Just a reminder the beta ends on Sept 8th (not sure when exactly on the 8th). Also with the update today they unlocked all of the weapons that are available in the beta. The 'available in the the full game' weapons are still locked.
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Just a reminder the beta ends on Sept 8th (not sure when exactly on the 8th). Also with the update today they unlocked all of the weapons that are available in the beta. The 'available in the the full game' weapons are still locked.
Hell ya. I've been wanting to try out the Mondragon and the Gewaur Sharpshooter but just couldn't level up the Medic and Recon classes as fast as Assault and Support.
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Just a reminder the beta ends on Sept 8th (not sure when exactly on the 8th). Also with the update today they unlocked all of the weapons that are available in the beta. The 'available in the the full game' weapons are still locked.

and just like that I'm buying the game, was on the fence as I wasn't feeling it. but some of these new weaps play way nicer and make the game 100x more fun
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i really like the map actually, shows off a lot of stuff. Sandstorm being client side is a hilarious mistake though lol, explains why i get sniped in sandstorms

having actually been to sinai several times, I can say the atmopshere and feel of the place is very authentic

Sandstorm being client side makes sense network wise as you don't want to sync all of the effects. It's not dynamic, it's a preprogrammed routine that get triggered. Just like rain, fog, and I assume snow storms.

The issue, is that there appeared to be no checksum to confirm it fired on all clients.
Till when does the beta last? I played it a couple of times but then forgot about it lol. Hope it runs through on this weekend as well.
Till when does the beta last? I played it a couple of times but then forgot about it lol. Hope it runs through on this weekend as well.

Dude... September 8th.... today. it's only been mentioned a couple hundred times including right above your post!

I am curious as to the specific time though. hoping it's midnight because I'd like to play again today after work and try out the couple weapons I hadn't unlocked yet.

I'll definitely be getting this game when it releases. I'm definitely having a lot of fun with it.
Only issue I'm having so far is too many tanks and medics being nearly garbage, unless you get the drop on someone.
WHa??? The tanks and medics are the best classes to play with. I honestly believe that the tanks are a lil OP. I went 23-0 with the tank. Maybe because i played against a sorry ass team. but i wrecked havoc with it and when i got damaged, i just rolled out to somewhere safe, and repaired, then proceeded to kick ass.
The medic class.The guns are very strong, and after every engagement, drop a health pack, and find someone else to mop up. I scored the most points by playing medic, reviving and issuing health.
Tanks were only a "problem" if they were smart and stayed out of the city area.
Light tank is OP as hell, one game I went like 34-0, the buckshot for infantry is devastating, fighting other tanks when you have a good position is pretty easy as well with the repairs you can do. I'm sure they will be nerfed or maybe more anti tank options will be available
Light tank is OP as hell, one game I went like 34-0, the buckshot for infantry is devastating, fighting other tanks when you have a good position is pretty easy as well with the repairs you can do. I'm sure they will be nerfed or maybe more anti tank options will be available
I agree, more anti tank options is a necessity. Just imagine if someone jump out of a tank and the other team gets their hands on it. Its a wrap. I do understand they are slow as shit and as log as you are not in front of it, your pretty safe. But that tank pointed at an objective can clear a whole flag in a minute. more AT option is the perfect counter.
I don't think I'll be buying this one. Not until some big price drops any way. I think I'll take my money and spend it on the Battlefront season pass so I can get that DLC instead.
Beta was fun for me so will buy if other maps are good and price is 50% off. Saw as high as 140fps on my lowly GTX780 too using my settings so am good to go.
Beta was fun for me so will buy if other maps are good and price is 50% off. Saw as high as 140fps on my lowly GTX780 too using my settings so am good to go.

