Chimp Challenge : Official thread

I get 1950 PPD from my GPU2 client. I fold a WU every 75 to 85 minutes. :confused:

Sorry to get off topic but.....Man! I had no idea GPU clients got that much now. I need to just go with a couple of GPU clients instead of having 6-7 100PPD clunkers sucking up electricity. May I ask what GPU is netting you that kind of PPD? Do any of the ATI AGP cards fold?
Yep he AGP 3800 series folds. Sunin has an AGP card folding I believe.

A good friend of mine just started his 3870 up for the Ape and fahmon is reading about 2200 PPD. (not an AGP card though)

Score another one for the good guys!!
Don't feel bad, I also had to do some hardware musical chair game today to finish a customer build (I wanted to use the motherboard off another build, another build need a different board for the SFF case and I just got a Lian-Li PC-A05B so I can finish assembling the HTPC box). In the process, I was fighting to get the HTPC box stable and it turned up the memory settings is finicky. Luckily, Greg from Mushkin, in his awesomness, gave me the right settings and It's now humming at 3.2 GHz (8x400).

Right now, everything is back to work for the [H]ardApe and I gained about 600 ppd from tweakings.

Hey brother Xilikon, I feel your pain (neat sayin', huh ?, it's a direct quote from a US pres)

On the serious side of things I went and swapped out a E6420 OC'ed 2.4 GHz and replaced it with a E6600 kicked to 2.8 GHz. (real cheapo mobo, I couldn't get it any higher and fold comfortably)

I'm tryin' to get max ppd with what I have layin' around and I'm kinda' hyped about getting my first Q6600 today. I know I'm not breakin' any world records, but getting VM on the quad should give me a healthy bump in pernts.

I still ain't figured this FAHmon program out yet. Does it take a complete cycle of a WU to read the username correct, AVG frame complete correct, and the Eff time thing correct (whatever that is) If I'm wrong please correct me I don't need any more gray hair.

The reason I'm askin' is on the quad it says CUR 8.04, the R3F deal is 8.04 also (I read the directions finally and found out about the 3 frame time deal, D'oh) and the AVG is like 11.32 min, that can't be right. I also checked my lastest "musical hardware" victim and it reads Cur 13.20 and the Eff deal is like 18.24 (the E6420 to a E6600) :eek:

Is there some way MPC could get into a monitoring program and sabotage it? Nawww..., I hope not anyway :p

GO [H]ardApe !

Just saw Marty trying to recruit people for MaxPC on another forum. Guess he chose a side. :D

Just saw Marty trying to recruit people for MaxPC on another forum. Guess he chose a side. :D

He better send his [H] pin back.....

There is no duel citizenship!

during the chimp challenge

He better send his [H] pin back.....

There is no duel citizenship!

during the chimp challenge

Now I see what the problem is! ~h~ gives out pins while MaxPC has Peaches and beer; no wonder we are in the lead...
Look out guys, we gained nearly 1200 points on MPC this last update!

Look out guys, we gained nearly 1200 points on MPC this last update!

Mr. Domo says now is the time!


Open Folding!

Wow! [H]ardApe is my #1 threat. :)
It appears that I have some borgs hiding away that I can't find and change over. :confused:

Fold on [H]ardApe.

I just managed to switch my borg to fold tor CC:) - now all my PCs are folding for CC :D

Thats Gunnery Sargent Domo to you Maggot. Now drop and give me 2000 PPD!!!!



This is [H]. Drop and give me 20,000 ppd ;) It looks like we might have stopped the bleeding with [H]ardApe. Now we just need to close the gap. Let's see some more people switch over a few more boxen.

On the last 3 updates, we are ahead of MPC and our gap has shrunk to under 200k points. That's better but not enough.... I hope the mass PMing to lurkers will yield a few more borgs. Myself, I will go check a inaccessible borg this morning and switch to [H]ardApe (was locked out due to room improvements by replacing ducting).

We need to be ahead by at least 20k each update and we will catch them in no time. We have a lot of untapped power waiting to be used.

First of my contribution just uploaded a 30 minutes ago. I should have another uploading in about 10.5 hours.

Killer[MoB];1032469875 said:
First of my contribution just uploaded a 30 minutes ago. I should have another uploading in about 10.5 hours.

Thank you for your help! wife's compy needed a new VC, so I bought one capable of running the GPU2 client. The vendor which will remain nameless seems to be slowing down in their order processing. This won't be up and running until Monday at the earliest. wife's compy needed a new VC, so I bought one capable of running the GPU2 client. The vendor which will remain nameless seems to be slowing down in their order processing. This won't be up and running until Monday at the earliest.

We'll still be going on Monday. Better late than never!

