Can 9800Pro ever get to XT Speeds?

Originally posted by cornelious0_0
Maybe you should explain to use WHY you think it just isn't possible.....because the overclock of it really isn't that big of an issue for most cards. I realise that the box might not say "XT" on it but whatever. If I run a benchmark and my 9800Pro were to score the exact same as an XT, who's to say I don't actually have one inside??? Without actually checking you couldn't, and that's the point.

Or, were you just being OVERLY sarcastic??? :confused: :rolleyes:

Holy shit man you really can't tell that I'm being sarcastic? I thought my sig would be a dead giveaway?? This is my maximum overclock on stock 9800 Pro cooling. You know this.
No I don't think it's being overly sarcastic to expect most people out there these days to know a 9700 or 9800 Pro's capability! There are hundreds/thousands of threads on the net; Google alone will give URLs of review after review of these cards easily reaching/exceeding XT speeds! 30 minutes of reading will enlighten most anyone (provided they are not illiterate) yet people still refuse to do any research and instead ask the same ol' question....time and again.

Why so defensive? :confused:
Besides, if the guy can't take the time to read 5-10 signatures per thread showing XT speed (+) from 9800 Pros and decides to simply believe whatever he's told then....who cares? :p Not I.
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT
Guess you have a shitty card :rolleyes:

ACtually buddy, that score that beat yours by a few hundred points (21489) even though you have a better video card, processor, etc. than me was totally artifact free. I said i'm not submitting my 22k score till i get artifacts fixed.

ONe question for the hell can you not hit 22k with a 9800 pro and a64? It's beyond me.....

Guess you're a shitty overclocker since i beat you with a p4c and 9700 pro.:rolleyes:
I would venture to say you CANT be a shitty overclocker. If you reach the limits of your hardware, then thats your maximum overclock. Because somebody might have gotten a better cpu or video card that reaches 1fsb higher or 10mhz (bad examples) it doesnt mean your a "better" overclocker. There are precedures that could make you a "better" overclocker, but even my newbie friend thats never overclocked before guessed and went up in small increments and upped voltages, relaxed timings. Hes never done it before and only did it because he thought it seemed right. Does that make him a "good" overclocker because hes a n00b? *shrug*
I see your point, but when I said overclocker, I didn't just mean doing that stuff, I meant going all out on vmods, cooling, voltages, pushing stuff to the absolute limit. Look at my sig. That took a lot of work believe it or not.
Yea, people that do that are either obsessed or determined. They are hardcore. I will say determined for now... people are watching... :eek:
If people are dead set on testing for artifacts I tell you a quick way to find them ;) fire up 3dmark 2001 and run it a few times and get the videocard all warmed up, then run the dragoth and nature tests and look for white dots on the back of the dragons head and in the nature look for tearing, flickering, flashing textures. Good fast way to see artifacts as the white dots show up great on the back of that dragons head.
Originally posted by computerpro3
ACtually buddy, that score that beat yours by a few hundred points (21489) even though you have a better video card, processor, etc. than me was totally artifact free. I said i'm not submitting my 22k score till i get artifacts fixed.

ONe question for the hell can you not hit 22k with a 9800 pro and a64? It's beyond me.....

Guess you're a shitty overclocker since i beat you with a p4c and 9700 pro.:rolleyes:

I already said in a previous post that I think the 9700 Pro is a good card, as for your slowass 4ghz P4 barely beating my 2.2ghz Athlon 64 ... here's your sign :p
I wouldn't say barely beating....:p

I got like 15-20FPS IIRC on you in car low with a video card over 30mhz slower than yours.....I may be wrong though....ugh ive bene putting off the trip upstairs to my rig all morning cuz im lazy but ill go grab the compare link now to see. brb.
heres the link

Yep, I was right. I annihilate you in car low and car high which is 95% cpu. My chips is beating yours by a lot. However, if you clocked it up another 200-300mhz, yours scales so well at high speeds you would easily take the lead. Is 2.2ghz all you can get it to? Most I've seen hit 2.3-2.4 on air...
I can o/c no higher due to my motherboard having no AGP/PCI lock or divider :(

If I go any higher on the fsb the pci bus at 37mhz causes my sata controler to mess up and corrupt data on my sata hdd's.

You know I have run that test and seen my fps for various test in it go up an go down.... and the score still be the same. Very weird I have actually saw my dragoth over 500fps but most times its 400+fps.

