What is the very best motherboard money can buy?



I was thinking about getting the Asus P5AD2 Premium motherboard with the Intel Pentium LGA775 Prescott 3.8GHz. Does anyone no how well these 2 will run together? and would you say if I get these 2 products this will be the fastest around? im looking for top speed. :)
Actually the LGA775 boards with DDR2 and the 925X Chipset are no faster than an 875P based motherboard.

But to answer your question of the LGA775 boards, that's probably the best one. Definatley the most expensive and feature rich board for the LGA775 platform. Even with a 3.6GHz processor or a 3.4EE you'd still not be the fastest around.

The fastest Intel setup for sure. An AMD Athlon FX-53 939 on an Asus A8V would totally rape that Intel setup in just about everything.

Not to mention you can match the setup your talking about with an Asus P4C800-E Deluxe and a Northwood or Prescott 3.4GHz Extreme Edition Chip or a highly OC'ed Northwood or Prescott.

PCI-Express and DDR2 don't mean squat right now. They are transitional products that will lead to better things, but right now mean nothing.
Hi there thanks for the reply

Thanks for the tips, im going to look into the AMD Athlon FX53 (Socket 939) and see what its like. When you said the FX53 with the Asus A8V, did you mean the Asus A8V Deluxe (Socket 939) would this motherboard go well with the FX53? So if I got these 2 then it would be the very fastest around?
Hello21 said:
Hi there thanks for the reply

Thanks for the tips, im going to look into the AMD Athlon FX53 (Socket 939) and see what its like. When you said the FX53 with the Asus A8V, did you mean the Asus A8V Deluxe (Socket 939) would this motherboard go well with the FX53? So if I got these 2 then it would be the very fastest around?

It would be about the fastest single cpu game rig you could buy right now. If used with 1-2gigs of really good ram and, of course, a 6800ultra or x800xt pe. But next week or the week after or in a month, AMD or Intel will come out with something slightly faster. And 6 months from now they will both likely have stuffs that would rape it to death. Not to mention whatever Ati, nVidia, and various chipset makers will come up with. It's expensive at the top.
Yeah thats the thing... just figure out what you want, wait a month and then buy it :) it'll be at least 10-20% cheaper than what it is right now.
I think im going to go for the Asus A8V Deluxe, and AMD Athlon FX53.

or my other choice is Intel Pentium 4 570 "LGA775 Prescott" 3.8GHz, and the Asus P5AD2 Premium 925X motherboard.

Im also going to add to this 2 sata western digital 250GB hard drives.

But im going to keep my old 9800XT card for now.

what would you say is the best cooling to get for a system like this?

Best cooling...

Well with pckets that deep Id set up a Astek combo for cooling:

A Vapochill for the CPU (The box does look wicked to, I have the PE so I know)
A Waterchill to take the heat of the chipset/GPU. (I want this badly).

Its the rig Im gonne upgrade to around Xmas (When I move back home again)

Right now (as in NOW-NOW) Id acctually get a DFI Lanparty UT and a s754 A64 not a FX. The OC potential in that combo is :D WOW and Ull have a good secondary when U want to pick the socket 939 up. Also the FX is still on th 130 nm production the new 939 are on the 90 nm production. We are still waiting for the acctual real-world results to start arriving soon.

Or wait til DFI releases their Lanparty for s939 (it should be soon) it will probably beat the crap out of every 939 board out there now.

And for those HDDs Id look into the new Maxtor Maxline 3 they have 16MB cache and are obviously quite good according to the tests.

What memory are U looking at and what PSU?

I was thinking about going for ocz 512 MB PC4200, and for the psu a, Globalwin sapphire super silent 19dBA 450W ATX power supply, what do you think about this would it go well? Also what does it mean when its says 64bit, on the AMD 64-Bit cpu?

Second vote for the MaxLine III (also known as DIamondMax 10).

If you're getting an AMD processor, good PC3200 will do you much better than PC4200 unless you are doing some heavy overclocking.
yea make sure if you go amd you get 2-2-2 timed memory.

