Need Keyboard Painting Help...


Sep 17, 2004
Hey guys, I am in the process of a mod, and I am needing to paint the keyboard black, but I also need the keys to be black as well... Now obviously this presents a problem since they are currently biege... So does someone have an idea of how to relable the keys? I thought about keeping them unmarked, but that might become a bit of a pain. And no I cannot buy just another black keyboard because this one is custom made to attach to the computer case... If you have any ideas at all, they would be very helpful:)

yeah id like to hear an idea about this too, i was just thinking about changing all my keys to saying something like, oops, or panic, or making the middle row say nobody cares.
Just because the keyboard is custom made to attach to the side of the case shouldn't change the fact of how the keys are attached. You should just buy a keyboard with black keys and swap em out, and paint the other parts. Maybe you could post a pic of it to show us wtf you are talking about for some more suggestions. :cool:
They also sell sheets of adhesive backed plastic film you can print labels on and then stick onto your keyboards. I don't have the exact link but if you google "painting keyboard mod" or something to that effect I'm sure you can find it. If I recall correctly, however, the price was a bit steep (maybe $20 for two sheets or something).
Use vinyle dye on the beige but since the lettering on the keys are already black you'll need to redo them if painted.