Some kid tries to scam people out of Steam accounts. Gets owned...


Jan 31, 2004
Just figured Id share some humor that happened today on another forum. Some of you might ever frequent it, PBN.

Anywho, someone posts he has some amazing deal to get all the steam games free and that we should send him a message on AIM immediatly. I figured it was a scam, but I thought he was gonna ask for money and hook you up with some pirated steam software that didnt really work. So I sent him a message to get some hard evidence to send to the admin of the site to get him banned for our message boards.

[09:27] Raines8416: hey
[11:19] capincrunk5391: hey
[11:19] Raines8416: yo
[11:19] capincrunk5391: who is this?
[11:19] Raines8416: so whats this steam deal?
[11:20] capincrunk5391: so this guy from steam is quitting
[11:20] capincrunk5391: and hes giving ot ALL of the steam games for free
[11:20] Raines8416: ok
[11:20] Raines8416: so how would i get this?
[11:21] capincrunk5391: i subscbribe to his blog
[11:21] capincrunk5391: and he sent me and email with the info
[11:21] capincrunk5391: an email*
[11:21] capincrunk5391: do you want the email?
[11:21] Raines8416: wheres his blog at?
[11:21] capincrunk5391: he doesnt have it anymore since he quit steam
[11:21] capincrunk5391: it was his steam news blog
[11:22] capincrunk5391: he sent all of his subscribers an email
[11:22] capincrunk5391: but if you report this to vac you will be banned
[11:22] Raines8416: hah
[11:22] capincrunk5391: do you want the email?
[11:23] Raines8416: i doubt ill get banned for telling them someone is handing out pirated copies
[11:23] capincrunk5391: do you want the email?
[11:23] Raines8416: sure
[11:23] capincrunk5391: alright

[11:23] capincrunk5391: Hello. Steam is making me mad so i am quitting the Steam Team. If you would like all of the new games(released and unreleased) then please read below.

Email information:

Subject- Steam Games

Steam account name -
Steam account password -


Please send me an email with this information if you would like the following games:

Half Life
Counter Strike
Day of Defeat
Half Life 2
Counter Strike:Source
Day of Defeat:Source(unreleased)
Any third party games you would like(released or unreleased)

If you would like all of these games please send an email to [email protected]

[11:23] capincrunk5391: im fixin to play some dod source right now
[11:23] Raines8416: wow
[11:23] Raines8416: you are a ****ing idiot
[11:24] capincrunk5391: what?
[11:24] Raines8416: yea, like im really gonna send my password to some jackass at a yahoo e-mail
[11:24] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on HE BLOCKED ME!

Yes, I know he blocked me cause I sent him another message on another screen name and the he blocked that one.

I posted this in his thread and the kid got fucking owned by everyone. They found his myspace and posted pics of his fatass and photochops. Eventually he told someone if he posts a new thread saying he was sorry and it was all a scam if they would stop bother him. So he did. And no it didnt stop it.

Then just awhile ago im getting ready to go out to dinner and I get this...

[17:42] SuperEr Ninja: hey
[17:42] SuperEr Ninja: dude your pretty leet sinch you found out a scam huh
[17:42] SuperEr Ninja: ?
[17:42] Raines8416: yes
[17:42] Raines8416: super leet....
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: thought so..
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: well
[17:43] Raines8416: it was a pretty lame scam
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: im a ahcker, and hes my friend
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: so your eaady to play a game?
[17:43] Raines8416: the first person would have gotten it
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: no they wouldnt
[17:43] Raines8416: lmao
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: inface i have there name
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: considering i scam all the time
[17:43] Raines8416: okay
[17:43] Raines8416: was it your scam?
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: his accoutn is Teh_kindman27
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: no
[17:43] Raines8416: cause it was pretty lame
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: rofl
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: i host mine
[17:43] SuperEr Ninja: you play dpb?
[17:43] Raines8416: you must be pretty leet then
[17:44] Raines8416: dpb is ****
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: you play at all?
[17:44] Raines8416: no
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: i hate it now..
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: ohh i see
[17:44] Raines8416: it takes no skill
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: (Link:
[17:44] Raines8416: just like all the other hl mods really
[17:44] Raines8416: man
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: by the way
[17:44] Raines8416: you are really cool
[17:44] Raines8416: want to be my friend?
[17:44] SuperEr Ninja: dont be sarcastuic with me
[17:45] Raines8416: im serious
[17:45] Raines8416: i want a haxor to be my friend
[17:45] SuperEr Ninja: you abviously dont know who i am..
[17:45] Raines8416: so you can hax the people i dont like
[17:45] Raines8416: abviously i dont
[17:45] Raines8416: and obviously you dont know how to spell
[17:46] Raines8416: and im leaving. i have to meet someone for dinner. feel free to hax my steam or my megahurtz while im gone
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: oh that was a type
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: o
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: im typing very fast
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: kinda busy
[17:46] Raines8416: ok then hax it later
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: your a nub dude
[17:46] Raines8416: i gtg
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: im [myg0t]m0na
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: good louck
[17:46] *** Auto-response sent to SuperEr Ninja: out. be back later.
[17:46] SuperEr Ninja: hahahaha i cant wait,..