That fx53 is awesome... however I'd go with a dual opteron if you want to spend some real money and it'll last you MUCH longer. Get dual 256's if you want 512 of ram total... do dual channel mode to irk out that last 5-10% of performance as well and enjoy the ownage... and the bill.

Im not looking to overclock it as I don’t no much about this, everything will be left as standard. something I don’t understand it says that the FX3 runs at 2.4mhz so how will this be faster then the P4 3.6mhz?

Hello21 said:
Im not looking to overclock it as I don’t no much about this, everything will be left as standard. something I don’t understand it says that the FX3 runs at 2.4mhz so how will this be faster then the P4 3.6mhz?


Architecture my boy, that's like asking... why when the meditteranean ocean runs 1.5x the speed of the pacific ocean, why then is there about 100x amount of water moving in the pacific ocean from one point to another as compared to the meditteranean... because the pacific ocean has the through-put of about half the entire planet's surface area where as the meditteranean only has about 1/50th of the entire planet's surface area.
It all comes down to how many calculations per second a processor can do it, which is why amd processors are ussually clocked between 1.9ghz-2.6ghz yet out perform 2.4ghz-3.6ghz Intel processors. Intel may be putting one foot in the front of the other faster but they are taking baby steps compared to AMD.

FYI check a review... the fx53 is the best chip out.

So just to re cap on this

1.CPU AMD Athlon FX53 (Socket 939)
Asus A8V Deluxe (Socket 939) Wireless Edition Motherboard
do you guys no of any other motherboard that has all the rich features as the Asus P5AD2 Premium 925X but can work with AMD?
Ram any 3200?
Im also adding to this the GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB

Also does anyone no anything about this card taking up to slots on the board, is this true does this mean I will lose 1 PCI?

Will a 19dBA 520W ATX power supply be too much for this system?

What nice and stylish case would you guys recommend to me? what has front USB ports, Also a case that can take 3 hard drives and 2/3 ROMs

i did not see anywhere if it said i could use a 520 ATX. what case would you guys say to go for, something small but looks good. :)
Since you have pockets as deep as the hole to China...

Power supply: PC Power & Cooling TurboCool 510 ATX Deluxe

RAM: 2x512 (1GB Kit) Corsair XMS XL 2-2-2 PC3200

Case: Antec Super Lanboy

Make sure you pick up a Thermalright XP-120 heatsink/fan along with pretty much any 120mm fan to cool that toasty FX, and get an NV5 Silencer to keep that 6800U as cool as possible. The case itself has average cooling, but drilling 2 extra 120mm holes in the side window does wonders for temps. It's super-light, pretty small, and not bad-looking to boot.
wait a week or two for the fx-55's to hit the shelves :D 2.6ghz of a64 goodness :D :D :D

is this the name of the case you are recommending me, Thermalright XP-120

im still looking for a small stylish case if anyone nos a good one

Personally I think you are not spending your money wisely.. get more RAM.. for the price, more memory (up to ~2GB with current OS's) is about the smartest thing you can do.

Why bother with a $800 CPU when a $300 one with more RAM will be faster than your comptuer? (in tasks that use memory)

If you're not going to overclock and you want the best motherboards money can buy, buy a Supermicro. They'll run you $300+ for just the board. I'm not sure what they have as far as AMD boards go though.

Hello21 said:
Hi there thanks for the reply

Thanks for the tips, im going to look into the AMD Athlon FX53 (Socket 939) and see what its like. When you said the FX53 with the Asus A8V, did you mean the Asus A8V Deluxe (Socket 939) would this motherboard go well with the FX53? So if I got these 2 then it would be the very fastest around?

I have the Asus A8V with an AMD FX-53. Not impressed with the speed. I am going to get an Intel 550 on the ASUS P5AD2. I just have always like Intel better.
Hey I prefer Intel too, but I'm also a corporate whore and not much of a gamer.
