128mb 9600XT or 256 9600XT??!!


Jan 12, 2004
is it a good idea to get the 256 mb version of the 9600 XT? or should i just opt for an ATI 9800 Pro (128mb) card?
The 256mb version of the 9600xt uses slower ram than the 128mb version. So grab the 128mb 9600xt, or if you can swing an extra $50, get the 128mb 9800pro, which is a much faster card.
I doubt that card has the power to render anything that requires that much memory at a frame rate that is practical.

When a game *really* needs 256mb, it usually means you also need the horse power to render all that stuff - I don't think the 9600XT is capable of using 256mb in a way that is truly beneficial, however, I believe the 9800 Pro is capable of using 256mb in a meaningful way.
Originally posted by LordBritish
I doubt that card has the power to render anything that requires that much memory at a frame rate that is practical.

When a game *really* needs 256mb, it usually means you also need the horse power to render all that stuff - I don't think the 9600XT is capable of using 256mb in a way that is truly beneficial, however, I believe the 9800 Pro is capable of using 256mb in a meaningful way.

I think your wrong too :) the 9800pro still cannot render something that will need a 256meg frame buffer, considering the fact that the 9800xt is like what 5-10% faster at most and the fact that it is overclocked by 10% on core and about 7% on the memory is what gives it that boost, 256 is pretty useless now unless you really want that extra 2fps and the extra $200 missing out of your wallet
what about getting the 9700 pro??

PowerColor 9700 Pro

im just trying to see where i can save money here, i mean yeh sure i can dish out $230 for the Sapphire 9800 Pro, but im also interested in saving some money here and basically getting the best "bang for the buck."
Originally posted by Dude8383
what about getting the 9700 pro??

PowerColor 9700 Pro

im just trying to see where i can save money here, i mean yeh sure i can dish out $230 for the Sapphire 9800 Pro, but im also interested in saving some money here and basically getting the best "bang for the buck."

Definetely faster, definetely faster than the 9600xt. No doubt at all.

Get it if you have the $.
Originally posted by Dude8383
what about getting the 9700 pro??

PowerColor 9700 Pro

im just trying to see where i can save money here, i mean yeh sure i can dish out $230 for the Sapphire 9800 Pro, but im also interested in saving some money here and basically getting the best "bang for the buck."

the 9600xt 128's can be gotten for $150 from a lot of places. I picked mine up for $147 a month ago.

cheap and fast. I didn't have $180 to spend, so I didn't bother asking questions of what card to buy. All this will do is end up in the viscious cycle of "for a little more" and "why not consider xxxxx, since it's only $xx.xx more". every card is a "little more" than the ones being considered. And every time someone asks a question regarding a 9600xt, I would assume they'd like to play games but are on a budget too...and therefore are in the $150 range...not the $180 like the 5900's, or $210 for the 9800's

I just googled up "9600XT review" and spent about 3 days researching before making a decision.
Granted the 9700 and 9800 Pros are worth the money. I got my 9600xt for $163ish using employee price at BB back in November. I personally love the card.

Naturally it isn't the fastest card on the block, but it is fine for moderate gaming. Don't expect 1600x1200 with 4xAA 16xAF with every detail on though.
Originally posted by malingjc
Granted the 9700 and 9800 Pros are worth the money. I got my 9600xt for $163ish using employee price at BB back in November. I personally love the card.

Naturally it isn't the fastest card on the block, but it is fine for moderate gaming. Don't expect 1600x1200 with 4xAA 16xAF with every detail on though.


I do play most of my games at 1280x1024 2xaa, 16xaf though. so far no lag (except NFSU, but I think that's just the game since it's the only one I have problems with).
Originally posted by nst6563

I do play most of my games at 1280x1024 2xaa, 16xaf though. so far no lag (except NFSU, but I think that's just the game since it's the only one I have problems with).

Gawd, how did you get those specs on your XT? I generally just use it on overdrive (its a BBA one) at 526/600, being that my case never gets above 30C or so.
Originally posted by malingjc
Gawd, how did you get those specs on your XT? I generally just use it on overdrive (its a BBA one) at 526/600, being that my case never gets above 30C or so.

not quite sure what you mean? the resolution specs or the oc I got on the card. The oc I got on the core is stock cooling/voltage. The oc on the mem was gotten by raising the vmem from 2.5v to 2.9v (Samsung's max vmem for these chips).

