sending them off to fold somewhere else. We have a lot of good camaraderie here, let's keep it that way.

I agree, however, when you make a thread calling out someone who is not folding under their's insulting.

Sorry, I'm a newb, I'll just shut up.
I do agree a bit with delvryboy, calling out someone who are down is not a honourable thing to do. However, everyone who fold do it for a reason or another and nobody will have to force anyone to do something. The Chimp Challenge is based on voluntary participation and It's impossible to reach 100% of the folder or we won't be in the current position.

This should be a fun challenge and it's still too early with 4 millions to go. Anything can happen between today and 3 days later ;)

I agree, however, when you make a thread calling out someone who is not folding under their's insulting.

Sorry, I'm a newb, I'll just shut up.

We're a team here, everyone has a voice, noob or not. Just getting out the fire extinguishers before it gets ugly. :D

I have to agree with delvryboy a little bit here too. Calling out someone and then taken a lackadaisical attitude about it when asked why he isn't participating is just really bad form.
Let's just forget about this and try to avoid the poo slinging mess around here.

Enough of the poo, a trebuchet still isn't enough. Gentlemen, it's time to break out the big guns. It's not time for desperation yet, but I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. So I give you:

Let's just forget about this and try to avoid the poo slinging mess around here.

Agreed. We need to work together not fight amongst ourselves. I wish the entire Horde was here but then it really wouldnt be a competition!! :D I think the Horde has a few tricks up ts sleeve yet.;) I know I can probably squeeze out some more PPD yet.

That and the 3PM update looked promising! As did the 6PM update. We gained on them 2 straight updates now!!