OK I've had it, reinstalling XP

Have you gone back to XP for now?

  • Yes, I'm waiting for nVidia to get it's act together

    Votes: 21 20.2%
  • No, Vista suits me fine.

    Votes: 39 37.5%
  • I's the REAL father of Anna Nicole Smith's child.

    Votes: 44 42.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 22, 2005
I'm sick of the issues with nVidia's drivers and Vista, so I'm reinstalling XP until they get this mess worked out. Not to mention, my X-fi was not functioning to it's fullest potential. While I'm not pointing the blame at anyone but myself for being an early adopter (is it possible with a 5 year development time for an OS???), I am curious how many of you have uninstalled Vista for now?

**EDIT: I realize my mistake in the poll, stupid edit function does not apply to polls.....UGGHHH
I am having issues with audio drivers from realtek..

which is making me think that maybe i should have waited until everything was iron up
ah well...
just because the os was in development for 5 years; it doesn't mean every company will have perfect drivers right away. Now that vista has more users. Then they will be able to analyze problems that many are having. so just go to xp for now. vista is completely useless as of now. In 6 months - year it will be more useful.
Ugghhh thats what I'm doing, have you not noticed the thread title?

Also, I'm surprised that apparently, nobody at Microsoft or nVidia is a gamer. Because, if they were, they would have quickly found these issues.

This isen't rocket science folks.
I've loaded vista on my boss' machine and haven't got around to loading it on mine. Big thing I'm worried about is that I need to switch my sav to my file server as my desktop is running the server version right now that will not run on vista(just the client) and that pcanywhere does not run in vista yet(use it with some clients).

Maybe next weekand I'll load it on my desktop. Just been too lazy to convert everything over.
Nope. I love Vista with the rig below. Its perfect, stable, and a huge improvement. I believe SuperPreFetch really makes apps load faster / levels load faster ect.
I adopted XP on launch as well, and had just as pleasurable of an experience.

I never understand the hating.. and attribute it to noobish tendencies (sorry, but I feel its true..)
Games being enjoyed currently on Vista: Heroes of Might and Magic 5, Oblivion, Medieval 2, Dark Messiah, CSS, Company of Heroes, Civ4, HL2.
I'm sick of the issues with nVidia's drivers and Vista, so I'm reinstalling XP until they get this mess worked out. Not to mention, my X-fi was not functioning to it's fullest potential. While I'm not pointing the blame at anyone but myself for being an early adopter (is it possible with a 5 year development time for an OS???), I am curious how many of you have uninstalled Vista for now?

**EDIT: I realize my mistake in the poll, stupid edit function does not apply to polls.....UGGHHH

You're using SLI. Of course theres issues with Vista. I'd def stay on XP for a while in your case.

Though I'd prob recommend selling one of those cards since I'm not a huge fan of SLI.. (although I adopted it the first day I could order PCIE 6800GTs haha..)
But from your sig, it appears you arent short on cash. So use XP with your SLI and enjoy!
Vista + Dell 9100 + 8800GTS (100.59's) + 3GB RAM = Runs like a champ.

All my apps work. BF2142, HL2, CS:S, UT2004, WC3 all run great. I LOVE superfetch - Photoshop CS2 starts up in .2 seconds :) (I use Photoshop quite a bit). I could go on, but I don't want to get TOO far off topic here.

I've heard SLI w/nvidia cards is a little buggy in Vista still - but if you're running a single video card, you shouldn't have many (any?) issues with Vista at this point. If you're running SLI, save yourself the headache and pull out your second card until the WHQL drivers w/SLI support come out at the end of the month. (or stick with XP for now?)

