2.4a prescott and mobo problems


Oct 30, 2003
aiite, i tried 2 2.4a prescott cpu's already. both of them will not run stably past 170fsb on my giga-byte 8ipe1000-g motherboard. it doesn't matter what voltage it is (i already tried 1.6v), it just won't run stably past 170. (the system won't even POST past 173fsb). it doesn't even matter what kind of timings my memory have. loose or tight it still won't go past 170fsb i am not willing to push it past 1.6 since i only have stock cooling. some people on this board have gotten 3ghz+ on stock voltage. so do you guys think my motherboard is the reason for my poor oc? or did i just get SUPER ultra bad luck and get TWO crappy 2.4prescotts. also, if it helps i have 2 corsair xms3200 non LL. i would appreciate any suggestion. thanks
2 cpu top out same speed etc is way more than likely that something else is holding you back, from what you said it sounds to me like your mb
insted of RMA'ing your CPU, RMA the board, get a new one, and give it a shot? just a suggestion ;)
yeah sounds like i'm going to try a different mobo then. cause both of them top out at 170 fsb. quite a mystery eh?
1.7 volts?! The max for a prescott is 1.525, you're really pushing it. Is your ram set at 1:1? That was my problem getting it past 170 FSB, I completely forgot about it
Why would you RMA the motherboard or the CPUs? Do they not both work fine at their intended speed/function?
well i have pc3200 ram, so it shouldn't be the ram problem right? plus i din get the cpu to run it at 2.4ghz, i kno its all luck of draw but both cpus max out at the same fsb
If you want to OC like mad (like it seems you want) you'll wan't to get like PC4000 RAM, just for good measure.

What the hell is a 2.4a prescott (2.4E maybe??)
well if i haven't hit the roof for my pc3200 why would i need for pc4000? btw my ram is running at 170*2 (340mhz)