Fantastic HL2 case...

That case is sweet! I love Half-Life. The paint is a wonderful recreation of old and rusty metal. Very nice.
just goes to show you that a crappy case with a lot of work can be a scheweet case ;) :D
I'd say its the best I've seen.

Only thing I don't like is the side window. Seems like it could have been done differently somehow, like rusted out holes with plexi behind or something compeltely different then that jagged hole with some shiney plexi. Maby it will change a bit before its completlely finished though.

I love all the aged rust stuff.
yeah i loved it till the window, which still looks fucking awsome but could have been more themed, like bent metal to look like an explosion had been above it or sumthin. made it more 3d woulda been nice, he also could have put the crow bar through the case like it had been attacked which could be a handle. Also he should find a 50's looking switch for the button, they had wierd switches back then
I read that entire thread. Awesome project. I have great envy for those with the time for a project of that scale (gotta be single :p )
OMG... I love it...

My Shuttle is Half-Life themed... but all it is is a fan/fan grill... :(


:) :)