Netbook now or wait

Sep 3, 2004
Hey I have a Dell Vostro at the moment that I use, I'm planning to probably give this to my sister. I'm upgrading my home desktop and I'm going to bring that with me to college next semester (medical leave atm), so I was thinking about getting a netbook.

I would use it for class, for writing, surfing the web, webcam, IM, etc. Very lightweight stuff and I'll use my desktop rig for gaming.

I was looking at some of those netbooks on Newegg that around around 300 bucks. The price is fine with me, but I won't be using this netbook virtually at all until Jan. So do you think I should just hold off? Will new models be out or some prices drop or something?
If it were me id just keep my eye out for a good deal until then. I have a hackintoshed dell mini and I love it.
The rule of tech toys is to buy it exactly when you need it i.e. in January. This doesn't mean you can't research which options to go for in between!

I'm waiting out as long as I can for the 11.6" or 12" netbooks. I don't need one now but will need one to play around on soon, especially during the cold months over here in Canada.
If you wait
you'll never get what you want!:eek:
Chrispies right
Get the best deal you can on what you want when you want it
As soon as you pay for what you want
It's as good as old stuff:D:confused:;)
Wait for ion based netbooks to come out in full force. The only netbooks out now with a usable resolution (11.6" models) come with balls slow 1.33ghz atoms and GMA500 graphics on a chipset that doesn't even have native SATA support.
Wait for ion based netbooks to come out in full force. The only netbooks out now with a usable resolution (11.6" models) come with balls slow 1.33ghz atoms and GMA500 graphics on a chipset that doesn't even have native SATA support.

When exactly will this be?

By the way thanks for the advice, i'm going to keep researching a bit and I'll hold off until late Dec/ Jan.
If you want to type, surf the web, and maybe play some older games on it (i.e. nothing really heavy-duity) then buy it whenever you have the $$$

If you want more power though, wait. I'm acctually sitting and hoping for a price slash on the Everun Note, which has a 1.7(might be 1.5)ghz dual-core 64-bit CPU. right now it's around $1000 though...

honestly, though, if you dont need the power there's no need to wait unless your hoping to get the current crop at disccount when the new netbooks come in (Ex: Right now you can get an eee 700/701 for ~$100, 900a for $150ish and 901 for $200). Ask yourself "Do I really need all that power?" (And if you do you might want to look at a full-sized laptop - LOT cheaper for the specs)

I do think you need to get a windows 7 netbook though, or atleast one with a free 7 upgrade. 7 runs circles around XP on lower-end machines
well ill just stick around and wait to see what happens to the prices or if any great deals pop up between now and the end of december.

how's word processing on a 10-11 inch screen though?
word processing on a 10" **screen** is ok, 1024x600 is plenty for it.
it's the keyboard that's gonna get you.
the 11.6 or 12"'s are better all around for typing, keyboard wise,
If you don't need it until Jan, don't buy it until Jan. Netbooks are an area that are changing especially fast right now. Windows 7 is dropping the hardware restrictions that Microsoft was imposing on that sector with XP, so we're likely to see a lot of changes in the coming months. Hard drives with >160GB capacities, 1366x768 resolution displays, Ion chipsets, and CULV CPUs are all likely to become a lot more commonplace over the next several months. The longer you can wait, the more satisfied you're going to be with your purchase.
another vote for the "buy when you need it" thing. I am also in the same boat. i need an 18inch lappy but not at this very moment and i hope that when i do it would be worth the wait. worst case scenario, i buy the same laptop out now but at a lower price.