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  1. C

    check out this HL2 bug

    i completely forgot about that show, thanks for the flashback guys. i died on the"Game Over. The user wins" post.
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    HL2 - can I change difficulty level?

    its in the options menu, huh i forget its exact name, but its one of the options on the main page
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    HL2 vs. Doom 3.

    I'm still up in the air, it took me about a day to beat doom 3, but i flew through it. about a week on nightmare, but 3 days from the release of HL2 i still havent beaten it, mainly because i can't get into it. I liked many aspects about both games, but the fear aspect in doom 3 is shot to shit...
  4. C

    Seagate 200gig IDE drive $90 ( found this if its a repost, sorry, but hey 90 bucks, i had to spread the word.
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    Computer euthanasia...

    I think he just abandoned the thread and has already won his raptor via the bios flash.
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    Computer euthanasia...

    minor problem with that, lead melts at 620 degrees, but plastic is another story...
  7. C

    Computer euthanasia...

    Doesn't work. My friend had a cd shatter in his drive, all the shit stayed into the drive, took him a while to clean it all out, but no damage. BIOS flash seems to be the only thing thatll work without physically damaging the computer.
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    Need Keyboard Painting Help...

    yeah id like to hear an idea about this too, i was just thinking about changing all my keys to saying something like, oops, or panic, or making the middle row say nobody cares.
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    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    still got like 12 invites, just lemme know
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    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    got something like 12, just pm me
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    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    I wouldn't mind an invite, if anyone's got any left pm me please, or just post the links, whatever works
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    D3 Freezes without warning

    Catalyst 4.9? i was having the problem with 4.8 for like 15 minutes then i upgraded... again
  13. C

    D3 Freezes without warning

    For the record, doom 3 doesn't like omega drivers. I was running them and the game crashed every now and then. The second i switched to catalyst 4.9, problem solved.
  14. C

    speed doubling?

    So... lemme get this straight. Informing me of the ATI doom3 tweaks is refered to as, "Hey there are some tricks to double the speed of ATI cards maybe you should check them out" Alright makes sense... wait.
  15. C

    Radeon X800 XT PE in stock here!!!

    its in stock at newegg isnt it?
  16. C

    speed doubling?

    my brother keeps informing me of tweaks that can be done on Radeon cards, im running a 9800xt so this is of interest to me, i was wondering if anyone else has heard of such tweaks?
  17. C

    2.4a prescott and mobo problems

    1.7 volts?! The max for a prescott is 1.525, you're really pushing it. Is your ram set at 1:1? That was my problem getting it past 170 FSB, I completely forgot about it
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    Antec Sonata Mod Worklog

    what's that 'let alone jewish' mean you got somethin against jews? I'm just messin with ya. Take your time I kno this mod is gonna be worth the wait.
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    Alright, the ram is running perfectly well, its the processor that won't do jack. There has to be something I'm overlooking. What board are you people running that have it upwards of 200 FSB
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    Halo PC $25 at BB

    Yeah, Jeef, i can run halo at full detail with 8x antialiasing with above 30 fps constant. at 1024x768, and thats only because i don't care to try higher
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    oh, Antec True Power 380watt.
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    <insert random curse> fantastic.
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    Alright, I put the voltage up to 1.5, and ive decided its the motherboard, the ram is corsair that is good up to 225, we tested it at that. and 3.24 is definately the limit
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    OP? PS? Never heard those used, what do they stand for?
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    2.4A Prescott problems

    I keep hearing stories about the prescott being stable at 3.5 or even 3.6 on stock cooling. But, I'm using a Zalman 7000A AlCu, 1.4250 Voltage on the processor, and it's still not Prime95 stable at (178 FSB) 3.24. I'm using an Asus P4C800 Deluxe. Is it windows? or my processor? or my board?
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    Zalman CNPS7000a AL-CU!

    i was lookin at reviews of the CNPS7000, and surprisingly, ive seen the AlCu beat the Cu in certain setups
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    Anyone moved from a Lianli to a Sonata?

    Easy to work with? BLAH! my sonata is next to impossible to work with, but it's so shiny (shiney?) i can't complain
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    P4 2.4C oc'ers

    i don't know personally, but i've heard as high as 3.6 stable
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    OC Intel motherboard

    My PT880 has just been a problem since i got it and im fed up with it, it died today and i hope it burns in hell. If anyone has recommendations for a Intel board that supports prescotts, is decent at overclocking, supports dual channel memory, and is good for gaming lemme know. and if at...
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    2.4a OC

    see, i'd believe that if it didn't happen every time at 3.0 ghz, ive narrowed it down to that exactly. think it may be locked?
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    2.4a OC

    I'm in the process of overclocking a 2.4A prescott, but everytime i put the FSB above 166, it won't boot, now this is no where close to the settings ive seen at other places, including Hardocp. I have the same processor that everyone seems to be getting 3.6 (productcode SL7E8) And I'm running...
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    How much "life" is taken by OCing

    just changing the frequency shouldn't damage the cpu at all, but if you decide to up the voltage, thats another story, increasing the voltage makes the processor run alot hotter, and i'm sure thats not good for any processor, northwoods only die if you put up the voltage, its next to impossible...
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    bought a new case and it fried my MB :(

    yeah and something to beat the old mobo tray into submission *cough* cat *cough*
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    Wire mangement help. What should I Do?

    step 2 is ". . ."
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    Wire mangement help. What should I Do?

    there's only one way to fix that mess, and itll require a really big set of hedge clippers
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    linux winxp question

    alright, then forget this thread ever existed
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    linux winxp question

    meh, i thought i could do something like i did on this once with windows 2k and windows xp on the same partition, not possible?
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    linux winxp question

    Hey, me being the complete idiot that I am when it comes to Linux I decided to install it as a second operating system, the primary one being windows xp, will there be any speed problems if i install them on the same partition or should i cut the partition in half and put them each on their own...
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    bought a new case and it fried my MB :(

    i think you should just give the bumps a good hard whack with a hammer, or a cat... i don't care much for either of em
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    Please recommend me a good PSU

    i'd vote Antec True power, i have 3 of them, 2 380's and a 430 (once again me being anyone remotely related to me that normally lives in the same household) and i also have a 180 watt antec psu that hasn't let me down yet