Your 780 was once top of the line. That proves the bennies really of buying high end hw. Years later it will STILL run most anything sufficiently. I am old school gamer and this game made me miss BF2, still the number one game for me online multiplayer. You could do it all.
WHa??? The tanks and medics are the best classes to play with. I honestly believe that the tanks are a lil OP. I went 23-0 with the tank. Maybe because i played against a sorry ass team. but i wrecked havoc with it and when i got damaged, i just rolled out to somewhere safe, and repaired, then proceeded to kick ass.
The medic class.The guns are very strong, and after every engagement, drop a health pack, and find someone else to mop up. I scored the most points by playing medic, reviving and issuing health.

Exactly, tanks are OP, and the benefit of playing medic over support is less points and less options, after having more unlocks open with the beta, I can say the medic felt better. I will probably buy the game from CDkeys.
Tanks are a bit strong but not by much if the team is competent and work to take them down. I went 40 / 2 yesterday in the Howitzer light tank. I was somehow able to take down all classes of tank and car because they decided to abandon ship instead of shooting me, or one guy would toss a grenade while the others tried to use their rifles to take me out. Was easy to sit on objective D between the train and the building to repair any damage I took and keep A, B, D and the roads clear for our team. The big tank with the two canons on the front should have had me the three times I faced one but they just stopped shooting at me consistently.

Finally a few smart people got three grenades on me and I easily wasted never having a chance against their attack. No one tried to use the Artillery around the map or anything until those three. If you are alone and such yeah the tanks are rough, especially if the driver can quickly identify targets or where they are being hit from and lay down some suppression fire to go heal up. But they are surprisingly weak if people focus on them.
drop a health pack, and find someone else to mop up. I scored the most points by playing medic, reviving and issuing health.
The medic class is amazing with the right guns. When equipped right, it's the jack of all trades loadout just like the Assault class in BF3/4.

The M1907 has horrible sights and terrible consistency. I would stop in place and fire out a window at other guys doing the same. Fire at guys 50 feet away and pause between shots a couple like you would a DMR in BF4...1st shot hit its mark, 2nd shot missed 3 feet up and to the left, 3rd shot would hit near their feet, 4th shot would connect in the gut, then I wouldn't get a 5th shot because the other guy would turn around and pop me. All while the sight was aimed at the upper torso. I think it was bugged. I tried the same thing on a wall to look at bullet marks...nearly same result.

The Mondragon on the other hand. pop pop pop... all shots hit on the torso of a running target. I really started to like the Mondragon Artillery/Marksman. It had a red crosshair with maybe 2x magnification at most...very open sights. The Mondragon Sharpshooter with the sniper scope just didn't feel right because the gun didn't have the bullet speed nor the range like the sniper rifles did.


The Support class is godly too when used right. Run between buildings right behind the front line guys, lay your trip wire bombs right at top of stairs, pick a window and just start laying into guys. Lay down the ammo crate and you had another trip wire bomb to lay so you could sprint to the next house and do the same. Never be up front with the Support class because you will be outgunned by the Assault and Medic guys every single time. Pick a street and cover it, but don't be the guy running around the corner first. I think I hit Level 10 or 11 in Support class. It just felt right to me. The Lewis gun is an awesome gun to start out with. The M1909 Benet with the strip magazine had horrible sights but fired well. The Madsen MG fired slightly faster but had a tiny magazine (31 rounds) and the magazine stuck out the top covering your view. The MG15 with it's 100 round belt mag, amazing sights was a god damned felt like a lower recoil version of the M240B from BF4 but with terrible hipfire. That didn't matter though because you could be ADS very quick with it.

On the MG15, I noticed something very peculiar with it. The cone of fire actually got better the longer you fired. 1st shot hit, 2nd miss, 3rd miss, 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th all hits even if I killed one guy and switched targets to the buddies next to him. This was only if I was standing still, crouched, or prone. The second I started moving it was all over the place. Fortunately, the gun would slow its fire rate then overheat and jam by about the 20th or so bullet if you held on the trigger. If you let that happen you were screwed.