Vista is absolutely cra* if you ask me, just installed it on demo machine at work. Iam skiping the whole OS untill M$ drops support for XP. Untill that time I only load XP for gaming, using Ubuntu for everything else.
I had to go for the Father thing, having lived with Microsoft software since 1982, I never disobey the prime directive:

Never install any Microsoft OS until SP1 is released.
Didn't buy Vista, didn't want Vista. My XP pro runs great, very stable, no problems.
I may buy it later down the road once all the bugs are worked out and there's an actual reason to have it.
I keep waiting for the OS that will have all voice commands like Star Trek or some sh!t.
"Computer, I want to play Battlefield 2142", "Computer, check my email", "Computer, shut down, I'm going outside".
You forgot one more choice: Yes because Vista is a bloated POS that consumes 1gb of memory while idling and doing nothing and yet is slower than a legless man trying to run a triathlon at doing everything else.

OSX = Linux > XP > Vista.

^That is how it goes.
What da matter, lightweight?

so 26 people couldn't care less about your predicament :)

Hell I'm sitting here doing nothing and am still too lazy to install vista. DVD is sitting on my desk too.

Just don't really want to go through the trouble resetting up my desktop. I'm not doing an upgrade either. I want to start fresh.
Hell I'm sitting here doing nothing and am still too lazy to install vista. DVD is sitting on my desk too.

Just don't really want to go through the trouble resetting up my desktop. I'm not doing an upgrade either. I want to start fresh.

Well, me too.
Luckily, the copy of vista was free. :)

I say people should install Vista, use it, fight out all the bugs and quirks, and let me know when it is ready for me to install. I appreciate it. :)

Seriously, I have paid my dues as an early OS adopter.
I can definitely sit this one out.
Ok people stop dissing Microsoft. Microsoft has no jurisdiction on what happens in other companies R&D dept. If you want to blame a company for crappy driver support then blame the people who actually make the drivers not the people who make an OS.

My god this all I hear: "Blah blah blah Micro$haft, M$ suck, Winblows, blah blah." Stop with this crap and stick to the facts.
Well, me too.
Luckily, the copy of vista was free. :)

I say people should install Vista, use it, fight out all the bugs and quirks, and let me know when it is ready for me to install. I appreciate it. :)

Seriously, I have paid my dues as an early OS adopter.
I can definitely sit this one out.

I'm going to need to support it so I'm going to load it on my box today. Have nothing better to do. Just moving everything off my boot hd right now.

This is the last XP box I really have too. Have my home server running 2003, notebook running 2003(first legit os I found last reload), other notebook running linux, and a bsd box sitting around somewhere. O well heres to me figuring out which apps I use will not work with Vista.
Ok people stop dissing Microsoft. Microsoft has no jurisdiction on what happens in other companies R&D dept. If you want to blame a company for crappy driver support then blame the people who actually make the drivers not the people who make an OS.

Considering that MS is still the reigning 800 pound gorilla of the PC software world, I'd reckon it has a lot of say.
Considering that MS is still the reigning 800 pound gorilla of the PC software world, I'd reckon it has a lot of say.

So what a second your saying that MS CAN CREATE Sound drivers, graphics drivers and programs (excluding the OS which is a given) and other program peripherals and the people who actually make those drivers like Nvidia, Creative (for example,) and Nero are not responsible for their programs at all and MS it always to blame?! Wow, I just can't believe your stupidity.


You know what?!

UGH! :mad:

I'll be back!

Although you shelled out some dikness towards me I must say I am
totally on your side. I reloaded my image of XP in 1 hr and just looking at it
and running 3dmark06 and overclocking my 8800s


Damn I feel better.

I am going to see how the games are supposed to look now. For instance
NFS Carbon. No stuttering.

Sheesh. In Vista it was horrible. That isnt even addressed by EA from anywhere I could find.
I love Vista, it has been running perfectly on my system.

I have a 8800GTS, the only problem is I can't put the computer to sleep. Not a problem since my computer is either fully on or completely off. Been gaming no problem.

I just don't understand why other people are having so many problems. My computer is running as fast as ever and I have yet to have a crash, even with a 8800GTS and an X-Fi. :confused:
You forgot one more choice: Yes because Vista is a bloated POS that consumes 1gb of memory while idling and doing nothing and yet is slower than a legless man trying to run a triathlon at doing everything else.


