Chimp Challenge : Official thread

The only game I'm looking would be a new Final Fantasy (I'm a fan) but beside this, it would be my folding BR drive ;)

I really enjoyed Heavenly Sword. You can beat it in a weekend and continue folding.

I just switched over my 4k ppd to the Ape.... Would've never known about this if I hadn't seen it on the front page. Just not enough time in the day to hang around the forum, sadly.
Back when Sony was losing money hand over fist with the PS3 it was one of the best ways to stick it to the company. Made them lose money on the hardware as long as you didn't buy anything that was made from a license from Sony.

I hate some of the stuff that Sony did so much that I refuse to even buy anything of theirs which would cause them to lose money.

I am the same way. I hate Sony.
Hey brother Xilikon that is one fine foldin' machine you gots there ;)

Those things (PS3's) can actually do something besides fold ? (like games and stuff) :confused:

Hey, I apologize for some of my posts, one thing we definitely don't need is friendly bickering fire :D

FOLD ON [H]ardApe

hey man long time no see sorry you left after the last monkey race but remember you are still welcome at OCF and on T32 any time
I want to buy a PS3 just for Grand Theft Auto 4; the folding and Blue-ray is just a fringe benefit.
Checking in. Most of my farm are borgs at work. It's been tough finding time
to change them over, so using FAHMon, I've been switching them over when
they get close to turning in the WU. Some are, unfortunately, not accessible
for the change, but I hope to get all those within reach tomorrow.

So far, editing the client file with notepad has worked well. Edit the file, stop
and restart the client, and voila, another boxen for [H]ardApe.

The greatest value to this contest is getting more boxen folding for the cause.
So, take this opportunity to recruit some new members and borg CPUs.

Let's get into first place!

Looks like all the big guys are checking in, someone keeping count of how many top 50's have checked in? If anyone needs help with anything for boxen or switching over we are all on call to help.

Let's show the world and ourselves what we can accomplish when we mobilize and fight as one!

Got one more box feeding the [H]ardApe... an old PressHOT P4 640 :D

Wow, I really didn't think I would be needed. So here is 4K PPD added as of 5 minutes ago.

That's the spirit. One of the strengths of the [H]orde is our large number of folders.
We need both the big hitters and those with a single cpu to pitch in. And if you
are new to folding, that is an added bonus for the cause.

Fold on, [H]ardApe!

I added two more standard clients this afternoon. I think I can get us two more ATI 3870's for the challenge as well! :)

Would a Opteron 170 @ 2.0GHz meet the preferred deadlines with the SMP client? Right now I am running 2 standard clients but i could always switch it over.

I want to thank everyone who just saw the front page post and has decided to contribute!! You are donating to a worth cause!! THANKS and Welcome to the [H]orde.
Wow, I really didn't think I would be needed. So here is 4K PPD added as of 5 minutes ago.


Every point matters, the big hitters like Wrat and Flecom carry allot of weight, but each and every little folder is what really makes up the [H]orde's power base. Everyone from 10PPD to 10,000PPD is important and will assist us in winning this. some of you smaller folders might get disheartened from adding your boxen to the cause thinking that it won't make a difference. Just remember, [H]ardApe :D

Would a Opteron 170 @ 2.0GHz meet the preferred deadlines with the SMP client? Right now I am running 2 standard clients but i could always switch it over.

Yes, it will hit deadlines just fine. Even a POS Pentium D will hit deadlines. Basically, any stock speed or faster X2 will have no problems. They aren't nearly as fast as a similarly clocked Core2, but they fold.

It takes my [email protected] a little over a day to pump out the 1760 point work units which normally equates to about 1350PPD from that machine.

hey man long time no see sorry you left after the last monkey race but remember you are still welcome at OCF and on T32 any time

Hey brother Rpkole, thanks for sayin' I'm welcome at OCF.

In a way I'm sorry I left OCF over a year ago because you have some dynamite members over there, but I really feel blessed the good people of the [H]orde folding team 33 let me fold with them. They are , without a doubt, some of the greatest people on the "Net"

Check out some of the witty posts here or better yet the witty pics by one of our lady folders. Believe me I 'm not tryin' to "silver tongue" any of the fine young ladys on this team, not that I wouldn't like too, but I think I'm just a little too old for them. (please don't point that "womans scorn" thing at me, I'm only tryin' to be honest :D)

In a way it was kind of like fallin' in a bucket of poo and coming out smellin' like roses. I left OCF because of a misunderstanding a long time ago and I just want to forget and move forward, besides I'm happy with what I consider the best of the Net [H]orde team 33

I just want you to know I'll feel bad (not really :p) when [H]ardApe creams ya.

