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  1. R

    Netbook now or wait

    well ill just stick around and wait to see what happens to the prices or if any great deals pop up between now and the end of december. how's word processing on a 10-11 inch screen though?
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    Netbook now or wait

    When exactly will this be? By the way thanks for the advice, i'm going to keep researching a bit and I'll hold off until late Dec/ Jan.
  3. R

    Netbook now or wait

    Hey I have a Dell Vostro at the moment that I use, I'm planning to probably give this to my sister. I'm upgrading my home desktop and I'm going to bring that with me to college next semester (medical leave atm), so I was thinking about getting a netbook. I would use it for class, for...
  4. R

    WTB: Icemat Siberia Black Headset

    New or used, condition has to be good, mic has to work etc. Thanks please post if you have/post offers
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    WTB Xbox 360 Premium

    Got that modded Xbox 360
  6. R

    WTB Xbox 360 Premium

    bump ill look into it, more looking for US version Premium with Gears of War if possible
  7. R

    WTB Xbox 360 Premium

    WTB a Premium with everything it normally comes with, also if you can throw in Gears of War / any other games I will be willing to increase bid. Anyone got one for sale atm?
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    OK I've had it, reinstalling XP

    Vista is great for me..
  9. R

    Enough power for a video upgrade?

    I have a very high quality Thermaltake TR2 W0070RUC ATX 430W And right now I'm running 3.2 P4, 2 GB Ram, 7600 GT.. I need an upgrade, should I go for the video card right away or upgrade the processor (I had a 3.4 but that died now I'm on a a P4 3.2 w/HT?) If I do go the video card route...
  10. R

    Upgrade from a 5600 to 7950 GT KO---worth it at this point?

    Spend 110 bucks after rebate on the BFG 7600GT.. it will play ALL those games maxed, and it will tide you over until DX10. For those games no need for the 7950, if you want to spend a bit more the 7900GS will give you nice bang for your buck.
  11. R

    Card to hold me over...

    woah hold on there you can get the eVGA or the BFG (i have the BFG) 7600GT for around 108-110 after rebate on If you can afford a bit more I would go up to the 7900GS, but for your purposes the 7600GT should be really great
  12. R

    7600 benchmarks

    Your not way off base, I only have my 7600GT clocked to 600/1.5, obviously im very moderate with that, but with a GS that seems about right, that OP has it cranked up very, very high, dunno about getting even close to that with stock cooling
  13. R

    8800 GTX released too early??

    Did the 9700 Pro get owned in every DX9 game.. no
  14. R

    eVGA 7600gt vs BFG 7600gt?

    Well I made this decision yesterday, I figured with the MIR they were about even, the clock was higher on BFG, but since I've had a bunch of great eVGA cards in the past I was sort of torn. Then I noticed eVGA only had one DVI output, BFG has 2, plus I heard a ton about BFG's great warranty...
  15. R

    Isnt the powersupply, what could it be?

    Im an athelete part computer nerd, my friends barely know the difference between macs and PCs anyway, im going to try to hold off and save cash until DX10, or maybe ill look into EVGA's stepup program... I need a new card anyway. Will a 430 Watt hold up with the new cards> Its Thermaltake...
  16. R

    Isnt the powersupply, what could it be?

    dont have any pci-express video cards, or p4 motherboards lol.. I suppose if i buy a video card on newegg and find out thats not the problem I can return it within 30 for a money back guarantee?
  17. R

    Isnt the powersupply, what could it be?

    Basically my computer at first would crash every 24 hrs or so, due to blue screen. Then it would crash more often, but it would only reboot after the crash like 1/10 times, the rest of the time the display wouldnt display. Then it would do the same thing but after one crash, it go to where...
  18. R

    Motherboard, Videocard, Power Supply or all

    one last stupid question before I pour 3 hours work of pay into this, I have a Dell Dimension 8400 case, and the standard PSU, will this fit, the computer was circa Christmas 2004 (i got it as a gift thats why i didnt build one) Thanks
  19. R

    Motherboard, Videocard, Power Supply or all

    Alright thanks I was tempted to take because of the wattage but Thermaltake is the superior brand so ill go with that
  20. R