I've been reading [H] for quite some time, many years in fact, I just never bothered to post on the forums. I figured I'd contribute to the cause. The QX9650 now has two SMP cores working for the chimp challenge.
I agree, however, when you make a thread calling out someone who is not folding under their's insulting.

Sorry, I'm a newb, I'll just shut up.

Good point delvryboy, the way I see it any bickering amongst ourselves is just helping the other teams beat us. I think the cliche' "undivided we stand and divided we fall" or something along those lines is a truthism. I think the last thing we should do is hassle anyone whether they're folding for [H]ardApe or not. (only applys to the accusee' being on the [H]orde folding team 33 and the accuser not talking about "smack talk")

I can't imagine what a job it is to change user names on a bunch of "borged" boxen.

I think everyone was a "newb" at the beginning and still is sometimes concerning some aspect of computers, because, even if you think you do, NOBODY knows it all. (of course, with the exception of God or whomever your higher power is)

GO TO IT [H]ardApe the battle ain't over till' the heavy set lady sings (PC).
I've been reading [H] for quite some time, many years in fact, I just never bothered to post on the forums. I figured I'd contribute to the cause. The QX9650 now has two SMP cores working for the chimp challenge.

Awesome! Thanks for contributing to the [H]orde, acstech! A C2Q @ 4GHz is much appreciated!!!:)
Good point delvryboy, the way I see it any bickering amongst ourselves is just helping the other teams beat us. I think the cliche' "undivided we stand and divided we fall" or something along those lines is a truthism. I think the last thing we should do is hassle anyone whether they're folding for [H]ardApe or not. (only applys to the accusee' being on the [H]orde folding team 33 and the accuser not talking about "smack talk")

I can't imagine what a job it is to change user names on a bunch of "borged" boxen.

I think everyone was a "newb" at the beginning and still is sometimes concerning some aspect of computers, because, even if you think you do, NOBODY knows it all. (of course, with the exception of God or whomever your higher power is)

GO TO IT [H]ardApe the battle ain't over till' the heavy set lady sings (PC).

United we stand, Divided we fall. And its a Truism :p (not nitpicking, just spreading knowledge, becuase knowledge is power!)

I agree completely with how delvry feels, however those of us sacrificing our own stats understand the teams greater good, as long as everyone is folding (for team 33) then you are still working for the global greater good.

Awesome! Thanks for contributing to the [H]orde, acstech! A C2Q @ 4GHz is much appreciated!!!:)

Mmm I'd love to see what fahmon says he's putting out in ppd. I know my 3350 at 3.6 gets about 4300-4500 depending on the WU's I'd expect him to be around the 5000ppd mark. Great addition!
I've been reading [H] for quite some time, many years in fact, I just never bothered to post on the forums. I figured I'd contribute to the cause. The QX9650 now has two SMP cores working for the chimp challenge.

Nice chunk of firepower you've got there. Welcome aboard!
Well, better late than never I guess. Was busy with other things and just forgot about the Chimp Challenge. I've turned 10 SMP clients running on quads over to [H]ardApe, hope it makes a little difference :). Looks like the first batch should start coming out in about 5 hours time.

I noticed FAHMon still lists my original ID for some of the clients. I verified that in the FAHlog.txt it has [H]ardApe listed and I re-verified the client.cfgs (yes restarted the clients too). Does it take a bit for FAHMon to catch the change or something? Some switched over, but a few didn't, kind of weird.

Well, better late than never I guess. Was busy with other things and just forgot about the Chimp Challenge. I've turned 10 SMP clients running on quads over to [H]ardApe, hope it makes a little difference :). Looks like the first batch should start coming out in about 5 hours time.

I noticed FAHMon still lists my original ID for some of the clients. I verified that in the FAHlog.txt it has [H]ardApe listed and I re-verified the client.cfgs (yes restarted the clients too). Does it take a bit for FAHMon to catch the change or something? Some switched over, but a few didn't, kind of weird.

Yes, it takes a unit after you switch for FahMon to catch up.
Hmmm, FuSoYa, FLECOM, and everyone else who are kindly checking in should catch us up with PPD. Now for their headstart....

Just maintain firepower, don't blink your eyes and hopefully, we should reverse the trend in our favor. Hope we have enough time to catch MPC.

I'm also taking notes of our n00b mistakes for next year's challenge (Yes, we will be participating and we wanted this to be a annual tradition).

Just maintain firepower, don't blink your eyes and hopefully, we should reverse the trend in our favor. Hope we have enough time to catch MPC.

I'm also taking notes of our n00b mistakes for next year's challenge (Yes, we will be participating and we wanted this to be a annual tradition).

There should be no question about doing it again next year. Win or lose, this is too much fun. :D