6800 Gto 405/1208


Aug 19, 2004
copy and paste from what i typed on anandtech

first MSG
how come my GTO defaults at 201 core 599 clock?
wow, talk about gimping it for no reason
will try to oc it right now

runs very stable at 375/1000
good frame rates at 1600x1200
strangely the difference between 201/599 and 375/1000 is only about 2 fps in CS:source video test

i bought it as a GTO and it came with my dimension

well, this is just plain scary
ok first of all, like I said my geforce 6800 GTO was severely underclocked when I got it (with my dell dimension 8400)
the first thing that I did was try to enable vertex shaders and the pipelines, I did it but Rivatuner continues to say 12x1, 5vp so I reset it back
I did some overclocking with coolbits and right now im at 405 core 1203 memory, absolutely no artifacting
I also reenabled vertex shaders and pipelines and got a huge bump in 3dmark03 score from 9950 to 11324 even though rivatuner still stills 12x1 5vp
I literally cannot increase my core speed with rivatuner or coolbits, its at max already

so anyone know whats going on? im going to try to increase the memory clock until i see artifacting and then back it off
final settings 405/1208, no artifacting, with even a speck of a snowflake i reduced memory
final 3dmark 11307

Your CARD DID NOT COME CLOCKED LIKE THAT.. like i tried to tell you on those forums, thats riva tuner's doing.. i believe telling riva tuner not to use 3 different clocks, reset it to that clock.. after allowing the performance 3d ,other 3d and 2d clocks and rebooting mine read it at the normal clocks.. your system didnt come underclocked... dell didnt gimp your card..