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    Audigy 2 issues!!!!

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    Problems logging into XP pro

    absolutely none of that has been changed! nothing new was just happened to the laptop outta NOWHERE!! thats why im so clueless about this..
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    Problems logging into XP pro

    Stop 0xC000021A friend got this message..anyone offer some help?? "The Stop 0xC000021A message occurs when Windows XP Professional switches into kernel mode and a user-mode subsystem, such as Winlogon or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS), is compromised and security can no longer...
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    AMD processor speeds vs. Intel ...

    woah awesome info there..keep it coming a friend asked me to post the question up :) :)
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    AMD processor speeds vs. Intel ...

    Why are AMD's top processor speeds lower than Intel's?? Isn't that bad for competition? or are the newest amd processor's better even with their lower processor speeds. Noob question i guess
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    Logitech Z-5500..good bad??

    haha awesome man thanks
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    Logitech Z-5500..good bad??

    woah just read reviews...sick system, consider invest the buck to get it
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    Logitech Z-5500..good bad??

    heh yes that does help...does anyone own this system?? i wanna get a more one on one review from someone.
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    Logitech Z-5500..good bad??

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    Issues with 5950 ultra!!! HELP!

    he has a true 430 watt antec psu...more than enough to handle everything that hes got.
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    Issues with 5950 ultra!!! HELP!

    He had already tried the settings in BIOS...that didnt change anything.
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    AMD - Barton 2500+ or 2600+ ??

    heh thanks...the barton 2500+ is cheaper by a few dollars so ill opt for this one. i wanted to see if i could get something better for a few more bucks...but this is fine. thanks man
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    Issues with 5950 ultra!!! HELP!

    My friend bought the asus version of the 5950 ultra. Its a top of the line video card and you would expect it to give you kick ass results... well its not so with this one. The system is more than capable of handling the card. P4 2.4ghz 800fsb ASUS 875P P4C800-E DELUXE 1gb DDR Ram -...
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    AMD - Barton 2500+ or 2600+ ??

    which one is better...obviously the 2600 is a quicker processor but doesnt the "barton" crap mean anything? My guess is that the 2500 runs better. Just need an opinion on this
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    Can 9800Pro ever get to XT Speeds?

    HOLY SHIT much is that thing?
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    Can 9800Pro ever get to XT Speeds?

    What is this "ATITool" u speak of! where can i get this program!
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    9500 Pro or 9600 Pro or 9600XT

    In respone to CrimandEvil the Powercolor version of the 9700pro has issues with its memory. So if i were u rsnellma i would opt for this one off of Mwave's site... 9700 Pro (ATI - keep that in mind) If you want to save some cash though dude...I would go with the 9600XT...i had it for two...
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    Netgear MR814 Reset problems!!! HELP!! you think Netgear would be willing to replace this one for a new one...basically an RMA?
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    Netgear MR814 Reset problems!!! HELP!!

    yeh i did...i updated to the version 2 drivers...that didnt fix anything...i checked today to see if maybe they have any new drivers, but they have nothing, so basically im stumped :(
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    Netgear MR814 Reset problems!!! HELP!!

    I dont understand wtf is going on with my router...every so often it decides to shut of all internet connection (two wireless and one obviously lan). my question is what the hell is it doing this for?? in order to get the internet connection back, i must reset unplug the router hold for about 10...
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    Audigy 2 problem ears are pretty sensitive actually, you have any clue as to where i could order a digital out cable?
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    Audigy 2 issues!!!!

    Ok, so i've had this sound card for about a year already. Its been workin fine, but about a month ago the sound started to get crackily and about a week ago i think my digital output cable crapped out on me. i was curious to know if anyone knows a way to test if maybe my digital output on the...
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    Audigy 2 problem

    should i just forget all of this crap and order an Audigy 2 ZS? is it possible for the digital out on the subwoofer to screwed as well?? cause that would suck:mad:
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    Audigy 2 problem

    is there anyone out there that can help!!!!!!!!
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    Microsoft Word Issues...URGENT HELP NEEDED!!

    The version : Microsoft Word 2002 - 10.4219.4219 - Sp-2
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    Microsoft Word Issues...URGENT HELP NEEDED!!

    Ok heres the deal...a little while ago my co-workers comp stopped saving all documents in microsoft word. is there any way that the problem can be corrected without reinstalling Word? i say so because one specific file has a macros program in it. would she loose all of that with a clean install??
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    Audigy 2 problem

    So what do u think? is my digital output screwed?
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    help with audigy 2

    dude try putting the card into another PCI slot...and then see if your computer recognizes it..make sure u uninstall all of the drivers before moving it to another PCI slot...prefarably away from vid card so u you have more air moving around! Let us know if that fixes it!!:)
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    Audigy 2 problem

    Ok, so i've had this sound card for about a year already. Its been workin fine, but about a month ago the sound started to get crackily and about a week ago i think my digital output cable crapped out on me. i was curious to know if anyone knows a way to test if maybe my digital output on the...
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    just thought i would let u guys know that i bought the 9700 pro instead...cause newegg f'ed up with my order. they sent me the regular 9600XT...while i ordered the they refunded me, and i ended up ordering this...ATI 9700 Pro
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    Netgear MR814 issues.

    well i dont want to switches routers here...also what does MTU mean?? and what does that control/do? this constant resetting of the router is really pissing me off...can anyone give me some advice?!
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    Netgear MR814 issues.

    can anyone help!!
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    Netgear MR814 issues.

    i meant to reset the router...sorry about that
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    i meant to reset the router...sorry about that
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    Netgear MR814 issues.

    i have a problem with my router...every so often it decides to shut of all internet connection (two wireless and one obviously lan). my question is what the hell is it doing this for?? in order to get the internet connection back, i must reset the modem!! its a pain to do so almost everyday. i...
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    yeh i just realized...i think its because they no longer have them in stock.. but im sure its the XT because i've checked out other sites with the same model #...showing that it was the XT
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    barton 2500+ mobo

    Epox8RDA3+...i would get that personally. i have the board but im running a 2100+ on it for now. i will be upgrading to the 2500+ Barton. You cant go wrong with this mobo, it has plenty of features and is good to oc. although i havent done it to my board i know of others that have done some...
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    thats what i figure but its considerably cheaper than most 9600XT's...yet i've read reviews saying that this thing absolutely kicks ass..but i just wanted to know if theres anyone on the forums that purchased one. to see what they would say about it.
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    I just ordered the Info-Tek GECUBE ATI RADEON 9600XT ...i was wondering if anyone has the vid card already...just curious to see whether its a good card or not. Info-Tek 9600XT
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    128mb 9600XT or 256 9600XT??!!

    will the 9600XT possibly be able to handle doom 3? honestly im looking out something that will be able to handle doom price ceiling is about $250!!