Anyone moved from a Lianli to a Sonata?


Limp Gawd
Jan 25, 2001
Thinking of picking up a Sonata tommarrow at work. Using a Lian Li pc-82 now (similiar to the pc60's and what not). What have other peoples experiences been? What is the difference in cooling, noise, quality.
I was debating a sonata or lain-li and ended up with a lain li =d I <3 my lain li mostly becuase that sonata was heavy as hell.
i own a sonata, and love it.

probably the nicest case I have ever owned, honestly.
post a pic or a link to a sonta i wanna see how they look like :D
You can see a Sonata at

If you are considering a Sonata you might also want to look at the SLK3700BQE. It looks like the Sonata and includes many of the silencing features, however it's much cheaper and is missing the biggest drawback, IMO, the Antec logo stamped into the side of the Sonata.
I just bought a Sonata. Very nice case. Easy to work with.

If you really want pics, I'll take some, but the NewEgg ones are pretty accurate except the exterior paint is a lot more glossy than it looks in the pictures. Packaging is very good, got mine from TN->Seattle in 2 days and not a scratch.
Easy to work with? BLAH!

my sonata is next to impossible to work with, but it's so shiny (shiney?) i can't complain
I can't believe Antec calls their cases "enclosures." WTF is that? That site has got to have the most double speak I've ever seen at a pc hardware site. "Solution Series" "Performance Series" "Lifestyle Series" That's biggest load of bs ever.

I do like the Sonata though.
Originally posted by Addicted
I can't believe Antec calls their cases "enclosures." WTF is that? That site has got to have the most double speak I've ever seen at a pc hardware site. "Solution Series" "Performance Series" "Lifestyle Series" That's biggest load of bs ever.

I do like the Sonata though.

They can call 'em what they want. Antec enclosures are quite good for a low price, and since Lian Lis look so plain, I actually got a slk3700 over one. This is the same reason I find it absurd when people mention Cooler Master and Lian Li in the same sentence, unless they are saying that Cooler Masters have much more innovative designs than Lian Lis.
Mad_Pyro said:
They can call 'em what they want. Antec enclosures are quite good for a low price, and since Lian Lis look so plain, I actually got a slk3700 over one. This is the same reason I find it absurd when people mention Cooler Master and Lian Li in the same sentence, unless they are saying that Cooler Masters have much more innovative designs than Lian Lis.

Heh, have you looked at CM's older stuff? Their new line isn't as 'boxy', but their old stuff, which IMO, is much nicer, looks very similar.
I own a Lian-Li, and I built a computer for my dad using a Sonata. Personally, I like the LiLi better, but the Sonata is still a very nice case.