3 more hours till the official trailer releases. Can't wait!
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The setting has me super interested. There aren't nearly enough games set in WW1. Would it be too much to hope for at the very least a COD quality single player?
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Count me in. Could be a cool change of pace. I'm excited.
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I will punch your kitten for anyone pre-ordering this game to get the 'Hellfighter Pack' or pre-ordering it period. If you do not have a kitten, I will supply one, punch it, and give it to you.

Must say though, I got to see where this is going. Could work.
So is alternate history is how they will get around the lack of weaponry / gadgets if it was a straight up WW1 game? If so this will probably have some sort of steampunk-ish type quailty to it? I'll admit I was hoping for 2143, but i'm interested to see what they show us in a few hours.
So is alternate history is how they will get around the lack of weaponry / gadgets if it was a straight up WW1 game? If so this will probably have some sort of steampunk-ish type quailty to it? I'll admit I was hoping for 2143, but i'm interested to see what they show us in a few hours.

That's more than likely the reason. I think I'm fine with it. I like the variety of weapons and attachments in recent BF games.
I will punch your kitten for anyone pre-ordering this game to get the 'Hellfighter Pack' or pre-ordering it period. If you do not have a kitten, I will supply one, punch it, and give it to you.

On the other hand I'm not going to *avoid* buying it before the game unlocks just because I'd be getting free DLC. And I'll want to play the beta anyway.

Sorry, Battlefield games are the exception :)
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Did EA hire the guy who named the Xbox One for this game?
I like the WW I idea, not a fan of the alternate history just so the fucking COD kiddies can have 10000 accessories to add to their weapons......would prefer a game that is not an endless level wheel to get the next piece of cheese.

BF1942 had no lvl ups, no BS to put on your guns and was one of the best FPS's ever as it was all about gameplay, tactics, teamwork etc. Not having to lvl up to get a scope so you can rape lower lvl ppl by shooting them from farther away.

Thus why I have 200+ hours into RB6 bullshit lvl wheel. Points unlock classes/characters and there are very few cheap scopes etc. It is 99.99999% about skill.

Hope they don't fuck this all up by having laser guns and shit.
So are we starting over at number one again? whats gonna happen when we get to 3?
So are we starting over at number one again? whats gonna happen when we get to 3?

Well there was already a BF2, so presumably Battlefield after this would be 5, since I don't see the fantasy-WW1 thing lasting multiple generations.
I don't own it. By all accounts it seems to run fine, but the theme just wasn't interesting. I thought the extra modes in the beta were dull to. But it looks a hell of a lot better than this oddball.

I couldn't stand RO2/RS much but I am hoping RS2 Vietnam will be decent. If I don't like it I am not sure what shooter I can move to.
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I am intrigued but at the same time, I know it's DICE / EA and I know the BS they pull so, we'll see.
Would love an updated WW2 game....the D day landings, the Battle of Britain in the air and the house to house battles of Stalingrad. With todays graphics and effects the intensity of waiting on the landing craft door to open then storming the beach head would be ratcheted up. Used to love flying the planes in BF1942 and doing strafing runs on the opposition carrier/bases.
No. WW1. It's actually a pretty clever name, unlike the XB1.

Why not name it Battlefield WWI or something along those lines instead of Battlefield 1 which sounds like its the first in the series when we already have 2, 3, and 4? :meh:
Why not name it Battlefield WWI or something along those lines instead of Battlefield 1 which sounds like its the first in the series when we already have 2, 3, and 4? :meh:

Because the marketing team had an epiphany and decided to brand this as a prequel.

They're likely saving Battlefield 5 as the next modern shooter.
Not a browser....
Not a browser....
PLEASE, not a browser....
old skool guns and gameplay I'M IN
EA should release an "ultimate" edition of Battlefield 1 which has all the guns, scopes, attachments unlocked + DLC maps for $150. I wouldn't get it but I bet a lot of older gamers would.
Crap! How am I going to pray and spray with something from WW1?
Just like every other Battlefield game, I'm sure your avatar will be superhuman and fling around LMG's like they were nothing.

Also, if this alternate history, The browning assault rifle (BAR) came out in 1917 and saw limited use in WWI. 30 caliber man portable machine guns came out in later parts of WWI like the M1917 and then the later air cooled variant M1919 in 1919. The French Chauchat and Hotchkiss M1909's were popular LMG's also after 1916.

When I say "man-portable" that was relative. Usually one guy would carry the gun while the other carried the tripod. They rarely fired them on the move like a soldier could with an M249 SAW today. That being said, by the time the M1919 came out the US Marine Corps did eventually create a special front carry handle for them so the Marines could sweep out trenches and bunkers when they invaded Pacific Islands in WWII. This being an alternate history WWI, it's entirely possible.
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If you can find a populated game on PC, it still sucks.

Meh, I thought BF4 was pretty terrible. Hardline was less vehicle bullshit (fuck those retarded helicopters in BF4, seriously) and more focused on infantry combat.
Unfortunately I reckon we'll get our asses tickled with a feather in the form of an SP trailer today, and they'll save the MP footage for E3. DAMN U EAz
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not interested in ww1.

ww2 or bust.
I was skeptical before, but now I'm cautiously optimistic. There wasn't much interesting about WWI in actual history that could play well with Battlefield's gameplay style. But an alternate history could bring some neat opportunities.

I'm betting the guy in the teaser trailer is staring down a Zeppelin.