Assault class was very much like the Engineer class from BF3/4 while lacking the ability to fix things. You get an SMG and plenty of explosives. The SMG's are deadly up close, as they should be, but I was mag dumping to get kills at anything greater than 20-30 feet. I found out the hard way that the SMG's were actually more accurate at hip fire than they were ADS. I would quite often come up from behind a guy at around 20 feet, ADS under the assumption I would save bullets, and miss most shots. If I did the same and hip fire it would be nearly 100% hits. I'm honestly not a fan of this type of gunplay. That game mechanic felt very much like Battlefront Beta where you would get more accuracy hip firing from 3rd person view. Maybe this is where some of the Battlefront comparisons are coming from?


Scout class is a tad boring for me. It does get some neat gadgets like armor piercing K bullets and blinding flare guns. The guns handle real well and the bullets are insanely fast. I fully expect plenty of guys playing close quarters quick scoping with this class and a few lame campers in the back.


Melee fights are back and better than ever. Hell Ya! DICE hasn't gotten melee right since they fucked it up with Bad Company series. BC2, with all the cool shit it did right had some of the buggiest knife animations in all the series and took them over a year to patch to any sort of consistency. No more hit some button to do a scripted character animation that results in a melee kill with a buggy chance at getting killed instead. No more getting lucky by hitting the button first at exactly the right moment or leaping several feet to get a kill while being invulnerable superman. You swing the weapon, you hit them with the weapon. Back to basics. Well fucking done, DICE. Two horsemen can dismount and have an honest to god swordfight. Whoever lands the hits gets the kill. The only scripted melee kills have to be done from behind or bayonet charge and those are the only melee attacks that are guaranteed one hit kills. Bayonet charges kick ass but will leave you extremely vulnerable if you miss.


Speaking of is absolutely fucking retarded that a right handed cavalry guy can not swing his sword at all on the left side. All he has to do is lean over while still holding the horse's reigns. I don't care if it means it does slightly less HP on the left than the right, but horseback riders have been able to swing their weapons on both sides of a horse for millenia. Yet somehow being able to swivel 180 degrees in a saddle and hip firing a lever action rifle makes sense to them. God dammit DICE fix this shit.


There was something else I noticed, but it wasn't until I switched back to BF4 tonight. The character actions are a lot more snappy and I don't feel quite as weighted down. BF3/4 had some weird jumping mechanics where jumping too much actually slowed forward speed. It also felt like your player could jump abnormally far horizontally compared to how little he could jump vertically. Then of course there was that weird ability to steer your jumps and falls mid-air like you had small jump jets. BF1 didn't have any of that. I couldn't jump between rooftops, but I could scale walls and jump decently upwards. Falling felt at the right speed in BF1, but there were plenty of times I fell two stories from a roof and took no damage at all. That part needs to change. I also had instances where I would fall from cliff sides and bounce and slide off them like a carnival ride...again taking no damage. That too needs to change.

Overall, I'm glad they changed some of the player physics. The gravity does feel lighter but not too floaty, bullets aren't slow and arcing a lot at short distances. The controls are tight and responsive, and my soldier had no trouble running over simple terrain and scaling things that should be feasible without feeling like my boots were constantly getting caught on pebbles like BF4. It felt right, almost like the old days of BF1942/BF2 and COD2/COD4 before both series went weird directions. The only place I felt like the terrain physics were fucked was that slight rocky lip right at the train station. You couldn't scale that thing no matter what you did and would slip on it as if it were ice.

With these physics changes, I do see some comparison to Battlefront and COD styles. It also felt strangely reminiscent of the older games, especially since the Battlefield series seemed to start trending downhill after 2142 (BC2 being a notable exception). However, I believe they are a good change of pace compared to the drag ass feel that is constant in BF4.
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Overall, I'm glad they changed some of the player physics. The gravity does feel lighter but not too floaty, bullets aren't slow and arcing a lot at short distances. The controls are tight and responsive, and my soldier had no trouble running over simple terrain and scaling things that should be feasible without feeling like my boots were constantly getting caught on pebbles like BF4. It felt right, almost like the old days of BF1942/BF2 and COD2/COD4 before both series went weird directions. The only place I felt like the terrain physics were fucked was that slight rocky lip right at the train station. You couldn't scale that thing no matter what you did and would slip on it as if it were ice.