Hey wait a minute, they only gots one monkey paw, right? Just try and get second or third place.

Man this Chimp thing is really gonna tank my own standings...
FOR THE HORD (or [H]ardApe as it were...)

Yes, it will hit deadlines just fine. Even a POS Pentium D will hit deadlines. Basically, any stock speed or faster X2 will have no problems. They aren't nearly as fast as a similarly clocked Core2, but they fold.

It takes my [email protected] a little over a day to pump out the 1760 point work units which normally equates to about 1350PPD from that machine.

Hmmm . . . well then, I will have to switch over to an SMP client tomorrow. 900 PPD (estimate) > 300 PPD
Man this Chimp thing is really gonna tank my own standings...
FOR THE HORD (or [H]ardApe as it were...)

all of us are gonna take a dive in the standings, but its for the good of the [H]orde so personal points don't matter as much as our prestige. Almost all of our heavy hitters are involved in this and Seamonkey and I have ceased our battle for the good of the [H]ardApe. it's only for a little while, the faster we end this thing the faster we can go back to our wives and children... err this is a war right?

Got 8 Boxen switched over today.
Hardware problems held up my change over.

You Got Evil's Farm on your side now ....
Alright, just talked my sister-in-law into 2 weeks of F@H. I borged her quad w/ dual SMP and AC. It's running at stock 2.4, but it's crunching 2653's @ 16 minutes per %.

Now, my daughter is here for the weekend, told her to bring her lappy. :D

Let's go people!

Hey brother Rpkole, thanks for sayin' I'm welcome at OCF.

In a way I'm sorry I left OCF over a year ago because you have some dynamite members over there, but I really feel blessed the good people of the [H]orde folding team 33 let me fold with them. They are , without a doubt, some of the greatest people on the "Net"

Check out some of the witty posts here or better yet the witty pics by one of our lady folders. Believe me I 'm not tryin' to "silver tongue" any of the fine young ladys on this team, not that I wouldn't like too, but I think I'm just a little too old for them. (please don't point that "womans scorn" thing at me, I'm only tryin' to be honest :D)

In a way it was kind of like fallin' in a bucket of poo and coming out smellin' like roses. I left OCF because of a misunderstanding a long time ago and I just want to forget and move forward, besides I'm happy with what I consider the best of the Net [H]orde team 33

I just want you to know I'll feel bad (not really :p) when [H]ardApe creams ya.

I came to talk "monkey poo" but gotta say Hi to ya, jws! I'm glad you found a good home with this fine crowd at the [H]orde but I gotta say there's a bunch of members on OCF that would be proud if you stopped by for a visit! Take care bro

-_- My system got hosed, hard and badly... After work when I came back into the apt... Guess what temps my apartment was cooking at?

34c... Yeah that's about 93-94F... I'm going to complain the first thing in the morning when the office opens. I should have had my AC up and operating since May 1st... UNACCEPTABLE. In the meantime, I'm going to set Ubuntu 8.04 to be my main OS, currently am burning the iso and will be doing a clean install - so I will be back and probably will need some assistance in configuring the SMP Client for it.

My apologizes, to the best of all teams - FOLD ON.
Adversary or not, that sux man. Hope they get that AC working, because life without AC is a bitch! Life without AC and with computers overheating is even more of a bitch!
AC is a must! I live in Sacramento and it gets hot during the summer, we've already had days in the mid 90's and its barely may. I'm hoping the weather holds out long enough for us to win this before getting hot again. good luck to your downed boxen.

Adversary or not, that sux man. Hope they get that AC working, because life without AC is a bitch! Life without AC and with computers overheating is even more of a bitch!

Aren't you suppose to be sleeping by now, CCNA and all that tomorrow.
Almost all my PCs are folding for [H]ardApe
2x OCed Q6600
1x HD3870

I will try to switch my borg today (E4400 @ 2.7Ghz - SMP client)

1. Maximum PC [maximum_monkey].........................807,337

2. [H]ard|OCP [[H]ardApe].........................................634,892

3. [T32monkeys]............................552,470

4. Overclockers Australia [Monkey_Bollocks]..............511,403

That's the spirit. One of the strengths of the [H]orde is our large number of folders.
We need both the big hitters and those with a single cpu to pitch in. And if you
are new to folding, that is an added bonus for the cause.