You do have a fast cpu and with high fsb you will smoke, and the 9700 pro is still a great card and can more than hold its own ;)
Wow, I never thought that there would be this much debate and hard feelings brought up over this whole topic. I would stay and comment on everything but I'm leaving right away here and can't sit forever. I will say a couple things though.

Holy shit man you really can't tell that I'm being sarcastic?

I know you were, it's all good. By the way, that's a VERY nice overclock you've got there dude. This thread is fully showing to two seperate sides to overclocking. Some poeple have certain hardware that just might not clock high enough no matter how hard they try, whereas some people completely fluke out and get a killer card, or cpu, or whatever.

Stang Man, that's simply amazing dude.....nice stuff.

I'm not going to get into the whole A64 vs. P4 thing here (due to time constraints) but I will just say that I agree with computerpro's comment "ONe question for the hell can you not hit 22k with a 9800 pro and a64? It's beyond me..... " IS kinda weird. ;)

Well, I'm off for now, but I'll be back tonight, and I'll have some benchmarks to post of my parents computer: AXP 1800+ Pally, ECS K7S5A, 512MB PC2100, GF3 Ti200. :D
You guys are really pulling my chain now... I'm using the Cat 3.10's and winXP Pro here and thought my scores was ok :confused:

You making it sound like I should hit 22K :D
So I will see if I can tweak another 781 points out of my pc and get it...

hi stang man.. i just want to say thank you..

you will find out what I mean in a few weeks..
Originally posted by Mag Master
hi stang man.. i just want to say thank you..

you will find out what I mean in a few weeks..

What cryptic foreshadowing. :p
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT
You guys are really pulling my chain now... I'm using the Cat 3.10's and winXP Pro here and thought my scores was ok :confused:

You making it sound like I should hit 22K :D
So I will see if I can tweak another 781 points out of my pc and get it...


No offense but if all you're gonna do is switch the drivers over there's no way you're gonna pull up another ~ 800 points. Sorry to burst your bubble.....let us know what else you might have planned, 'cus an additional 781 will be difficult if all you have room to do is tweak, and not OC.

Best of luck.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
No offense but if all you're gonna do is switch the drivers over there's no way you're gonna pull up another ~ 800 points. Sorry to burst your bubble.....let us know what else you might have planned, 'cus an additional 781 will be difficult if all you have room to do is tweak, and not OC.

Best of luck.

My 9800 Pro has stock cooling still... I was thinking a new heatsink/fan and some ram sinks would help me o/c more with it.
Originally posted by Mag Master
hi stang man.. i just want to say thank you..

you will find out what I mean in a few weeks..


you'll have to remind me then :p
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT

So is this a good videocard cooler?

I love mine, and that's about all I can say.

It dropped my core temps by about 6-7C but don't even think about using that blower fan. What I'm doing is cutting off that full length plate that the blower is attached to and putting a 120mm 85cfm on the side panel to blow through the Giant. In addition to that I'm putting a Vantec Fancard underneath the Giant III to channel the 120mm's airflow up onto the Reverflow fan. When I had my stock cooling on my 9800XT I took that plastic cover off so the Fancard could blow right on the copper, and it dropped my core temp by about 7C alone.

With the (fairly small) level of artifacting I'm getting right now at 461/820 I can say very surely that I'll have it all cleared up by doing these couple things. Considering that with stock cooling my 9800XT would only do 420/800 I'd say it's well worth your while to pick one up.

Keep in mind that my XT has never been a very good overclocker.....but it's nothing more then a heat issue.....possibly voltage. Because I'm not willing to voltmod my XT I jumped on the Giant instead. A clock increase of 41MHz on the core and 20MHz on the memory isn't to shabby, considering I didn't think it'd go any higher.

A lot of people might not have to bother with any extra modding with the Giant if their card already overclocks nicely with stock cooling........then this thing'll just enhance it even more.

Hope I could help, just prepare to set aside 30-60 minutes to do the isntallation.....sheesh. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
I had too this time around just 'cus I was hungry for more numbers 'till my chip gets here.

Once I have the 2.8C installed and the comp in the Lian-Li with my cooling mods done I'll go for a 100% artifact free score for sure, but this setup is kinda like a temp for now so I'm just having fun. ;)

I love ATITool for the overclocking.....I set it to start the burn in phase at 30 seconds, and to get 10% longer everytime. As well, making it test your clock for a full hour before considering it artifact free is pretty decent if you ask me.....I really love the customization of this thing. If it can handle an hour of stress testing and heat up phases like that at XYZ clock then It's good enough for me. :cool:

What is this "ATITool" u speak of! where can i get this program!
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT
Its $30-40 + shipping at most places.

