Why cant they include a classic gameplay mode and let the players decide what kind of game they want to play: Arcade mode or 1942 style.
As much as I'm looking forward to hardcore mode I know its just going to be "hardcore arcade" mode.

I also like how the server browser is tossed off to the side and it says "old school" almost like they are doing us a favor for including it. Matchmaking is shit, there is no sense of community. Leave that shit for xbox where people just want to get off work and play a game real quick at the press of a single button.

I dont sit around all day thinking "man I cant wait to get home and hit that matchmaking button!"
I think man I cant wait to get home and connect to ballsdeeps server where I know all the dick john and harrys, and enjoy hanging out with them. Somewhere I always have a low ping, someone I love, someone I hate, and plenty of good times.
First two hours of the game I really hated it. I just couldn't get into my groove. Then I started playing smart and using the cover and did really really well. Had a 3/4 kd almost every game on Rush.
is there a way to turn off the freaking music? in the beginning it added something to the experience, now its getting annoying.
Why cant they include a classic gameplay mode and let the players decide what kind of game they want to play: Arcade mode or 1942 style.
As much as I'm looking forward to hardcore mode I know its just going to be "hardcore arcade" mode.

there's a good chance something like that will be added (or included at release). DICE is aware some people want that, see BF4 classic mode: Battlefield 4 Classic Mode Explained
I've been playing tonight, with occasional server drops. For the most part though I've remained in game.
someone post when the PC servers are back up...
They've been up all night for me. What's been down is the stat servers. I couldn't get a leaderboard or xp increase all night.

The game even tells me it can't connect. Had to try re-connecting several times in game then it finally let me join.

Did a traceroute to, got 100% packet loss to server ip is an EA server. Likely the one running the BF1 stats.

-edit- Just did another traceroute to, got 100% packet loss to server ip an EA server.

both times the packet loss was at hop 15 of 17. I also had 0% packet loss to any other server in the chain. Did almost 100 packets each which is overkill.
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I dunno, I kinda like it. Some people just have to realize that the BF1942 days are long gone and simply load it up and make their own fun. It still has those 'classic battlefield moments'. I'm looking forward to exploring the maps and weapons and finding a good crew to roll with. The graphics are excellent and it runs great, game play is good. I enjoyed Hardline and Battlefront but they didn't hold my attention for as long as BF4 did, I just can't get enough of that game.


  • 2016-09-01 12-15-59.png 2016-09-01 12-15-59.png
    118.4 KB · Views: 34
I don't mean to be an asshole, but Kepler is alive and kicking, 780 trailing a 290X by around 15%, which likely means a 780Ti is outperforming it. It's been a while since we've seen that happen eh ?
Played last night and I have to say I really like it. I've always loved using iron sights and the old war gameplay. The bullet and accuracy drop at long distances is just right and the speed I think is perfect. BF4 felt just a tad too slow. I am also enjoying the game voice when you are losing/capturing a control point.
Played for a few hours last night. I'm thinking the light tank needs a nerf, I am 3-1 KD and sometimes going 20-3. There are a lot fewer ways to destroy vehicles consistently so It gives them a lot of power.
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The light tank is brutal. Self repair shotgun tank just mows people down. That being said, a coordinated effort of a couple people playing smart can take it down with anti-tank grenades.

Also brutal is the AA version of the artillery unit. Enemy planes don't have a chance, they just melt. Impossible to counter in the air, difficult to counter on the ground.

Where is the artillery? Where is the indirect fire? Artillery was one of the core tenets of WW1 and it's dramatically absent in a useful sense here.

Planes are fun, but nearly useless. Bomber lacks punch. Attack plane is fun to one shot planes in with the big cannon upgrade, but is difficult to counter vehicles with.

