38 places to go...

That you can start working on after the Chimp Challenge :p

Digi isn't folding under his name..... I'm not.... many of us aren't...... why are you?

No chimp challenge for me until I hit an actual milestone...500k? 500 WU?

and my bad for not realizing that people actually stopped folding under their names...I thought it was a side thing..

No chimp challenge for me until I hit an actual milestone...500k? 500 WU?

and my bad for not realizing that people actually stopped folding under their names...I thought it was a side thing..

Milestones are good and all, but the Chimp Challenge is something new we're trying that gets us all away from our own personal stats for about a week and do something as a team. if you look at the stats page alot of people stats have dropped off the board as we do something to further the team as a whole. If you don't decide to join us thats acceptable as well, I'm just happy your folding.

I will say going after Digi when he isn't even folding under his name is... well ..... you decide.

By the time the Chimp Callenge is over I would of hit 10,000,000 points.
But the [H]orde come first.

Ps. This is the first time in 5.6 years of folding that any of my boxen have not folded under my UseID.
Bar one I setup when drunk ......... :p

Luck ............. :D
I will say going after Digi when he isn't even folding under his name is... well .....

Kinda like racing a parked car. :D

all in fun, but think about helping out the team effort. It will be over soon enough, then we can race each other again.

to each their own..... but look for me in your rearview when the CC is over. I'll be adding quads and you have officially made my "mow at all costs" list. :D
No chimp challenge for me until I hit an actual milestone...500k? 500 WU?

Nice... good to see the teamwork spirit hasn't clouded your perspective and the reason you're doing this...:confused:

Now man up and set it for [H]ardApe.

Well...... no tamales for you my friend.... ;)

Nah... in all seriousness, if you choose not to participate in the Chimp Challenge, that's up to you, and it's fine with me. But do me a favor and don't try and call me out when 80% of my production is going to the Ape, and the only reason the other 20% isn't is simply a matter of logistics... borged machines that I simply can not access at the moment to change over.....

I fold for team 33, and I choose to fold for my team and the science, for the cure. Not my personal stats. If you've paid any attention to my posts here you should know I don't really give a shit about my personal stats..... In fact I have a habit of making fun of myself.....hence the whole "[H]ard|Mowed Over Club" that alan and I started......

I've been watching you, you've been on my threat list for quite a while, and I was actually waiting for you to blow by me before giving you a friendly wave and a kudos for your contribution............. but right now is simply not the time for things like this.... that's all...

I'm not trying to be too hard on you man... I'm really not. Don't ever forget that you are part of the [H]ardest team in the world. We don't need contests to prove it, all you have to do is check the stats.... simple........but it sure would be nice to have you join your brothers and sisters and do your part to help the [H]orde dominate this little game...... but that's up to you......

Oh... and by the way..... I guess you missed this thread as well as the Chimp Challenge thread.......... before you call me out again, I think you might want to read through it... really.......:)

No chimp challenge for me until I hit an actual milestone...500k? 500 WU?

and my bad for not realizing that people actually stopped folding under their names...I thought it was a side thing..

:confused::( disappointed.