Mine was $49.95 + tax/shipping..........but in Canadian funds, so it ain't that expensive. Easily worth the price IMHO.
You also have to think that if you had an XT you would be able to OC that to higher speeds as well so it isn't "really" like having an XT but it is still pretty sweet.
i did some testing and OC'ing a 9800 pro doesn't really gain you that much. on my rig, i went from 19.5k. to 20.5k OC'ing from stock to 421/786(393x2). I don't think its really worth running a really hot card and shortening the life of the card for a <10% increase in a benchmark, can't tell in games at all. although no games really tax this system :( except BFV w/ everything maxed out i get 30-35.

At stock CPU speed it increases from 15.2k to 15.4k, hardly anything, high end cards like 9800 pro's depend more on CPU speed.

btw, i put on some good sized copper w/ tin coated ram sinks on the ram, stock heatsink back on after a good deal on a Giant 2 didnt' seem to increase performance at all, sure glad i didn't pay full price for it. might throw it on my gf4 MX and OC the shiiznit off that.(already almost doubled the 3d marks by putting an old CPU fan on it, its probalby almost dead anyhow)
Well I would never expect the Giant II to make HUGE increases at all, I've got the Giant III and I love it. To tell you the truth, I only gain about 1,000 in 3DMark2001 from overclocking my you're not alone. Obviously this depends on how much you overclock, but after an average bump I'm only gaining about 1,200.

Ah well, I still love the damn thing. Well, until I've got my next-gen.....then my 9800XT can eat my ass. ;)
Originally posted by frag85
i did some testing and OC'ing a 9800 pro doesn't really gain you that much. on my rig, i went from 19.5k. to 20.5k OC'ing from stock to 421/786(393x2). I don't think its really worth running a really hot card and shortening the life of the card for a <10% increase in a benchmark, can't tell in games at all. although no games really tax this system :( except BFV w/ everything maxed out i get 30-35.

At stock CPU speed it increases from 15.2k to 15.4k, hardly anything, high end cards like 9800 pro's depend more on CPU speed.

btw, i put on some good sized copper w/ tin coated ram sinks on the ram, stock heatsink back on after a good deal on a Giant 2 didnt' seem to increase performance at all, sure glad i didn't pay full price for it. might throw it on my gf4 MX and OC the shiiznit off that.(already almost doubled the 3d marks by putting an old CPU fan on it, its probalby almost dead anyhow)

buddy, stock score on my system is a 14,5xx.. look at the link in my sig, that's overclocked.

O/C my 9800 Pro made a nice difference in games and the high detail they can be played at with high resolution ;)

To each his own thou and as long as your staying cool and no artifacts I dont think the life of the card will be bothered... I plan on upgrading my pc twice more then never touching it again.

1) Athlon64 3700+ (maybe faster if AMD has it)

2) R420 :D
I have my system waterchilled with a custom Via Aqua chiller and I can get my 2.8C to 3.85Ghz 275Mhz 1:1 and my 9800 Pro 128MB to 500/380. I will be adding in some pelts soon and water chill them. I will prolly reach -40-60C with that and get my 9800 Pro to 550/380 or so with some vmods.
Originally posted by Stang Man
buddy, stock score on my system is a 14,5xx.. look at the link in my sig, that's overclocked.

i get better results by OC'ing my CPU, i got from low 15's to low 20's, thats pretty much what you see. i could care less what benchmarks i get so long as i can play the game smoothly. this is the first vid card i've spent more than $40 on, so i've never had good graphics.
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT

O/C my 9800 Pro made a nice difference in games and the high detail they can be played at with high resolution ;)

To each his own thou and as long as your staying cool and no artifacts I dont think the life of the card will be bothered... I plan on upgrading my pc twice more then never touching it again.

1) Athlon64 3700+ (maybe faster if AMD has it)

2) R420 :D

Man, I'd never be able to do that.....especially with new stuff coming into the market and maturing even after those two goodies are available.

As you said, to each his own.....and yes, I agree on the overclocking. You can still make a difference in games by overclocking high end just have to push them harder and look that much intently for the differences. AA/AF performance is somethign that does often times take a nice little bump.....but isn't noticed right off the bat.

I have my system waterchilled with a custom Via Aqua chiller and I can get my 2.8C to 3.85Ghz 275Mhz 1:1 and my 9800 Pro 128MB to 500/380. I will be adding in some pelts soon and water chill them. I will prolly reach -40-60C with that and get my 9800 Pro to 550/380 or so with some vmods

Nice stuff indeed dude, I'll be waiting to see what comes of it for sure.

i get better results by OC'ing my CPU, i got from low 15's to low 20's, thats pretty much what you see. i could care less what benchmarks i get so long as i can play the game smoothly. this is the first vid card i've spent more than $40 on, so i've never had good graphics.