Thank you.. I was always like WTfuckinF!!!! roll over that bitch or something........
Thank you.. I was always like WTfuckinF!!!! roll over that bitch or something........

Hhahaha, yes! I started getting stuck on that thing, after I finished telling a friend that I WASN'T getting stuck on everything, like in BF4, BC2, etc.
Dice appreciates your voice and your opinions will be noted and filed.

I told them they got a A- for trying to make a game more true to the battlefield roots but a D+ on actually pulling it off.
The gunplay is the main thing "wrong" right now. Other than sniping, everything else is worse. Guns are basically slot machines now with how retarded the random spread is.
The gunplay is the main thing "wrong" right now. Other than sniping, everything else is worse. Guns are basically slot machines now with how retarded the random spread is.
I haven't had any problem with weapon spread and killing people with the sub machine guns or the medic semi auto rifles even from a distance.
I haven't had any problem with weapon spread and killing people with the sub machine guns or the medic semi auto rifles even from a distance.
I experienced exactly what he was talking about with the M1907 gun for the medic class. I also experienced it with the MP18 while aiming down sights, but it wasn't near as bad as the M1907. The rest of the guns were pretty decent, especially the Mondragon and MG15.
I can't support EA's piecemeal system. Taking a title and chopping it up into little parts and selling each one. I didn't mind the Battlefield 3 cuz I showed up late to the game and got the Premium Edition at Wal-Mart one day for 39.99. But after the wife pre-ordering Battlefront Star Wars and it STILL not having all the pieces released and knowing this is another pieced out title, I'm out .

They need to get their shit together because the games actually run pretty well and look nice for the most part. Just cant get the whole thing without it costing like $150 with no mod support.
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I can't support EA's piecemeal system. Taking a title and chopping it up into little parts and selling each one. I didn't mind the Battlefield 3 cuz I showed up late to the game and got the Premium Edition at Wal-Mart one day for 39.99. But after the wife pre-ordering Battlefront Star Wars and it STILL not having all the pieces released and knowing this is another pieced out title, I'm out .

They need to get their shit together because the games actually run pretty well and look nice for the most part. Just cant get the whole thing without it costing like $150 with no mod support.

This is my biggest reason for not getting really into BF1, I saw a lot to like and a lot of issue but once I had some friends in there we did enjoy ourselves to a degree. However knowing that in 365 day's another Battlefield will be out making any investment in this wasted... I Just cant do it. Their rushed development cycle's show as well at the core of the games. I would rather they release this and give it a 3 to 4 year life before phasing it out. Hell keep it longer if demand is there and give it some DLC. Save them money, release a better game...
Yeah if admins can't kick people for cheating or being racist turds.......Well, there are other games I can play. Why are they insisting on being so limiting with the servers? How does it benefit them?
Yeah if admins can't kick people for cheating or being racist turds.......Well, there are other games I can play. Why are they insisting on being so limiting with the servers? How does it benefit them?

On the flip side of the coin, badmins can't kick people just because they killed the admin, or got into the admin's favorite vehicle, or by lame Procon plugins, or because of some random rule (knives only server, etc), or to make room for one of the admin's friends, or any number of childish reasons the 13 year old little hitlers deemed kick/ban worthy -- happened way too often in BF3 and BF4. Far more people would get kicked for being good players than the frequency of actual botters showing up.

That said, to overreact one way or the other based on some random forum post about what some game service provider supposedly said and is all third-hand, is a little premature. Wait for official details.
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Yeah but the server I play on the most seems to have found a good mix. The games there are generally tight and balanced. If they can't implement the same settings........ I just will not respond well to being consolized.
On the flip side of the coin, badmins can't kick people just because they killed the admin, or got into the admin's favorite vehicle, or by lame Procon plugins, or because of some random rule (knives only server, etc), or to make room for one of the admin's friends, or any number of childish reasons the 13 year old little hitlers deemed kick/ban worthy -- happened way too often in BF3 and BF4. Far more people would get kicked for being good players than the frequency of actual botters showing up.