Of course, nothing happened. He is just another idiot like his friend trying to be an e-hardass. I checked the forums the posts were on the kid deleted em. Probably sick and tired of being made fun of. Oh well. Just thought I'd share my humor of the day...
Haha. He thinks he's a hacker because he can download stuff from the myg0t forums and "rage noobs" on 24-hour de_dust servers. Disgrace.
funny read, i enjoyed it

haha i looked at hiz my space and he looks like hes 12 and he claims 18. lmfao loser kix
Can we get this guy's AIM account shut down? Trying to scam people and offering to give away pirated software? :p
NickN said:
Can we get this guy's AIM account shut down? Trying to scam people and offering to give away pirated software? :p

Probably not. Aim accounts are free and very easy to come about, banning someone's account would just lead them to open another.

Gah, the first rule to hacking is to never admit to hacking. The truly elite hackers play by Fight Club rules. Granted, I'm no uberhacker, but if some punk comes bragging to me that's he's special it's fun to see them freak out over a simple /net msg command sent to them and have them suddenly drop carrier due to paranoia.
great story... one i will pass along to some of my freinds at work.... they should get a kick out of that... and gj teaching the dumbass kid a lesson :D
Torgo said:
Gah, the first rule to hacking is to never admit to hacking. The truly elite hackers play by Fight Club rules. Granted, I'm no uberhacker, but if some punk comes bragging to me that's he's special it's fun to see them freak out over a simple /net msg command sent to them and have them suddenly drop carrier due to paranoia.

I really wish I knew what the hell you were talking about. :p

I'm not even sure where to start when it "hack education."

I really doubt he's 18. He looks 13. I tracked down one of the guys he talked about on his Xanga, and that guy was 14, so... :eek:
idiot :p

its like a really bad paypal scam

edit: just looked at myspace. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

his grammar alone says "I'm under 13!"
apparently some dudes on the forum got him to admit that the chick in his myspace isnt really his girlfriend, and that his dad actually left him and his mom a long time ago. so he never stole his dads truck which he said he did on Xanga or whatever.
Raines8416 said:
apparently some dudes on the forum got him to admit that the chick in his myspace isnt really his girlfriend, and that his dad actually left him and his mom a long time ago. so he never stole his dads truck which he said he did on Xanga or whatever.

she looks too hott for a 12 year old.
I have a love/hate relationship with the internet, it connects us with people from all over the world, which is great, while at the same time it makes it hard to find people like this and beat their asses. I did get lucky one time in 02', with a bad seller on ebay who lives about 30 minutes from me and I showed up at his door very agitated and threatening, his mom gave me the money back out of her purse and the item I won in the auction...sorry rant, but anyways it's good to see that he's at least getting a good E-harrassing! :)
Back in my day... This wouldn't have ever been called hacking... It's "Social Engineering". Getting someone that is stupid enough to give their account and password out is not hacking...
Haha, that guy is a tool. (A penetrating glance into the obvious I know, but too funny none the less).
aHahaha, if you read the posts...that Alli girl puts up a post that says "i unblocked you, be happy." Yeah, sounds like a nice relationship...

Huh, I thought there was an 18 year age limit for signing up on myspace...I guess not.
adam7488 said:
I really wish I knew what the hell you were talking about. :p

I'm not even sure where to start when it "hack education."

I used to run around in true hacker circles when I was younger. Mind you this was the halcyon days of the mid-80s. It was about hacking long distance service, understanding how trunks where switched, making your own telco equipment and using periscope debuggers to play with assembly code. The scene was small enough that you knew who was good.

Nowadays, it's just not worth it. It's all about the money. Those who hack for the love of knowledge are far and few. The major players are Eastern European mafia groups who hire hackers to fund their spam and porn operations. There's the for-profit hackers who do it to sell their services to corporations. Then there's the riff-raff who hack to for identity theft.

Punks like this 13 year-old are asking for trouble that will eventually catch up to them.
convince the eastern euro mafia he is infringing on their turf. That could be funny.
Over all, I'd give this "owned revenge" a 3 out of 10.

Very unoriginal, and the kid didn't even get mad.
pagoon said:
Over all, I'd give this "owned revenge" a 3 out of 10.

Very unoriginal, and the kid didn't even get mad.

Hey pagoon, you're a noobie and you may not know how things work around here, so lets give you the benefit of the doubt.

We don't behave like asshats around here, and if you want to, we'd appriciate it if you took it somewhere else.

Otherwise, welcome to the forums!
Tyklfe said:
Hey pagoon, you're a noobie and you may not know how things work around here, so lets give you the benefit of the doubt.

We don't behave like asshats around here, and if you want to, we'd appriciate it if you took it somewhere else.

Otherwise, welcome to the forums!

The most beautiful fuckin words ever written. Well said. :D
Tyklfe said:
Hey pagoon, you're a noobie and you may not know how things work around here, so lets give you the benefit of the doubt.

We don't behave like asshats around here, and if you want to, we'd appriciate it if you took it somewhere else.

Otherwise, welcome to the forums!
Look another e-hardass.
show him this thread so he knows people are still laughing at him for his stupid move.
Raines8416 said:
apparently some dudes on the forum got him to admit that the chick in his myspace isnt really his girlfriend, and that his dad actually left him and his mom a long time ago. so he never stole his dads truck which he said he did on Xanga or whatever.

One of his subscribed Xangas also had a post in it about how that guy picked him up in his dad's truck. If he has no dad, maybe he is pathetic enough to run two Xangas and pretend that it's a different person. Wow, that is a pathetic thing to do. :rolleyes:
ScretHate said:
Link to the original thread? I'm dying to see the photochops!

he deleted them after awhile unfortunatly. i had posted that conversation his "friend" had with me in one of them, went out to dinner and when I cam home they said they were deleted by the dude
Tyklfe said:
We don't behave like asshats around here, and if you want to, we'd appriciate it if you took it somewhere else.

Which forums have you been posting in ?