help with audigy 2

Nov 19, 2003
my audigy 2 platinum started acting up so i reinstalled the drivers, and now it gives me the error message "unable to find or set the default mixer" and when i click on audio devices in the control panel it lists none no matter how many times i reinstall the drivers
dude try putting the card into another PCI slot...and then see if your computer recognizes it..make sure u uninstall all of the drivers before moving it to another PCI slot...prefarably away from vid card so u you have more air moving around! Let us know if that fixes it!!:)
i switched it to a diff pci slot after i uninstalled the drivers and it still gives me the error message and i have no sound
anyone?...i went through the steps on creatives website for clean sweep of the drivers then attempted to reinstall and still no luck, for some reason winamp will play sound
creative sucks? I dont think that creative is ur problem, so dont judge prolly the best sounding hardware on the market cause you ran into some problems.

Try keep track of what ur doing and maybe you might realize you did something that fuxored ur sound. or maybe ur card just shit the bed. Products dont last forever keep that in mind.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...creative the best sounding on the market?...maybe they have more effects for games than any other brand but they most definately are not the "best sounding"...and i definately did not "fuxored" my sound, ive been having problems with creative since i bought my audigy shut up
I dunno bub, I haven't had a single major problem with Creative products way back from the Sound Blaster 16 to my current Audigy 2 ZS. The ZS was literally plug and play. No fiddling was required, pop in the card, driver cd, bam done. In your case, I'd at least try a repair install of windows.