So I was only able to play two rounds yesterday, due to ddos attacks, and I really didn't like the game. I have been super hyped for this game too. After playing a few hours today I can say I am really enjoying it, and will definitely be buying. My biggest complaint is the hip fire. Its rediculous that hip firing is better than ads, up to a certain range. Hopefully this is something that gets changed before release, however I doubt it will.
So I was only able to play two rounds yesterday, due to ddos attacks, and I really didn't like the game. I have been super hyped for this game too. After playing a few hours today I can say I am really enjoying it, and will definitely be buying. My biggest complaint is the hip fire. Its rediculous that hip firing is better than ads, up to a certain range. Hopefully this is something that gets changed before release, however I doubt it will.
yea in bf games once you finally get used to something odd they WILL change it lol...and then you get to readjust your tactics again:(
Plays like utter shit, had the exact same complaints about battlefield 3 when it came out and it just gets worse with every game. It just feels like a giant cod deathmatch map no team work just everyone running around doing their own thing, maybe fun for 5-10 mintues. Game needs to be changed completely no amount of minor changes are going to make me want to play this trash.

It kinda sounds like you're the problem. I've had amazing team experiences across thousands of games in BF3 and 4.
Plays like utter shit, had the exact same complaints about battlefield 3 when it came out and it just gets worse with every game. It just feels like a giant cod deathmatch map no team work just everyone running around doing their own thing, maybe fun for 5-10 mintues. Game needs to be changed completely no amount of minor changes are going to make me want to play this trash.
you have to experience the riding horse back and cutting people down with a saber and teaming up in a bomber with 2 gunners working well does have a few fun things to do:)
I haven't played much of this yet and only played Battlefront during the open beta but this really just feels like Battlefront with WW1 fluff instead.

It could also just happen to be the maps chosen for both as well but the designs in my opinion is rather unappealing compared to just BF3/4 and previous. It just seems like essentially a sparse wide open terrain with a few built up areas around points. This does showcase the usage of photogrammetry especially for terrain textures for both but the overall the maps feel extremely lifeless and static by comparison. Basically trading snow for sand in this case.
I haven't played much of this yet and only played Battlefront during the open beta but this really just feels like Battlefront with WW1 fluff instead.
I played a bit of rush..since thats where i could get the weapons to work. I agree though, it felt like Battlefront reskinned to WW1. Did I enjoy battlefront beta? Yes...was BF1 beta enjoyable as well? Yes.

I didnt buy battlefront, and probably wont buy this.

I will probably hop on tomorrow to play some more though :D
Played it some more this evening, it really is "lol lol lol, I've got a gun, pew pew, pew pew". Get sniped, respawn rinse repeat.

Shit they could at least make it take longer when you respawn to get to the main objectives. There is no reason a guy you just killed on point should be knifing you in the back 30 seconds later, it just doesnt make sense.

I would gladly shell out for this if they took the pacifier out of the damn games mouth.
So I like it quite a bit, but one thing I found annoying is when you die you actually have to request whether you want to be revived or not. WTF? If you go down shouldn't you automatically show up as needing revived? As a result I just figured why bother may as well just respawn.
So I like it quite a bit, but one thing I found annoying is when you die you actually have to request whether you want to be revived or not. WTF? If you go down shouldn't you automatically show up as needing revived? As a result I just figured why bother may as well just respawn.

It might be to address the complaints of people being constantly revived and then instantly dying again from the revivees point of view. Especially in the past the revivers would just revive regardless due to stats or due to a preconditioned response.

I played a bit of rush..since thats where i could get the weapons to work. I agree though, it felt like Battlefront reskinned to WW1. Did I enjoy battlefront beta? Yes...was BF1 beta enjoyable as well? Yes.

I didnt buy battlefront, and probably wont buy this.

I will probably hop on tomorrow to play some more though :D

That was the same for me with Battlefront as well. Haven't played enough of BF1 yet but not feeling the buy either at the moment. Although granted I really dislike aim down iron sights so I was skeptical I would buy BF1 when it was announced.
So I like it quite a bit, but one thing I found annoying is when you die you actually have to request whether you want to be revived or not. WTF? If you go down shouldn't you automatically show up as needing revived? As a result I just figured why bother may as well just respawn.

You don't have to request. I revive people all the time without requesting. The request just notified the medic for easier finding
How can people say the game is shit because no one works as a team? thats a problem with the players in the game and not the game itself. Get in a decent squad or play with friends and the game is so much better. Yeah you are always going to have your pussies that hide back and snipe 100% but everytime i played ive had a godo squad where we worked together to cap points.
How can people say the game is shit because no one works as a team? thats a problem with the players in the game and not the game itself.

Yes and no. If the game mechanics incentivize lone wolf play then that's a problem with the game. Not sure if that is the case here but it's definitely not just the players.
Yes and no. If the game mechanics incentivize lone wolf play then that's a problem with the game. Not sure if that is the case here but it's definitely not just the players.
Ive seen plenty of lone wolfs in BF3 and 4, worse in those games because all everyone cared about is kills. Idk i havent really seen it yet in this game, every time i get in a tank all the seats get filled up and we ride together untill we die. Of course there is going to be K/D whores that only want kills, but thats in every game now. You'll always have those pussies that join recon class and sit on a ledge and snipe all game and maybe get 10 kills. What game mechanics make going lone wolf an incentive?
Played it some more this evening, it really is "lol lol lol, I've got a gun, pew pew, pew pew". Get sniped, respawn rinse repeat.

