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  1. T

    You think dual-core will come in s939 flavor?

    Dual core will be on Opterons first, then FX, then vanilla A64s.
  2. T

    Scarface: Project Tony Montana .......... RagE Note: DO NOT directly link images from others' sites. Host them yourself
  3. T

    What is the very best motherboard money can buy?

    Second vote for the MaxLine III (also known as DIamondMax 10). If you're getting an AMD processor, good PC3200 will do you much better than PC4200 unless you are doing some heavy overclocking.
  4. T

    6800 right now or wait for 6600 gt?

    2 6600 GTs probably would be a similar load on the PSU as a single 6800 Ultra, given that the regular 6800 draws 45% less power than a 6800U.
  5. T

    The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

    Galaxy Glacier 6800GT
  6. T

    Just put on NV Silencer 5 - Temperatures went up? <confused>

    It isn't supposed to be applied thick.
  7. T

    Watercooling a geforce 6800u

    Well, since its the reserator, not as high as other watercooled cards.
  8. T

    6800 right now or wait for 6600 gt?

    Do you all realize he is talking about the 6600 GT? I've heard an MSRP of $199 or $225. The 128-bit bus limits it, but it is clocked a lot higher than a 6800NU. It is native PCI Express, which means you'll see PCI Express versions before those bridged back to AGP. It also supports SLI (dual...
  9. T

    AIW X800 X800Pro Rumors?

    IDK about the rest, but there is no such thing as an FX 3700+, and the Athlon 64 3700+ (if you were referring to it) is a socket 754 chip, not socket 939.
  10. T

    X800XT & Powersource

    A 6800U and X800XT both draw less power than a 5950...the 6800U draws less than 10W more than an X800XT. Any PSU from a good company 350W and up should be fine.
  11. T

    Fantastic HL2 case...

    How about this case? Also by the same guy...made partly of wood! IMO this is a beauty too.
  12. T

    Fantastic HL2 case...

    Done by piloux @ Bit-Tech forums. Kicks much ass. First page: Pic: Ps. Check the link in his sig to his other mod, its a beauty too. I think these are two of the best I've...
  13. T

    FAR CRY: DVD or CD?

    Does anyone know which online stores will ship outside Europe and have good prices? I don't much like E-bay. has very good prices but don't ship here...:( Thanks.