Fold on, [H]ardApe!

Our team is so large, it's difficult to mobilize. I also think we have a ton of amazing folders that couldn't give a shit about standings, prestige, posting on the bulletin board, or contests like this. Also, some probably have too many computers folding to be bothered with what is essentially an exercise in moving points from one ID to another in a database.

To be quite frank, our team's average PPD has not increased for the challenge, so it's not like we're drawing in new folders for the overall cause. So what's the point? I thought for sure our team would draw in some new people.

I think for next year we should concentrate on making this an incentive for drawing in new folders with more tie-ins with the front page if possible.

Our team is so large, it's difficult to mobilize. I also think we have a ton of amazing folders that couldn't give a shit about standings, prestige, posting on the bulletin board, or contests like this. Also, some probably have too many computers folding to be bothered with what is essentially an exercise in moving points from one ID to another in a database.

To be quite frank, our team's average PPD has not increased for the challenge, so it's not like we're drawing in new folders for the overall cause.

I think for next year we should concentrate on making this an incentive for drawing in new folders with more tie-ins with the front page if possible.

As you said it well, it's inertia we must fight. It's still early so there is still hope :cool:

If we failed to get the 1st spot, let's consider this as a warming experience for next year. Give credit to MPC and OCF for having 2 years of experience in this challenge.

I was going through my threat list this morning and i could not help notice that several of the top 50 producers still HAVE YET TO SWITCH OVER.

I realize its your choice, but i may have to name names.

If there weren't any legal issues and a lack of power sockets to do it, id hook up the 150+ computers that my company is getting rid of and see how much that helps.

I guess the new duel core craptacular optiplex on my desk is all i can contribute extra for now.
If we failed to get the 1st spot

That thought should not even be near your mind or anyone else's. There is no losing, only winning. The [H]orde does not lose and that's final. :mad:

I was going through my threat list this morning and i could not help notice that several of the top 50 producers still HAVE YET TO SWITCH OVER.

I realize its your choice, but i may have to name names.

For some people, switching over is a severe pain or practically impossible. For some people it's inconvenient. People have their reasons and we're not going to bitch at them about it. For those of us that switched over, it's our duty to do everything we can to make sure we win. Xilikon went out and bought a PS3 to fold with because of the challenge. Some people have found some extra borgs or bought or upgraded a new machine. Others have added more production by switching to SMP from regular clients. Some people running regular clients found out they can run more than one to make use of their multicore CPUs. We also have some new people folding because of this challenge.

It's by no means over and it wouldn't really take a whole lot to take first place. As it is, we're still ramping up and adding points.

To be quite frank, our team's average PPD has not increased for the challenge, so it's not like we're drawing in new folders for the overall cause. So what's the point? I thought for sure our team would draw in some new people.

I think for next year we should concentrate on making this an incentive for drawing in new folders with more tie-ins with the front page if possible.

That is exactly the point of this race. Get the name out there and get new people interested and folding. Shifting points from one ID to another for a race between teams is pointless unless there are avenues to get word out to the general public so that new folders can be brought in thus creating an increase in the number of work units processed.

We have used Digg (not terribly successful this time), our daily news short, and a headline at the top of the forum. OCF got Jason at EOC to post on the front page, it's all about publicity and finding ways to bring in new ppl.

You guys would crush all of us if it were a raw ppd race, we know that, but this way it forces all of us to find creative means to increase output. At MaxPC we have seen an increased team PPD of almost 200K since we started talking about this and getting ppl excited about the race.

Next year you will know and we will all have to be ready.
Fold On!
Our team is so large, it's difficult to mobilize. I also think we have a ton of amazing folders that couldn't give a shit about standings, prestige, posting on the bulletin board, or contests like this.

Does that logic flow? I sit here and wonder why some have not switched... Are they concerned about their own standings? You say they aren't then they should have no problem supporting the team and the challenge. I know for a fact we have a lot of folders that are not active in the forums and some of the lack of participation is a pure lack of knowledge about the challenge. I do know some folks cannot for whatever purpose switch over, but... then I see certain people that I know are relatively active in the top 200 just churning points away and I am left with a feeling that they rather just increase their own points which is not in line with what I believe is our overall team spirit. We do this for a cure not personal recognition!