And let's talk about the caps. There is no sense of fighting against an enemy line. It's just ring around the rosy style capture points with no sense of direction. Flanking is fine, but when the whole game is just a constant flanking maneuver it gets old. Perhaps that's just a symptom of the game mode. I've not tried rush.
now dx12 is another story, which I'm sure they are still working to implement. same auto config to high same OCs I get about the same frame rates BUT with unexplainable drops into the low 20s every couple of seconds, making it completely unplayable.
the update to crimson 16.8.3 fixed my dx12 issues! now it runs slightly, ~5FPS better. now its not really that noticeable during game play but if I look at my afterburner graphs the cpu usage is slightly higher but more even and the gpu usage is a bit lower and also more even and vram usage dropped 200MB. if I enable vsync I cant even tell the difference except by looking at the graph and dx12 seem to run more efficiently.
I really like the ground textures lol...Looks like real life to me (like battlefront)
I do remember seeing a mobile artillery but I have not used one myself. There are also fixed artillery located around the map that are devastating if used at the right time.
anyone running a gtx 970 at 2560x1440p ? what settings and fps are you getting?

those benchmarks above seem questionable. Im using a evga gtx 970 at only 1680x1050 and sometimes see fps in the 40-50.

the msi 970 in those benchmarks got a min of 79 and thats at 1080p. maybe my i5 2500k is bottlenecking? maybe that benchmark took place in a empty server. I'm not complaining about my frame rate, but I want to upgrade to a 1080p or 1440p monitor for the release of this game and question what video card I'll need.
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I am currently playing on a Phenom II X6 w/ a Gtx 770 and getting 50-60 fps at 1440. I will check settings and report back
anyone running a gtx 970 at 2560x1440p ? what settings and fps are you getting?

those benchmarks above seem questionable. Im using a evga gtx 970 at only 1680x1050 and sometimes see fps in the 40-50.

the msi 970 in those benchmarks got a min of 79 and thats at 1080p. maybe my i5 2500k is bottlenecking? maybe that benchmark took place in a empty server. I'm not complaining about my frame rate, but I want to upgrade to a 1080p or 1440p monitor for the release of this game and question what video card I'll need.

I'm running on a 980ti maxed out at 1440p and it's smooth as butter, I haven't actually benched a match yet I'll do that tonight dx11 vs dx12 but never seen dips below 70
And let's talk about the caps. There is no sense of fighting against an enemy line. It's just ring around the rosy style capture points with no sense of direction. Flanking is fine, but when the whole game is just a constant flanking maneuver it gets old. Perhaps that's just a symptom of the game mode. I've not tried rush.

That's Conquest for you in every BF game ever though.
Played last night and I have to say I really like it. I've always loved using iron sights and the old war gameplay. The bullet and accuracy drop at long distances is just right and the speed I think is perfect. BF4 felt just a tad too slow. I am also enjoying the game voice when you are losing/capturing a control point.
This echoes my thoughts as well. I never realized just how slow the bullets were going in BF4.

The bullets are lightning quick now, you barely have to lead targets with sniper rifles. I will say though, sometime's its difficult to Snipe at long distances because I can't see where the bullet actually hits if it misses the target. In BF4, there was sometimes a small "poof" of dust or something that you could see if it hit a wall or dirt.
Mack is a bit over the top sometimes but man, this game sounds like garbage. Nothing like BF1942.

is anyone else having a problem connecting online? keeps saying I am not online
I got kicked out mid-game and was told I'm offline with EA, and unable to get back online. Sounds like they're at it again.
Probably a DDOS. Get used to that.

Mack and me agree. I am actually depressed because of this game.
Mack is a bit over the top sometimes but man, this game sounds like garbage. Nothing like BF1942.

LOL this video goes so way out in left field, but I agree that it's the same bullshit. Even worse, they are learning towards that failed satanspawn of a game Battlefront. I think most people are tired of the PLAY 1 MILLION HOURS TO UNLOCK THE GOOD STUFF in an online shooter - we all used to be the SAME and the only difference was player skill. If I want progression I'll go play an RPG.
I think most people are tired of the PLAY 1 MILLION HOURS TO UNLOCK THE GOOD STUFF in an online shooter - we all used to be the SAME and the only difference was player skill. If I want progression I'll go play an RPG.

