AIW X800 X800Pro Rumors?


Sep 2, 2004
I am Planing a new system but I want the rumored HD AIW on the X800 chipset... any word on it yet? rumored dates?

what is the workaround to get the same functionality with 2 or 3 cards?
I plan to us the Asus Socket 939 A8V Deluxe as my MOBO and the FX 3700+ as the CPU the Monitor is my Sony GDM FW-900 and I want to use it for all HD TV as well as Computer gaming in my Bedroom no other use is planed I have other computers for the mundane stuff and I want to build a dual use Gaming and HDTV unit

any thoughts if the new All in Wonder is not to be due out for a month or 3?
With all the problems ATI's been having software wise with their new TV-Wonder HDTV cards I wouldnt be holding my breath for the AIW versions
windshadow said:
I plan to us the Asus Socket 939 A8V Deluxe as my MOBO and the FX 3700+ as the CPU ...
IDK about the rest, but there is no such thing as an FX 3700+, and the Athlon 64 3700+ (if you were referring to it) is a socket 754 chip, not socket 939.
tmod0 said:
IDK about the rest, but there is no such thing as an FX 3700+, and the Athlon 64 3700+ (if you were referring to it) is a socket 754 chip, not socket 939.
Thanks for the correction I get confused sometimes with all the different choices and nomenclature ... what is the fast chip for the socket 939 called?

sorry to hear about the ATI problems with the TV Wonder HD card...
Can you point me somewhere I can read about it?
Can I run a X800Pro video card and the TV Wonder HD card and get the same functionality as an AIW card?
The 9600 AIW pro I run now has been rock solid after the driver update last winter... I was hopeing for the same for its replacement product...
My guess is, by looking at history, that ATI will have an AIW product for the next series down. Similar to the 9800/9600 AIW configuration. I know they have one coming for the X800 XT, now, but not sure about the X800 Pro. Although of course, like you've suggested, you could mix-and-match; I used to have a 9800 Pro & a TV Tuner card with full functionality, now I have a X800 XT-PE in here with the same combination.