/rant off

First time I've ever been disappointed wtih [H]ard Member Support. A huge thank you to all that are and are continuing to support the challenge and spirit of competition! I personally thank you!
That is exactly the point of this race. Get the name out there and get new people interested and folding. Shifting points from one ID to another for a race between teams is pointless unless there are avenues to get word out to the general public so that new folders can be brought in thus creating an increase in the number of work units processed.

We have used Digg (not terribly successful this time), our daily news short, and a headline at the top of the forum. OCF got Jason at EOC to post on the front page, it's all about publicity and finding ways to bring in new ppl.

You guys would crush all of us if it were a raw ppd race, we know that, but this way it forces all of us to find creative means to increase output. At MaxPC we have seen an increased team PPD of almost 200K since we started talking about this and getting ppl excited about the race.

Next year you will know and we will all have to be ready.
Fold On!
This is true. I think a lot of the newer and mid-level folders have really stepped up to the challenge, which adds to the cause. I know I am pushing about 10k per day now just for the challenge!

Does that logic flow? I sit here and wonder why some have not switched... Are they concerned about their own standings? You say they aren't then they should have no problem supporting the team and the challenge. I know for a fact we have a lot of folders that are not active in the forums and some of the lack of participation is a pure lack of knowledge about the challenge. I do know some folks cannot for whatever purpose switch over, but... then I see certain people that I know are relatively active in the top 200 just churning points away and I am left with a feeling that they rather just increase their own points which is not in line with what I believe is our overall team spirit. We do this for a cure not personal recognition!

/rant off

First time I've ever been disappointed wtih [H]ard Member Support. A huge thank you to all that are and are continuing to support the challenge and spirit of competition! I personally thank you!

This I agree with also. There are a few members(active on the forums) that I have been back and forth with, and doing a great job of holding them back....... I am mowed now w/ a slim chance of ever recovering considering I will not be back until the challenge is over.

Anyhow, I don't do this for personal gain. I do it for the cause and the [H]ardest team in DC!
Does that logic flow? I sit here and wonder why some have not switched... Are they concerned about their own standings? You say they aren't then they should have no problem supporting the team and the challenge. I know for a fact we have a lot of folders that are not active in the forums and some of the lack of participation is a pure lack of knowledge about the challenge. I do know some folks cannot for whatever purpose switch over, but... then I see certain people that I know are relatively active in the top 200 just churning points away and I am left with a feeling that they rather just increase their own points which is not in line with what I believe is our overall team spirit. We do this for a cure not personal recognition!

/rant off

First time I've ever been disappointed wtih [H]ard Member Support. A huge thank you to all that are and are continuing to support the challenge and spirit of competition! I personally thank you!

Well put.....I thought we were getting the word out pretty well, but then again.....:confused:
That thought should not even be near your mind or anyone else's. There is no losing, only winning. The [H]orde does not lose and that's final. :mad:

For some people, switching over is a severe pain or practically impossible. For some people it's inconvenient. People have their reasons and we're not going to bitch at them about it. For those of us that switched over, it's our duty to do everything we can to make sure we win. Xilikon went out and bought a PS3 to fold with because of the challenge. Some people have found some extra borgs or bought or upgraded a new machine. Others have added more production by switching to SMP from regular clients. Some people running regular clients found out they can run more than one to make use of their multicore CPUs. We also have some new people folding because of this challenge.

It's by no means over and it wouldn't really take a whole lot to take first place. As it is, we're still ramping up and adding points.

I could not agree more. I know that the Challenge has personally peaked my interest in folding. Because of the Challenge I have over the past couple of days installed my first SMP client (which is getting me 900 PPD instead of 250 PPD), installed FAHmon, and convinced a couple friends to fold for the cause. I think this challenge is a great idea and win or lose I am proud to be a part of it! :)

Having said that: Come on [H]orde!! Lets go! I will probably be adding another SMP later this afternoon for another 1000 PPD. Who's with me?:cool:
I just switched over my home PC from 5.03 to the SMP client so I can up the production.

I think our problem was everyone waited to start switching over borgs until the actual start and its taking time to get all these borgs switched over.

Everyone should have started getting borgs switched over about a day in advance so things would have started out smoothly.

People are still in the process of physically making the rounds around their businesses switching over one borg at a time, etc.

Maximum beat us off the line, and its going to take some serious power to catch them. Everyone needs to step up.