D3 Freezes without warning


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2004
P4 3.0c @3.607ghz 1.6vcore
Abit IC7 MAX3
Giel DDR550 512x2
C3D radeon 9600

While playing d3, medium 1024x768 no aa, the game runs as smooth as exlaxed bowels, but about 30 min into playing it freezes for no reason. everything locks up and I have to manually restart. It doesn't begin to lag or anything either.. It happens at totally random times.

Could anyone maybe have a clue as to why it's doing this?
I'm probably going to get flamed for this but Doom 3 seems buggy to me. I've already found one big bug as far as I'm concerned http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=789686 . Your system specs show you should be running it smooth as silk but like me your having problems with it. Mine doesn't lock up but it freezes every few minutes completely for a few seconds. I have a new motherboard on the way so I'm going to try a fresh install of Windows XP and the game and see if that helps any.
Matrox462 said:
Are you keeping an eye on your temps?

Yes. Temps never reached 55C. My cpu is stable with 100% load running Prime95 and Folding together.. It shouldn't be a stability issue.

Any clue?
you update drivers? when first installed i would crash to windows at least once every 30 minutes, downloaded new drivers and it was fine. i dunno if yours is the same problem or not but i heard something about problems with older ati drivers
Dome said:
you update drivers? when first installed i would crash to windows at least once every 30 minutes, downloaded new drivers and it was fine. i dunno if yours is the same problem or not but i heard something about problems with older ati drivers

I was going to mention that to him. I have a NVidia card, so I'm not totally familiar with ATI's drivers, but are there beta releases floating around? I'm running on a beta forceware right now. If the latest offical version still gives problems, look to see if any beta versions are out there.
Yea, I have the latest official driver.. I'll try a beta.

It doesn't crash to windows.. It just locks up instantly.. No lagging before hand or anything. I can't do anything but reboot.

Gotta go look for some beta drivers now.
MAXX RS4 said:
Yea, I have the latest official driver.. I'll try a beta.

It doesn't crash to windows.. It just locks up instantly.. No lagging before hand or anything. I can't do anything but reboot.

Gotta go look for some beta drivers now.

I don't know... the way you describe it, it still has me thinking heat as the problem. It doesn't happen at any given spot, completely random... happens after a given amount of time (could be the time it takes to heat up)... is it possible to check the operating temps of your card? is the fan working properly?

btw, I just remember, I heard Doom 3 is sensitive to overclocking, try just for the heck of it returning your CPU to stock speeds, and give it a wirl... could save you a lot of time and effort in the end!
Mine was crashing on me until I went with the beta drivers from ATI, hasn't crashed or locked once since then. Get them, they work great.
Shadowspawn said:
Mine was crashing on me until I went with the beta drivers from ATI, hasn't crashed or locked once since then. Get them, they work great.

Could you toss a link at me that contains the beta you have?

And as far as my card goes, I have no idea how to check its temps. There is no fan on the heatsink either .. Remember, this is a crappy c3d 9600..

Although, touching the heatsink while playing, it feels just a little more than luke warm.. my hdd chips are hotter..
MAXX RS4 said:
Could you toss a link at me that contains the beta you have?

And as far as my card goes, I have no idea how to check its temps. There is no fan on the heatsink either .. Remember, this is a crappy c3d 9600..

Although, touching the heatsink while playing, it feels just a little more than luke warm.. my hdd chips are hotter..

Oh ok, then it isn't heat. Give those betas a try, and if that fails, try stock speeds on the CPU. Good luck!
I got the 9.1 beta drivers and I'll see how it goes.. I guess I'll be back hopefully longer than 30 minutes from now.
ummm the only thing i can tell you is up the v more thats what happened to me i was running at 2.5 v1.8 and kept crashing so i upeed it to 1.85 and it never crashed again but now my temps reach like 52C when im playing games that doesnt matter cause im using a moble whitch can reach like 70.
played for like 45 minutes and no problems. I guess the drivers are what did it.
I was locking up in the game.. people still talking, but that was it but REBOOT.

First thing I did was un OC my vid card and it still did it..

new drivers.
I am having the exact problem. Haven't played in a few days because of it. About 30 minutes into gameplay.. and HALT.

I *was* using the beta drivers from the beginning, and they worked great. Just recently I started getting this problem :|

Gah.. hope ya get this fixed man. We will find an answer, hehe.

Edit: I also have a 9600 if that means anything.
Maybe the game doesn't like to cooperate with this card? We better find a solution.
For the record, doom 3 doesn't like omega drivers.
I was running them and the game crashed every now and then.

The second i switched to catalyst 4.9, problem solved.
MAXX RS4 said:
P4 3.0c @3.607ghz 1.6vcore
Abit IC7 MAX3
Giel DDR550 512x2
C3D radeon 9600

While playing d3, medium 1024x768 no aa, the game runs as smooth as exlaxed bowels, but about 30 min into playing it freezes for no reason. everything locks up and I have to manually restart. It doesn't begin to lag or anything either.. It happens at totally random times.

Could anyone maybe have a clue as to why it's doing this?

dude i have the same problem ......

my comp is
AMD ATHLON 64 3200+
Radeon 9700pro
I'm using catalyst drivers.. not omega..

So it seems quite a few of us have this problem.. So what now?
Catalyst 4.9? i was having the problem with 4.8 for like 15 minutes then i upgraded... again