Even when the card's not oc'd I can play at those resolutions fairly smoothly.

btw, the games I play are:
NFSU, Delta Force series (BHD, Team Sabre, etc...), Ghost Recon, Raven Shield, COD, BF1942, ...and my son plays Hot Wheels: World Race
If you have the option between a 9600 XT or a 9800 Pro, get the 9800 Pro. Double the memory bandwidth of the 9600, double the pipelines. The Sapphire 9800 Pro at Newegg is $212.
Well smooth is a very relative term. To me, 70+ fps is smooth, but I prefer 90+. To the people running 16x AF on a 9600XT, I guess they would consider 30 fps smooth.
Originally posted by obs
Well smooth is a very relative term. To me, 70+ fps is smooth, but I prefer 90+. To the people running 16x AF on a 9600XT, I guess they would consider 30 fps smooth.

it is relative...how do I check the fps in games like COD, and Raven Shield???

I'll post what I get.

without knowing the FPS, there's no use in badgering or putting down people about their vid card.

and if he's looking to save money, he can't go wrong with the 9600XT - *right now* - which was my situation. GF2 died, needed a card, $147 was a good deal for a decent card b/c I didn't have the $250 (that's the price of the 9800pros when I got my 9600xt) to shell out.

If he can't fork out the $212 for a 9800pro, then I think his second best option would be a 5900nu/xt/se whatever the hell they're calling them for around $180's.

b/c it's true that a 9800pro will outlast a 9600xt. That's true with everything though. just like a GF4TI4600 outlasted a GF4TI4200, and the 5950U/5900nu will outlast a 5700u(which is the 9600xt's true competitor).
ok. I'll d/l it and see.

I'm not expecting anything to "blow away" someone elses score, but for curiosities sake I'm going to run it. I'd like to see what my "relative playability" is at :)

I'm betting it's pretty low...since I was using a GF2 before and still playing games at 1024x768....but will ALL the options on low or off.
will the 9600XT possibly be able to handle doom 3?

honestly im looking out something that will be able to handle doom 3...my price ceiling is about $250!!
well save your money and buy a moderalty priced car the now, like the 9600xt, When doom three is finished and is released by that time you should have your money back again and bang, have yourself a new card.

But hey i own a 9600xt and plan to keep it for a year or two, not everony has the unlimited budgets that people around here seem to have.
if you are wanting a card that will be able to handle Doom3 and such...I would personaly wait until it has been released and THEN get the best card you can afford...if you NEED a new card now for what ever reason and don't want to buy a new one for Doom 3 then spend the little extra and get the 9800Pro as it won't let you down
teh 9600XT's best damn well be able to handle HL2 and Doom3 since they come with the voucher for the game(HL2 that is) i undestan they use different engines but the card should be able to pull out 1024x768 possibly with some AA/AF
Originally posted by Dude8383
what about getting the 9700 pro??

PowerColor 9700 Pro

im just trying to see where i can save money here, i mean yeh sure i can dish out $230 for the Sapphire 9800 Pro, but im also interested in saving some money here and basically getting the best "bang for the buck."

its too bad, there is a one day sale today and the 9800 pro is only $208 :(
Used 9700 pro or the 9800 pro deal from newegg. A 9600XT should be out of the question as it gets pummeled by these two cards.
Originally posted by MemoryInAGarden
Used 9700 pro or the 9800 pro deal from newegg. A 9600XT should be out of the question as it gets pummeled by these two cards.

unless like he said the fact that he can't shell out the money for one of those cards.
Originally posted by nst6563
unless like he said the fact that he can't shell out the money for one of those cards.

A used 9700 pro should be around the new price of a 9600XT. Of course, deals vary.
if it was me, i would prefer a new card over a used one. unless you know the source it came from pretty well. I run my stuff pretty hard...and therefore I wouldn't buy any used equipment from myself even.

however, when I got my 9600xt, it was the best thing in it's price range...and that hasn't changed a whole lot since almost 2 months ago. I got it for less than $150, and at that time, 9800np's were still in in the $250 price range.

depressing how much the prices have dropped...makes me wish my ol' GF2 wouldn't have died when it did.
Originally posted by nst6563
if it was me, i would prefer a new card over a used one. unless you know the source it came from pretty well. I run my stuff pretty hard...and therefore I wouldn't buy any used equipment from myself even.

however, when I got my 9600xt, it was the best thing in it's price range...and that hasn't changed a whole lot since almost 2 months ago. I got it for less than $150, and at that time, 9800np's were still in in the $250 price range.

depressing how much the prices have dropped...makes me wish my ol' GF2 wouldn't have died when it did.

Exact same problem here, My MX440 died, and I needed something, and the 9800's were just way too much esp since it's in CDN currency!