    Motherboard, Videocard, Power Supply or all

    Alright sounds good, any budget PS you would recommend and would a 450W do fine or should I go for something more. I never built a computer totally from strach will this PS replacement take some work, or is it fairly straight forward? Thanks a lot
  21. R

    Motherboard, Videocard, Power Supply or all

    I'm stupid I ran my rig on a crappy 350W powersupply dell gave me, after around 22-23 months it started crapping out on me. It wouldnt display monitor when i booted, after around 6-10 tries it would run fine, but I would blue screen once or twice a 24 hour cycle. I figured something was...
  22. R

    College Dilema... Laptop, or laptop and desktop

    My deal is that Im going to school around 5-6 hours away so ill be moving in by car but going home for holidays etc by train, I really would rather leave my beefy desktop rig at home, so for school I want something that has decent battery life, reasonable weight but can still play new games...
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    Which am I better off doing? another Gig of 2x512 or buying 2x1GB?

    this only applies to AMD though right i heard there wasnt a drop like that with intels is that right or misinformed?
  24. R

    Quick upgrading question

    anyway found out that if that my mobo will just run my exisitng 1gb with ECC if i get around 1gb w/out ECC so I got a cheap ... this should be fine I would've went for something better but the latency on my generic dell memory was...
  25. R

    Torrent Damage Invites

    invite to [email protected] please :) there was plenty of legal reasons to use torrrents people come on.. p2p isnt evil.. piracy is
  26. R

    Quick upgrading question

    About the timing in Sisoft i found i found the timings listed at 4.0-4-4-11 1CMD for both not sure if thats something else but sure looks like timings for me
  27. R

    Quick upgrading question

    Hey I want to upgrade from 1gb to 2gb mostly for gaming and just to smoothen things up in my dell dimension 8400 (i know.. i normally build my pcs this was a gift :P) dell systems page saids this about my ram, not sure what its of use 2 W3768 DUAL IN-LINE MEMORY MODULE, 512, 533M, 64X64, 8...
  28. R

    Best card for a 3200+ XP system?

    he only listed one geforce card and your graphics look terrible on fear, maybe it was just a corrupted install?
  29. R

    FS: X-Box Games & Sealed DVD Movies

    still have fable and halo?
  30. R

    Already have 512 x 2

    i found the model off dell its a bit overpriced, but i was wondering since i have dual channel 512s right now if i should go with 2 more 512s or get the 1gb
  31. R

    Already have 512 x 2

    I read all the threads on this topic but Im just asking generally in my situation, im running 2 x 512 ddr2 (PC-4200) right now and im pretty satisfied with it but I would like to boost my BF2 loading times and set myself up nicely for the future while i have a little hole burning in my wallet...
  32. R

    PSP good deal

    bah screw it i think im just going to save up for a nextgen PS3 or something i may still change my mind and get in contact w/you though :P
  33. R

    PSP good deal

    Bah.. so tempted to buy..mmm.. my AIM is bhaskie and MSN is [email protected] get back to me
  34. R

    Logitech MX1000 $41.27 AR

    bah I just spent around 40 bucks on a MX518 mouse
  35. R

    6800 Gto 405/1208

    Your CARD DID NOT COME CLOCKED LIKE THAT.. like i tried to tell you on those forums, thats riva tuner's doing.. i believe telling riva tuner not to use 3 different clocks, reset it to that clock.. after allowing the performance 3d ,other 3d and 2d clocks and rebooting mine read it at the normal...
  36. R

    Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

    3d marks: 4553- meh damn GTO pipes wont unlock in riva tuner! it is oced all the way to 400 by 1000 and perfectly stable.. could juice it up more but ill wait till the next batch of FPSs are out
  37. R

    What game will show me what a 6800U can do?

    With my inferior specs I run all those games at at least 1280 by 1024 with AA and full detail (Doom 3, I play at high not Ultra).... Also re-read your opening comment that made no sense at all :p, I would try checking our graphics settings again, how about a 3d Marks benchmark score 4 us?
  38. R

    9700pro upgrade to nvidia

    If your PCI-Express stick with the 6600GT, but if your AGP spend the extra cash for the Geforce 6800 NU
  39. R

    FS: Athlon 64 3000+ System!

    im very interested ill contact you in the morning to see if we can work something out