Card to hold me over...


Nov 12, 2006
I'm sure there's already 1000 topics on this, but the search function isn't working for me and I'm getting a headache going through all of the threads...

I am wanting to upgrade my computer so that I can play some higher-end games, most likely BF2 because it is now $19.99. I also wouldn't mind playing F.E.A.R. and any other FPS that are already out. I currently play some CS:S and mostly Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, and both run fine. I get about 70-90 FPS on both.

My specs (this is from memory, I'm at work): Dell (3 years old) with 2.8 GHz P4 (HT with 800 MHz front side bus), 512 MB DDR RAM (I believe it runs at 333 MHz, could be wrong), and an nVidia GeForce4 MX 64 MB AGP video card... I think that's most of the relevant specs. I have one PCI slot open, as well as my AGP slot if I replace my card. I figure I would have to get a higher-end video card for sure, possibly add some more RAM (it wouldn't hurt to have 1GB anyways). I figured I would start by spending around $100 on a new vid card, and if I need to add RAM I will add it. I would like some suggestions for an AGP graphics card ($100, maybe as high as $130 but that'd be a stretch) that will hold me over for the next year or so (mainly I want to catch up to games that are currently on the shelves, hopefully get a new comp after a year or so). Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Edit: Oh yeah, I am running it to a 17" Dell CRT monitor, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a 19" widescreen or a 22" widescreen here by XMas... I don't know if that makes a difference?
If you can spare closer to $200, look for an Nvidia 7600 GT or 7900 GS, or the ATi Radeon x1950 Pro AGP sometime soon (there's another topic on this floating on the front page). While you're definately going to get a big improvement with a 7300, it'll still frankly suck, especially with games like F.E.A.R that are graphically demanding.
Perhaps a 7600GS AGP would be down your alley, or, if you preferr an ATi solution, an ATi X1650Pro AGP.

Both available now for around the same price point. Would definitely destroy your GF4MX.
woah hold on there you can get the eVGA or the BFG (i have the BFG) 7600GT for around 108-110 after rebate on

If you can afford a bit more I would go up to the 7900GS, but for your purposes the 7600GT should be really great
If you get the 22" monitor you will want to spend more than $130 !

I reckon the X800XT is your best bet unless you can stump up a lot more cash.
Look for second hand ones if you are really cash strapped.

The AGP 7800GS cards are mostly lower performing versions of the PCI-E cards but if you find one real cheap, it may suit your purpose.
You can get higher performing versions but they cost way too much.
I heard say that the X1950pro is coming out in AGP but they are bound to cost too much.

as RabidChickens pointed out the 7600GT is a good card too.
yeah, the cards that are in your range are a 7300GT, 7600GS, and 7600GT, and from ATI an X1300Pro, X1600Pro, or maybe even an X1650XT (pricing on these has yet to be seen stable).

the 7600GTs are going for good right now, normally theyd be a few bucks out of your budget but because of the mail in rebait its a good idea. just a good powerful card. technically on the same core as the 7300, but clocked far higher, and unlocked.

also the X1650XT (note NOT the X1650pro which is on the RV530) is mentionable. its on the new 80nm RV570. so it will overclock nice and run cool. however this card has yet to hit newegg (should happen within the next two weeks). edit: this card is likly to be out of your price range. it takes the 3-to-1 shader to pixel/vertex architecture that ATI has used in the latter 2/3 of the X1k series. this architecture has generally been decided as "more futureproof" as games have been getting increasingly more shader intensive, while still loading the same quality of textures. this architecture was a failure on the X1600 series because it only had 4 texture mappers, and 4 vertex calculators. so while it was future proof in idea, 4 TMUs just couldnt deal with the games out today. no matter how high you clocked it.

and is a great resource, for anyone looking for any card. it tells you core names, pipes, and gives any site that has a review of it. suggest you use it to hunt for your card.
MrWizard6600 said:
the 7600GTs are going for good right now, normally theyd be a few bucks out of your budget but because of the mail in rebait its a good idea. just a good powerful card. technically on the same core as the 7300, but clocked far higher, and unlocked.
Where is this rebate? I can't find it but am in pretty much the same situation as the OP...but with an AMD barton 2500+ system (already have the 1gig of ram) ;)

Try there. Thanks for the info guys, I think I've decided to go with the 7600 or the 7900, probably the 7600GT because that seems like a pretty good price. Thanks again for the help!
MrWizard6600 said:
and is a great resource, for anyone looking for any card. it tells you core names, pipes, and gives any site that has a review of it. suggest you use it to hunt for your card.

Thanks for the link wizard! Been looking for something like this.