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  1. C

    quick question i need answered even quicker ^^

    thanks for the replies.
  2. C

    quick question i need answered even quicker ^^

    so even lowering the resolution i cant get up to 100?
  3. C

    quick question i need answered even quicker ^^

    if i get a 17" lcd monitor for around 200 dollars will i generally be able to get atleast 100hz refresh rate at 640x480 or 800x600?
  4. C

    bootime after new hardware

    no one?
  5. C

    p4 2.66 and asus p4g8x deluxe
  6. C

    bootime after new hardware

    using the stuff in my sig. after i put everything in and reformatted, my boot time with xp pro is unusually slow. ive heard people say it only takes them around 15 seconds with xp pro and sp2, mine takes a few minutes (mostly on the xp pro loading screen). any ideas? also my performance in...
  7. C

    3700 temps

    yeah no kidding, hence the "i reapplied as5"
  8. C

    3700 temps

    yeah i just went back, cleaned off the heatsync as well i could, and reapplied as5 to the cpu. when i took off the heat sync there were areas of the cpu showing, that could have been why maybe...
  9. C

    3700 temps

    actually wasnt that about right with mine? someone there said a high of 48 for the system, and a few were getting 54C for the cpu underload i am going to check out the as tho, also i was kind of worried that i didnt remove all of the compound that came with the heatsync
  10. C

    3700 temps

    alright thanks
  11. C

    3700 temps

    my 3700 claw is running at 55 C (according to bios) under load with the hsf it came with and arctic silver 5... this too hot? its not oced. my system temp is ~ 47
  12. C

    need RAM for gaming

    rofl yeah i gave the wrong link, h/o
  13. C

    need RAM for gaming

    hows this:
  14. C

    booting problems

    replaced cpu/mobo, everything else was the same. everything was fine, reformatted, went to windows etc. Had to open case to plug in a usb wire, so i turned everything off and did so, now it will not boot up at all. nothing happens when i push the power switch on the mobo or case. any...
  15. C

    different specs

    there're just as many people saying stick with 754
  16. C

    different specs

    i wont be upgrading again for a very long time
  17. C

    different specs one says 1600 fsb, one says 800, whats up pairing it with a 3700, what should i aim for fsb. any other mobo...
  18. C

    performance why did the 3400 out perform the 3500 when the 3500 has more bus and supposedly the superior 939 socket? how do you think a 3700 compare, right below the 3800?
  19. C

    AMD 3700+. 3800+, or 4000+? Couple of Questions

    so the extra cache of the 3700 compared to the 3400 isnt worth the $ in your opinion?
  20. C

    Ok I'll be buying soon.

    well this is how i see it after thinking about it: i only play css and thats all ill play probably. i figure i can get the agp slot, and then buy the x850 agp when its alot cheaper. and the x850 is basically all you'll ever need for css what u think?
  21. C

    Ok I'll be buying soon.

    it isnt all that weak. i figure with an amd64 my fps in css will be fine
  22. C

    Ok I'll be buying soon.

    i cant afford to buy a new card. especially when i have a 9800 pro alreayd
  23. C

    Ok I'll be buying soon.

    thanks. any input on the cpus?
  24. C

    Ok I'll be buying soon.

    ive been trying to decide what to buy for awhile now because ive been hearing mixed things. All i'm buying is an AMD 64 cpu and mobo. i was thinking of going as high as a 3700 but im hearing things like how a much lower 939 would out-perform it? Am i to assume that a 3700 with the 1mb...
  25. C

    9800 Pro, disappointing results and only shows and 9800 ?

    my memory on my card looks like 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 more or less. should be spaces infront of the bottem 2 rows but i cant do it on this forum.
  26. C

    Advice Needed

    i already have the 9800 pro
  27. C

    Advice Needed

    thx alot both of you. those were the answers i was looking for.
  28. C

    Advice Needed

    um is there any difference performance wise between the 754 and 939? and the 3400 is just a little higher than 190 and would have to be oced even less...
  29. C

    Advice Needed

    the 3400 just seemed to me as the most speed i could get for a decent price. the 3500 939 is like 80 dollars more. any reason why i should be going with a 939? i dont think ill be upgrading again any time soon. umm more info.. i dont really have any yet that would be useful. like i said...
  30. C

    Advice Needed upgrading within a week or so. i play counter-strike: source if you're familiar. Do you think that cpu + a 9800 pro 256 would produce a constant 100fps with reasonable settings? (the game runs on the hl2 engine) is...
  31. C

    A reason *NOT* to invest in AMD?

    any idea on the price range?
  32. C

    AMD processor speeds vs. Intel ...

    ah i see now
  33. C

    AMD processor speeds vs. Intel ...

    :o why is the 3000/3200 outperforming the 3400 in source?
  34. C

    AMD processor speeds vs. Intel ...

    so how far would you go, could you say a non-oced athlon 64 3400+ would outperform an intel 3.4c when it comes to things like gaming?
  35. C

    mobo compatibility

    i have a p4g8x deluxe mobo. ( ) If i were to buy a cpu, say a p4 3.4C 800fsb or something to that extent, would it run on my motherboard without problems? or would the different fsb's make it imcompatible?
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    alright, um i ran the video stress test included with cs: source and i got an average of 90! also i overclocked from 380 to ~405 and started seeing video imperfections (signs of overheating?)
  37. C


    =) i didnt get 100 with the same machine when i played 1.3 (before steam)
  38. C


    my performance in other games has also been terrible. (i was getting 60-100 fps in the FIRST counter-strike if you are familiar. when other machine with less than half my specs were getting 100 constant) i really cant see how thats right for my machine. well i could see if i wasnt using a...
  39. C


    ive tried various versions of cats and omegas, no difference. ive run memory tests before, everything came out fine im positive nothing is running the background, and im getting 0-1 percent cpu usage when im not in-game ive formatted and reinstalled several times i have virtually no...
  40. C


    ah you misunderstood. i was comparing my pc to a laptop. my comp is actually a pc