This is all true.....and I completely feel for you on the graphics thing. I took smaller steps but yeah, I experienced the same change along the way. Fun ain't it??? ;)
Originally posted by NEVERLIFT
I already said in a previous post that I think the 9700 Pro is a good card, as for your slowass 4ghz P4 barely beating my 2.2ghz Athlon 64 ... here's your sign :p

I actually hit high 20xxx numbers with my 9700pro only clocked to 380/340-349 depending on temp

Though I had my 2500+ @ 2592mhz with a 216fsb or so.
With stock cooling my Sapphire is running 412/365. Its a little warm but no artifacting.

But I downloaded something but I'm not sure what yet but it is slowing down my synthetic bench marks a lot. When I first installed the card I had 17k in 2k1, then it dropped to 15k, then I overclocked and got it to XT speeds and got 16k. Arg... I even made sure to turn off all process but I still get the same numbers. What the heck is going on...
Originally posted by Roach
With stock cooling my Sapphire is running 412/365. Its a little warm but no artifacting.

But I downloaded something but I'm not sure what yet but it is slowing down my synthetic bench marks a lot. When I first installed the card I had 17k in 2k1, then it dropped to 15k, then I overclocked and got it to XT speeds and got 16k. Arg... I even made sure to turn off all process but I still get the same numbers. What the heck is going on...

To tough to say exactly what's going on for sure without actually being there to check things out. Driver updates can have effect on settings, that might reset. other settings might be bassackwards but you never know. Don't accuse me of calling you stupid or anything, I'm just listing afew things off cus like I said, I'm not AT your comp.

What I found is that stupid little apps like MBM that update every X seconds disrupt the tests enough to lower scores, but not enough to cancel them or halt anything.

What was it that you downloaded? Was it some kind of tweaking program or soemthing? sometimes certain programs like power strip or rivatuner might have optins available within them that you dont' normally have access to be installing the drivers.....maybe somethign like that is backwards?

I honestly don't know what to tell you dude.
Originally posted by cornelious0_0
To tough to say exactly what's going on for sure without actually being there to check things out. Driver updates can have effect on settings, that might reset. other settings might be bassackwards but you never know. Don't accuse me of calling you stupid or anything, I'm just listing afew things off cus like I said, I'm not AT your comp.

Don't worry I know the position, everytime someone calls me up they expect that I can tell them exactly whats wrong just by them reading off the error message or something :p

Originally posted by cornelious0_0
What I found is that stupid little apps like MBM that update every X seconds disrupt the tests enough to lower scores, but not enough to cancel them or halt anything.

Don't have any monitoring programs enabled or anything so I don't think thats a problem.

Originally posted by cornelious0_0
What was it that you downloaded? Was it some kind of tweaking program or soemthing? sometimes certain programs like power strip or rivatuner might have optins available within them that you dont' normally have access to be installing the drivers.....maybe somethign like that is backwards?

I originally installed Omegas 4.4 Cats right after I took out my old Geforce 4 MX440 and reformated the computer to make sure all traces of nvidia drivers were gone. Then I installed and ran 3Dmark2k1 to check the baseline performance of my new 9800 Pro. Once I got the 17k score I started to install and download the usual programs I have on my computer. Microsoft Office, Battlefield 1942, Far Cry, Spybot, once that was done I reran 3Dmark and got my score of 15k. :(

Originally posted by cornelious0_0
I honestly don't know what to tell you dude.

Me either but thanks for trying, I might try and reformat to see if I can recreate the 17k score and if its something I installed I'm going to try and track it down.

On a positive note I did get a 38,930 on Aquamark3.
Well, if you've gotta do it the hard way then you've gotta I guess.

That might almost be the way to go, as it'll let you narrow things down to that specific program.

One lesson I had to learn the hard way was to install your chipset drivers BEFORE your display drivers. :D Man does that slow things down.....I was wonder why my 'marks were so low. Uninstalled the Cats, installed the chipset drivers, and re-installed Cats.....back to normal. ;) :p

Go figure. :cool:
Originally posted by Roach
Me either but thanks for trying, I might try and reformat to see if I can recreate the 17k score and if its something I installed I'm going to try and track it down.

That would probably be the best course of action. A good reformat can go a long way in this spyware-addled world of ours.