Logitech Z-5500..good bad??

Maximum PC gave them a 10 if that means anything, don't have any personal experience with them myself though.
heh yes that does help...does anyone own this system?? i wanna get a more one on one review from someone.
I own a set, but there is little I can add that the review does not cover,except the system defaults to mute when it is powered up. You have to push an orange button on the lower right of of the controller. which turns blue once it is pushed. I do not know if this is unique to my system or not, but if I do not mute the system before I turn it off I get a loud pop in the speakers.
jstenuf said:
I own a set, but there is little I can add that the review does not cover,except the system defaults to mute when it is powered up. You have to push an orange button on the lower right of of the controller. which turns blue once it is pushed. I do not know if this is unique to my system or not, but if I do not mute the system before I turn it off I get a loud pop in the speakers.

I Gather you completely power down the system. I never do.
The orange/blue button is the stand-by button. If you after a power down switch the system back on, it defaults to stand-by (orange).
About the popping noice, I get the same amount of "pop" when I push mute or put the system into stand-by (blue to orange).... I dont think it can be really avoided. If you think it isnt normal, try finding another owner and do the same with his set...

Now about my experience with the system.....
It is awesome..... never listened to so much music b4 on my PC :D
[size=+2]What sort of [equipment] should I get?[/size]
To make useful recommendations, you need to give proper information.​
  • Give your budget.

    How much are you willing to spend to listen to good sound? You might think this computer hobby is expensive but, the amount you could spend for audio can make what you spent on your new computer look like pennies. However unlike high priced computer gear, quality audio equipment does not really become obsolete. Good gear can give years, even decades of excellent service.​
  • Tell us how and where you might use the equipment.

    Do you plan to use your computer audio rig to listen primarily to music, play lots of games, and/or watch movies on your computer? List a few kinds of music, games, and movies you like. Give us the size of the room, and how the speakers and listeners might be placed.​
  • Tell us what other audio equipment you have on hand.

    It makes little sense recommending uber-speakers if you plan to run them off some crappy integrated sound implementation. Also, where available, old speakers or receivers might be rolled in to the solution to produce good sound for rather little money.​

What is your budget and what will the speakers be used for?