barton 2500+ mobo


Feb 25, 2004
I'm looking for a relatively cheap mobo for a barton 2500+ XP. I'm planning on overclocking, just dont know to what extent yet. Any suggestions?
See Sig....

Can't get more features for less than the Epox....

The only issue I have had with it is that the chipset fan failed - or rather, started making a racket - after about 90 days. I just took it off since I have a side fan in the case the blows outside air directly on it. I have had no problems running like this at all.

I just set up a DFI nFinity II ultra for a friend, and it worked fine too, but I don't see the advantage the extra 10 bucks gets you, other than a crappier manual. :) He hasn't tried overclocking yet. That will come next week. We'll see how it compares to mine.

Originally posted by hy0r1
any thoughts on shuttle AN35N-Ultra?

I have that same mobo and it overclocks great. However, DO NOT change the FSB in 1 MHz increments manually. Set the FSB to 400 and be done with it. From there just mess with the multiplier. The mobo has a habit of frying BIOS chips when you mess with the FSB in the nonstandard ratio range.
Other than that, I can wholy reccomend this mobo and it works great!
Epox8RDA3+...i would get that personally. i have the board but im running a 2100+ on it for now. i will be upgrading to the 2500+ Barton.

You cant go wrong with this mobo, it has plenty of features and is good to oc. although i havent done it to my board i know of others that have done some heavy duty oc'ing and their boards are running very stable.