That's called Superfetch.

From: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000688.html
Vista is trying its darndest to pre-emptively populate every byte of system memory with what it thinks I might need next.

And it is MUCH faster than Windows XP for general 2D applications due to this feature. (Photshop? 200ms startup. Firefox? Started before I complete the click...)

If you use SLI, you might have some problems, but with a single 8800GTS, 3D performance is fine for me.
Yup... ive had it with my vista premium.... I installed it on a 300gig and I've shelved it for now.... pain in the ass..... some of my progs don't work on it or are buggy to hell... I can't overclock or underclock my videocard so at times I get artifacts on it which makes gaming unplayable...... back to XP...... vista can kiss my ass for now.
You don't have "I never installed it on my primary computer to begin with, nor my gaming box because I like to actually be able to use and/or play games with them" listed in your poll.

Add that choice, and I'll vote ;).
Kinda funny. Everyone is complaining about the nvidia drivers. I'm having issues with the ATI drivers. Have an nvidia 7600gt as my main card and it works fine. Have a HIS radeon x1300 to drive my second lcd and it will not start. Only have 1 pci express 16x slot on the board too so that 1x pci express card is only of the only options. Just keep gettin code 43. Right now I'm just running both lcds off my 7600.
Yup... ive had it with my vista premium.... I installed it on a 300gig and I've shelved it for now.... pain in the ass..... some of my progs don't work on it or are buggy to hell... I can't overclock or underclock my videocard so at times I get artifacts on it which makes gaming unplayable...... back to XP...... vista can kiss my ass for now.

And which programs are those, pray tell?

And how in the name of God do you get artifacts when your GC isn't even OC'd? Maybe it's your inability to cool your PC, hmmm?
Ok people stop dissing Microsoft. Microsoft has no jurisdiction on what happens in other companies R&D dept. If you want to blame a company for crappy driver support then blame the people who actually make the drivers not the people who make an OS.

My god this all I hear: "Blah blah blah Micro$haft, M$ suck, Winblows, blah blah." Stop with this crap and stick to the facts.

Nice taste of reality, thanks. One would think no one here ever upgraded an OS before.

Windows 3.1 to 95? Total nightmare. 95 to 98, again, no drivers and the same comments from the peanut gallery, same thing with Win2K.

I recall even worse bitching when XP came out, worst POS ever over and over again throughout every forum around.

Sorry for people’s inability to accept change and grow with a new OS, but it’s a part of life folks.

To be honest I’ve been doing this since 1985 and I just upgraded to Vista ultimate last week and it’s been one of the smoothest upgrades ever.

As for drivers and software, well the beta has been out like forever so It’s not like the manufactures were caught off guard.

As for bloat, well go back to DOS then. I’m running Vista with VMware in the back- ground with a full install of Linux running the SMP version of Folding at Home and the machine is plenty fast even with all that going on. I have 2 gigs of ram and still show over a gig available, again even with VM in the background.

Sorry for the apparent rant, but damn, get over it….Upgrades will never stop in this business, nor should they.
nvidia vista drivers 100.64 and x-fi drivers seem to be working just fine for me. I don't know what all the bitching is about, the drivers are bloody fine
Vista is absolutely cra* if you ask me, just installed it on demo machine at work. Iam skiping the whole OS untill M$ drops support for XP. Untill that time I only load XP for gaming, using Ubuntu for everything else.

Ubuntu, ftw.:)

Dual booting with XP for gaming/ventrilo purposes only.
[ T ] A C O;1030657719 said:
Ubuntu, ftw.:)

Indeed. I keep a copy of Ubuntu 6.10 'edgy' running in vmware under Vista Ultimate 24/7.

Anytime I need to run/test something under linux, it's just a click away.... And very fast thanks to Vista's aggressive pre-emptive caching.

... and all this on an old school Pentium 4. :D