That said, to overreact one way or the other based on some random forum post about what some game service provider supposedly said and is all third-hand, is a little premature. Wait for official details.
AMEN to that.. i cant even count how many times i (or even my whole squad) got kicked for playing the game its was supposed to be played. Or because we joined the other team and is threatening the admin winning or killing streak.
So a few bad apple server admins and you throw out the bunch?

I never had a problem finding a server I liked and playing on it consistently. You would see the same names of people playing week after week and build relationships with them. Plus you knew on the server you played on with good admin only griefers and cheaters would get

When you join a server now its just the people you queue with and random tards.

Should we take away all cops weapons just because a few of them abuse their position of power?
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AMEN to that.. i cant even count how many times i (or even my whole squad) got kicked for playing the game its was supposed to be played. Or because we joined the other team and is threatening the admin winning or killing streak.

Sure sign of folks who shouldnt be admins and time to find another server :eek:
On the flip side of the coin, badmins can't kick people just because they killed the admin, or got into the admin's favorite vehicle, or by lame Procon plugins, or because of some random rule (knives only server, etc), or to make room for one of the admin's friends, or any number of childish reasons the 13 year old little hitlers deemed kick/ban worthy -- happened way too often in BF3 and BF4. Far more people would get kicked for being good players than the frequency of actual botters showing up.
But there were always dozens of other servers to choose from. Always. If there was a badmin or some other shit you didn't agree with, fuck it. Leave and you could find another in seconds.

DPI said:
That said, to overreact one way or the other based on some random forum post about what some game service provider supposedly said and is all third-hand, is a little premature. Wait for official details.
Why would a clan leader post something like this if it wasn't true? Clan leaders have zero incentive to troll their own communities like this, let alone the entire internet. By posting the truth, they can at least keep the respect and membership of their fellow members and possibly steer them to another game to play within their community.

They already let slip no ProCon at Gamescom. This info meshes perfectly with that. I will not purchase this game until I have an answer on this. If admins can't remove cheaters, griefers, and toxic players in general, there will be zero reason for anyone to rent the servers. The PC community for the game will be dead before the DLC will even matter. That is the #1 reason for renting one in the first place. #2 reason being the ability to do custom setups. People screamed and preached as loud as possible on the net when they did this to Battlefront, and they didn't fucking listen. Battlefront PC community was practically dead within 3 months.
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I experienced exactly what he was talking about with the M1907 gun for the medic class. I also experienced it with the MP18 while aiming down sights, but it wasn't near as bad as the M1907. The rest of the guns were pretty decent, especially the Mondragon and MG15.
I had that problem initially but it was greatly improved towards the end of the beta. One thing I noticed that helped me out a lot is shooting from the hip when the enemy was 25ft or closer. One many more of my 1v1 battles.
Wow. Too bad this was obviously done on a console.

But damn, even on a console it looks amazing.

and if you are a PC master race member, you will cringe at this video. Holy shit thumbsticks are horrible.

This single player feels very reminiscent of COD 1, COD 2, and the original MOH games. They are really trying to hammer in that feeling of what was at stake during these wars.
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is my i5 2500k going to struggle to play this game at 1440p ? I was able play the beta at 1680x1050(I use a 22" monitor). I'm thinking about getting a new monitor. I dont know if the higher res will put more demand on my cpu. I can oc the cpu to 4.5 ghz

I also think I may need a gtx 1070.
is my i5 2500k going to struggle to play this game at 1440p ? I was able play the beta at 1680x1050(I use a 22" monitor). I'm thinking about getting a new monitor. I dont know if the higher res will put more demand on my cpu. I can oc the cpu to 4.5 ghz

I also think I may need a gtx 1070.
I was able to play at 1920x1080 with my I5 2500K and amd 290 very nicely so I don't think 1440p is unreasonable if you keep the settings at non ultra levels lol