Shit they could at least make it take longer when you respawn to get to the main objectives. There is no reason a guy you just killed on point should be knifing you in the back 30 seconds later, it just doesnt make sense.

I would gladly shell out for this if they took the pacifier out of the damn games mouth.
so basically its like every other bf? you could die in bf3 at a point and respawn in time to kill the guy. and open maps in bf3 I def remember getting snipped. I've spent probably half of a game last night attacking and defending C with a shotgun and never got snipped and went 14-4

there are too many snipers though. sniping is a easy class to play to figure out the game in the beginning. plus theres so many people struggling with low frame rates sniper is the only class you can do well with.
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What game mechanics make going lone wolf an incentive?

Honestly? Having any sort of K/D or kill chart at all. Should all be points-based and far more points are given for team actions (kill assists, healing, etc.) than kills.

But too many CoD babies will cry if they don't have a K/D ratio so that'll never happen, unfortunately.
Honestly? Having any sort of K/D or kill chart at all. Should all be points-based and far more points are given for team actions (kill assists, healing, etc.) than kills.

But too many CoD babies will cry if they don't have a K/D ratio so that'll never happen, unfortunately.
wasnt there a scoreboard in 1942? I know they didnt log the stats like they do now, im i know for sure pressing tab showed your kills and deaths. There will always be people that only care about getting the most kills despite there being a stat for k/d ratio or not. Pretty much every online fps has a scoreboard while playing that tracks kills and deaths...
wasnt there a scoreboard in 1942? I know they didnt log the stats like they do now, im i know for sure pressing tab showed your kills and deaths. There will always be people that only care about getting the most kills despite there being a stat for k/d ratio or not. Pretty much every online fps has a scoreboard while playing that tracks kills and deaths...

True, though for whatever reason back then I did not notice the same kind of behavior as now. I think it has to do with the emphasis put on K/D in games like CoD more recently. And back then we had private servers, LAN capability, and mods...made it a lot easier to get rid of assholes and customize the experience whereas now you have virutally no control over EA-run servers and online-only functionality.
True, though for whatever reason back then I did not notice the same kind of behavior as now. I think it has to do with the emphasis put on K/D in games like CoD more recently. And back then we had private servers, LAN capability, and mods...made it a lot easier to get rid of assholes and customize the experience whereas now you have virutally no control over EA-run servers and online-only functionality.

they've actually made it much better / rewarding since BF2 - in BF1942 you got 1 point for a kill and 2 points for a capture..

also as far as the "Spawn" after you kill them at a flag, you need more team mates at the capture point.. with enough the flags actually turn very fast .. in the open beta I've gone in with a squad of 5 and we mop up and capture before any of them can respawn

one thing I am loving (which may or may not have been in BF3/4 - I didn't play those) is the squad spawning.. what a great mechanic! as a medic I can help out and if I happen to get killed, as long as the squad member doesn't die I can get back into the mix really quickly.. definitely has promoted squad play more already from what I am used to playing.
True, though for whatever reason back then I did not notice the same kind of behavior as now. I think it has to do with the emphasis put on K/D in games like CoD more recently. And back then we had private servers, LAN capability, and mods...made it a lot easier to get rid of assholes and customize the experience whereas now you have virutally no control over EA-run servers and online-only functionality.
Agreed that CoD has made kill whores a lot more prevalent in games, or so it seems to me. I do miss the old days of pc games though with LANs and much more tight nit communities, everything is so big business now.
More of a history question on the games main loading screen. How many black soldiers were in WW1? (and what appears to be modern american military hair cut) lol I know in WW2 and past it there was!
The game sucks solo. Not enough tickets per round either. I can't stay up late enough to play with my old teammates. Have to get up at 4 for work on the weekdays so I am pure crap after 730 lol. I can see it being fun if both sides have organized squads and enough time to develop an actual battle. As is though, it is a pew pew fest.
they've actually made it much better / rewarding since BF2 - in BF1942 you got 1 point for a kill and 2 points for a capture..

also as far as the "Spawn" after you kill them at a flag, you need more team mates at the capture point.. with enough the flags actually turn very fast .. in the open beta I've gone in with a squad of 5 and we mop up and capture before any of them can respawn

one thing I am loving (which may or may not have been in BF3/4 - I didn't play those) is the squad spawning.. what a great mechanic! as a medic I can help out and if I happen to get killed, as long as the squad member doesn't die I can get back into the mix really quickly.. definitely has promoted squad play more already from what I am used to playing.
Wow you missed out on 3 and 4 lol.....yea the squad respawn is pretty nice at times!:)
More of a history question on the games main loading screen. How many black soldiers were in WW1? (and what appears to be modern american military hair cut) lol I know in WW2 and past it there was!

There weren't a lot, many armies (including the US) did not field black troops in combat.