I'm liking BF1 and will play the shit out of it, but I do agree with this. The "unlocking" bullshit is really irritating.
Mack is a bit over the top sometimes but man, this game sounds like garbage. Nothing like BF1942.

that guy is idk kinda silly.....theres a shit ton of improvements since then as well. Some of the changes really have been for the better! I still remember when all BF games wouldn't let you move diagonal (bf2142 and before lol)
that guy is idk kinda silly.....theres a shit ton of improvements since then as well. Some of the changes really have been for the better! I still remember when all BF games wouldn't let you move diagonal (bf2142 and before lol)

Well yeah obviously lots of QoL improvements to games over the years, I think what he wanted, and what a lot of people were hoping for (and I don't know why they would actually think it would happen) was a modernized BF1942 that somehow didn't get all the parts about recent Battlefiend and CoD games that people are tired of. Obviously they are going to keep reusing the same tired formula and look they even made the game super fast paced so your actions have little to no consequences! If you zerg like an idiot long enough eventually you will be able to unlock that phat lewt !
1942 did not feel like that.
BF1942 was also 15 years and 3 game engines ago. I'm not sure if you are looking at the old games with rose colored glasses. Say what you want about physics, gunplay, vehicles or even the interface...but there is only a few ways Conquest can play out. Getting to the other flags always required you to find ways to outflank your opponent in some ways even in BF1942. Even when you could only approach a flag from one direction, you had to be creative by using the Jeep's momentum to barrel over hills the tanks could not, parachuting in, or simply having your player sprint and climb areas of the map you wouldn't send a tank.

That being said, I do want to understand your opinion better. I think what you may be hinting at is the map design itself. All prior games to the Bad Company series didn't have the destructible environments. The map design in the older games did have a tendency to "funnel" certain pathways.

The map "El Alamein" from BF1942 is a prime example of this. Huge map with massive open areas... but to get close to the flags themselves you had to funnel down certain roadways through the otherwise impassable mountain or simply parachute in. The North Outpost is covered on 3 sides by ridges. The South Outpost sat on top of a massive hill that you had to drive up via one roadway.


There was only a few ways to get to the other flags with the only way around it being an air vehicle or parachuting in somehow. With everything destructible, there are now infinite paths, infinite changes in cover, infinite ways of playing the same map. The vehicles now blow holes in walls to kill infantry or simply barrel through them while at the same time creating more areas to get themselves trapped in and outflanked.

IMO, this is the better way of doing things for Conquest mode.
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only thing really bugging is the attack planes kill the bomber really fast (like 1 shot)..speaking of which its hard as fuck to see if you have a gunner in front of the pilot seat lol...i often hope know one spawns in front of me. I love them team work feel to it though!
only thing really bugging is the attack planes kill the bomber really fast (like 1 shot)..speaking of which its hard as fuck to see if you have a gunner in front of the pilot seat lol...i often hope know one spawns in front of me. I love them team work feel to it though!
I thought the bombers were going to be flying death traps. Instead they are pretty well balanced and can fend for themselves as long as you have someone else gunning for you.

The attack plane has a big anti-tank cannon on the front of it. It's also a slow projectile. A competent pilot that knows how to aim it right will be an insta-kill on a bomber. I agree, it shouldn't be an 1 shot kill for balancing reasons.
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I thought the bombers were going to be flying death traps. Instead they are pretty well balanced and can fend for themselves as long as you have someone else gunning for you.

The attack plane has a big anti-tank cannon on the front of it. It's also a slow projectile. A competent pilot that knows how to aim it right will be an insta-kill on a bomber.
when fly the attract plane...i noticed f toggles to bomb mode, but i never saw a tank cannon?
so far I really enjoy it.. very BF1942 feeling.. I am liking this much more than anything newer than BF42...
My FPS play style has always been reckless so my K/D has always been between 0.5 and 0.7 (I have a few rounds with a 5/1 ratio but those are rare) but this game allows you to earn lots of points even if you have a shit K/D ratio. I am a flag capping/teamwork whore :D. I might get 8 kills in a round but get 20k points for example. I might finally get back into the BF game after having logged somewhere in the 15k hours played on BF1942 and BF2 combined (most of that in 30v30 tournament play).
Plays like utter shit, had the exact same complaints about battlefield 3 when it came out and it just gets worse with every game. It just feels like a giant cod deathmatch map no team work just everyone running around doing their own thing, maybe fun for 5-10 mintues. Game needs to be changed completely no amount of minor changes are going to make me want to play this trash.