7600 benchmarks


Jul 25, 2006
just finnished overclocking and benchmarking and the finals are,
my card is the chaintech7600gs- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814145133
.not saying that my benchmarks are anything special but i was woundering if u guys can share ur benchies and overclocks that u have gotten with the 7600gs or gt
Nice overclock. :) Are you using the stock cooler? I couldnt get my eVGA 7600gt past 610core/1700mem on the stock cooler :(
Here's mine in SLI mode... :)

my galaxy zalman edition used to reach 660 for the core and only 1530 for the memory without any mods (I sold it)
7600 GS? looking at some stores, it says GS has gddr2 ram and 800mhz. how could you overclock that to 1780?

nice score anyway.
I just got my 7600GT XXX in the mail the other day. I'll go download 3Dmark06 sometime this weekend and post some results.
Had a Leadtek 7600gt with stock cooler (nice card), with graphite pencil volt mod - OC'd to 666/840.
Your not way off base, I only have my 7600GT clocked to 600/1.5, obviously im very moderate with that, but with a GS that seems about right, that OP has it cranked up very, very high, dunno about getting even close to that with stock cooling
DataSchmuck said:
ddr - double data rate

800 is actually 1600

so 1780 means 890
so how come ecoc has 460x2 = 920mhz then with GS, but some of you/them have about 2x more than him. whats the difference in GT and GS then?
i guess most people on this forum are running with better cards...
baddog121390 said:
Nice overclock. :) Are you using the stock cooler? I couldnt get my eVGA 7600gt past 610core/1700mem on the stock cooler :(

610 is the wall for the core anyway, no? I have mine running at 603/760, putting the memory at 1520. I could try getting it up to 1700, but I also thought that was out of reach without the voltmod.
my 805d @ 3.33
bfg 7600gt oc @ 580/720
ocz xtc @ 667

gives me.... 1M superPi in 46s
5726 3D05MARKS
13017 3D03MARKS
3871 3D06MARKS
70.9 FPS for DOOM 3 timedemo demo 1 @ 1024x768 HQ 4xAA

prime95 runs in the background

51C as highest temp for CPU

vid card is already oc'd as far as i can manage

as a comparison, i can rock 4500-5000 3D05MARKS with my barton2600/x800pro rig, and pull out 62.0 FPS for the same DOOM 3 quick test... without running prime95 simultaneously. superPI 1M completes in 1M05SEC.

62C is the highest CPU temp