Chimp Challenge : Official thread

United we stand, Divided we fall. And its a Truism :p (not nitpicking, just spreading knowledge, becuase knowledge is power!)

I agree completely with how delvry feels, however those of us sacrificing our own stats understand the teams greater good, as long as everyone is folding (for team 33) then you are still working for the global greater good.

Thank you very, very much Connundrum1.

As bad as I hate to say it, even with a spell checker, I'm libel to not spell a word correctly and with my memory getting a little slower (old age?, hell, I'm only 60) sometimes I can't recall exactly what I want to say, that's why I always add the "or whatever" clause at the end of most of my posts :)

I feel for you and anyone else, as you put it, sacrificing your status. Personally I'd like to see this kind of research supported by every adult human on the planet to the best of their ability and stats be damned. :)

Touche' on the " global greater good." for folding no matter what username you are using. :p

Edit: OBTW You are "correcto moondo"(so much for spellin' :D) about knowledge being power. ;)

Please fold for [H]ardApe

Another rough update. In fact, all 3 teams beat us on that one. :confused:
We're still ramping up, even if we have some gap to close you must all realize that we're [H]. We are still capable of busting out some crazy points once everyones clients switch to the Ape and stabilize PPD.

Xilikon's 100% correct with the assumption that we're on for next year. as long as everyone switches boxen over 24-72 hours in advance we won't have this same issue again. Not that we're not gonna win this year as well! it just means we can kick serious ass next year.

We're still ramping up, even if we have some gap to close you must all realize that we're [H]. We are still capable of busting out some crazy points once everyones clients switch to the Ape and stabilize PPD.

Xilikon's 100% correct with the assumption that we're on for next year. as long as everyone switches boxen over 24-72 hours in advance we won't have this same issue again. Not that we're not gonna win this year as well! it just means we can kick serious ass next year.

And get better coverage to reach out to everyone ;)

Jon855, now would be the time to borg your company. K. Thx.

Due to the nature of my company - it's massively a VoIP company, the IT Dept. pulled the testing of the SMP on my workstation.

Nothing I can do about it :(
Due to the nature of my company - it's massively a VoIP company, the IT Dept. pulled the testing of the SMP on my workstation.

Nothing I can do about it :(

Have you seen The Negotiator? Samuel L. Jackson knows how to get shit done so grab a gun and GET SHIT DONE! We need control of the computers for at least the next day or so.
Not to get all testicle, but that would be the rocket propelled chainsaw. :D

You know... reading the words "testicle" and "rocket propelled chainsaw" in the same sentence makes me feel a little........uncomfortable......:p

Have you seen The Negotiator? Samuel L. Jackson knows how to get shit done so grab a gun and GET SHIT DONE! We need control of the computers for at least the next day or so.

He can deal with SWAT guys and motherfucking snakes on his fucking plane. He's beyond what I am capable of.
He can deal with SWAT guys and motherfucking snakes on his fucking plane. He's beyond what I am capable of.

He makes beer too!
Small contribution and a bit late, I know, but I just brought my boxen out of F@H retirement.

Sig machine (x86-64 ubuntu SMP client - native, not in a VM)
C2D 2.20ghz (vista 5.91 smp client)

I may add one or two old P3 machines, but I doubt it (they are running as file servers, so I'm not worried about CPU load - but I don't think the 128mb of RAM they have will cut it)

I also may add 1 more C2D 2.33ghz machine, but I'm not sure about that either (its a laptop that gets painfully hot under load, so I doubt I will, but I'll try :) )
Small contribution and a bit late, I know, but I just brought my boxen out of F@H retirement.

Sig machine (x86-64 ubuntu SMP client - native, not in a VM)
C2D 2.20ghz (vista 5.91 smp client)

I may add one or two old P3 machines, but I doubt it (they are running as file servers, so I'm not worried about CPU load - but I don't think the 128mb of RAM they have will cut it)

I also may add 1 more C2D 2.33ghz machine, but I'm not sure about that either (its a laptop that gets painfully hot under load, so I doubt I will, but I'll try :) )

Good deal, glad to have your help!!

There are quite a few members here running the console client on laptop's....and yeah, they get hot, but seem stable for the most part.... you could try a single console client and see how things go....

Good deal, glad to have your help!!

There are quite a few members here running the console client on laptop's....and yeah, they get hot, but seem stable for the most part.... you could try a single console client and see how things go....

Yeah, I'm running the single threaded system tray 6.x beta client on it and its doing OK, but I'm not sure how long that will last. Its a school laptop (Lenovo Z61p) - and pretty much 3/4ths of the class has had major overheating problems (my friends would overheat after playing a tron game for 5 minutes). Its pretty bad. The school has some lenovo techs there this week fixing a different problem with these laptops (somehow they missed that if you plug in the laptop to AC, it has about a 10% chance of hardlocking the machine). Ugh, such a terrible, terrible laptop. *fingers crossed*

/rant :D

Oh, and the 2.2ghz C2D machine is also a laptop - an Asus one that I primarily use for LANs and such, and has no overheating issues. Been running 100% load for about 3 hours now and its barely warm to the touch - Yay Asus! :)
Sorry I am late to the game.

I have been sick and tired, and tired of being sick. Plus work. But I now have all of my boxen folding for the [H]Ape.
Sorry I am late to the game.

I have been sick and tired, and tired of being sick. Plus work. But I now have all of my boxen folding for the [H]Ape.

I didn't let my ulcer slow me down. :p

Glad to have ya man! Fold on!

I've been reading [H] for quite some time, many years in fact, I just never bothered to post on the forums. I figured I'd contribute to the cause. The QX9650 now has two SMP cores working for the chimp challenge.

Nice! Tell us about your QX9650.

Welcome to the [H]orde.

Just wanted to say thanks to all the new members that came onboard for the Chimp Challenge. And remember when this little competition is over to create your own name and please continue to fold for team 33 and help us all find a cure. Not to mention the friendly team competition of watching your name rise through the ranks.

I dunno about anybody else, but I'm half tempted to keep folding for the [H]ardApe even after the contest is over. Not sure... anybody else thinkin' like that?

I dunno about anybody else, but I'm half tempted to keep folding for the [H]ardApe even after the contest is over. Not sure... anybody else thinkin' like that?

I'm sure there will be a few borg that will be folding on the Ape for a while ;)

Welp, its GG for the other teams now. I just loaded up FAH on my secret weapon - the ultimate PPD machine....

.....a 600mhz P3with 128mb of RAM :D
I dunno about anybody else, but I'm half tempted to keep folding for the [H]ardApe even after the contest is over. Not sure... anybody else thinkin' like that?

No problem doing that at all. But for those unaware, the option exists to make their own name and continue folding for the [H]orde and conquer their own inter-team personal challenges.
Nice! Tell us about your QX9650.

Welcome to the [H]orde.

What would you like to know? It was expensive, it's fast, it runs Fedora 8 like no other, and I like it. :D

I will be going back to team after this is all over though.
What would you like to know? It was expensive, it's fast, it runs Fedora 8 like no other, and I like it. :D

I will be going back to team after this is all over though.

Any OC? if so what mobo and cooler?

9 PM Points Update:

[H]ardApe - 101,237
maximum_monkey - 91,395
T32monkeys - 77,953
Monkey_Bollocks - 59,743

Nice 3 hour run for the [H]ardApes, picked up 9800+ on the leader!

Way to go [H]ardApe!!

Keep on keepin' on..