Most black soldiers in ww1 fought in the colonies for those countries.

On the western they were extremely rare. France was one of the few countries where their army allowed them to fight and fielded colored troops.

The Black troops under the US were never allowed to fight, they regulated them to labor areas in the war and the only black troops that did fight from the US (like the Harlem Hellfighters) were given to French command and fought under France, not the US. They wore their US uniforms but used French weapons/helmets, etc and followed French orders.

Same goes with Germany, I can't find a single instance of a black German soldier fighting on the western front, just the African colonies where they fought.
Had a much better experience playing with about ten of my teammates. Working together was far more enjoyable than the frustration of trying to do it all yourself. It feels much more like BF when you can count on people backing you up and not getting shot from every angle bc the guys around you are taking those dudes out. Especially nice having good air cover. Our pilot is good at killing snipers. He is an actual pilot in RL lol
This launch feels way smoother than BF4. Game runs amazing on High/Ultra at 1080p with my 7950. Fps hangs around 50-60 always.

It is pretty bland though.... and the sandstorms are almost a bit much.

The only bug I've noticed so far is that if you are in a tank and it is about to blow up, I'll hit E to get out and my guy gets out and then immediately gets right back in. Pretty annoying, but so insignificant compared to the problems with the BF4 launch.
Had a much better experience playing with about ten of my teammates. Working together was far more enjoyable than the frustration of trying to do it all yourself. It feels much more like BF when you can count on people backing you up and not getting shot from every angle bc the guys around you are taking those dudes out. Especially nice having good air cover. Our pilot is good at killing snipers. He is an actual pilot in RL lol
Yeah i recommend getting into a tank or armored car as much as possible, they always fill up fast and its a blast going point to point with a death machine full of people working together.
People seem to be catching on with dropping ammo and medpacks. Makes a huge difference. Same with calling out objectives as a squad leader because more often than not that's where I find my squad mates. It's a nice change, really, though it's anyone's guess as to how frequently it'll happen and for how long, lol.

Also, the artillery truck is absolutely awesome:
People seem to be catching on with dropping ammo and medpacks. Makes a huge difference. Same with calling out objectives as a squad leader because more often than not that's where I find my squad mates. It's a nice change, really, though it's anyone's guess as to how frequently it'll happen and for how long, lol.

Also, the artillery truck is absolutely awesome:

I'm back to playing support in BF1, looking back it just works for me.
I have tried, but I can't get into this game at all. It looks like no new FPS game for me this year.
A. I think you can be revived all the time. The request simply advertises it, so that a medic whom isn't looking at your body, can know that you need a revive.

B. The beta runs super well. I'm getting 60fps average at 1080p on an overclocked Radeon HD7870. All settings high, except for post process and effects. That's a 4 year old video card, which wasn't even the fastest, at the time it released.

Other specs are i3 6100 and 16gb of DDR3 3000
Yeah, after playing for quite a few hours I can say overall the game is good. I will probably buy it, but at this point I still prefer bf4.
A. I think you can be revived all the time. The request simply advertises it, so that a medic whom isn't looking at your body, can know that you need a revive.

B. The beta runs super well. I'm getting 60fps average at 1080p on an overclocked Radeon HD7870. All settings high, except for post process and effects. That's a 4 year old video card, which wasn't even the fastest, at the time it released.

Other specs are i3 6100 and 16gb of DDR3 3000

I remember people running BF3 on a 7870 when I had my 7850 at the time, not bad thinking it's doing the same thing 4 years later.
I remember people running BF3 on a 7870 when I had my 7850 at the time, not bad thinking it's doing the same thing 4 years later.
Yeah, this actually seems to run a bit BETTER than BF4. Which was absolutely fine on my 7870. I thought I might have to upgrade, but I guess not!

* I think that my main critique so far is that everything feels a bit loose. It would be nice if they could get a bit more heft into the feel of shooting the guns. It feels like shooting paintball guns or something.
Wish the UI was less on the minimalist white icon side because as of right now it is remarkably bland. Like the loadout for when you spawn on a horse--I keep throwing the wrong pack when I need to get/give health or ammo. I could also do without those white circles outlining the caps for 3 seconds or however long when you spawn in. I've been killed on a hot flag because I couldn't see an enemy that was ahead of me due to those circles.

Simple but quality of life stuff. Need to mess around more in the options and see what I can adjust, I suppose. Overall this is definitely growing on me. Still see the effects of Battlefront but it feels more like BC2 than BF3 or 4 which is a good thing to me.
Respawning is also way too fast. *Well, it at least feels that way. The game may actually be balanced for it. But it sure feels dumb to get back to where you just died, so quickly.
This game is shit...not THE shit, just shit. At least the beta is any way. Every time except twice that I've tried to play I spawn with nothing. I'm not sure if I have something and I just can't see it or what but I have no arms and no weapon. I click the mouse to fire, and I'm not shooting either. People can run right up to me and shoot me, and I can't do anything. The times I have joined a server and had a gun I keep getting killed by either a tank or a sniper, both are annoying but I'm more annoyed by the tanks. I wish they'd do away with vehicles all together.